Things wiII get better

Things wiII get better.

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a drop of water in a desert.

sure it will user, i'm sure

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I really hope so.....

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And then they'll get worse again.
It's all pretty comedical if you ask me.

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I hope it does for my mother and sister.
They deserve better.

I'm not going to wake up one day a cute girl though

Please keep posting these threads.

things will get better if you realize that you were a girl ever since before you were born and follow through with it!


Becoming a girl seems like a bad idea
I'll just dress up instead

Maybe, maybe not.

Either way, I'm not giving up. My momma didn't raise no quitters.

based mama's boys

yes, because i'm checking out on tuesday

No, it fucking won't.

If dubs, things will get better.

It only ever gets worse. The high points are just things going worse more slowly

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My parents have long since departed from this world, but I'll cherish my memories of them until the day I die.

is things no longer being bad the same as them being good?

You really think so?
Hope you're right

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Maybe, but it looks the other way around.
Also I think it is too late to make any difference for me.

That's the bluepill. The redpill is every day it gets worse until you die.

>tfw people say "it gets better!" and "no time like the present!" using the same brain

>Things wiII get better.
what are you doing to make sure things get better opie?

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