So im 5'11 and while i do wish i got the extra inch, lifes not that bad for me. In fact I am taller than 99% of girls ive met and feel pretty average amongst men.
But im more curious about manlets who are 5'8 and below. What is your life like?
So im 5'11 and while i do wish i got the extra inch, lifes not that bad for me. In fact I am taller than 99% of girls ive met and feel pretty average amongst men.
But im more curious about manlets who are 5'8 and below. What is your life like?
You just haven't met alot of 6'2 people. I live in a part of America where 6'0 is still fucking short because most females are at least 5'11 and most males are at least 6'2-6'4 and being 6'0 is absolute hell here. Being short fucking sucks.
>I live in a part of America where 6'0 is still fucking short because most females are at least 5'11
which part is this? the crappy central?
>not living on coastal regions
what the fuck; im 5'11 also
why is Jow Forums full of 5'11's?
i see a pattern. this is a cia psyoppppppppp
niggertowns dont count
5'4 here. its hell. everyone really does make you feel inferior to a point where you just lose all hope. i cant go anywhere without height being mentioned. women are the worst tho since they will despise you alot for your height from my experience. even hear girls talk about height and comparing their boyfriends heights with friends on how tall they are like playing cards. i just want to kill myself
>5'8 and below.
I'm 5'8.
Sometimes I see girls who are taller than me and I get insecure, most girls in heels are taller than me.
Life is pretty chill, never been mocked for my height or anything, I don't really care either, being short is nice.
i agree, most females at my age (around 19) are like 5-10cm smaller than me (6'), however the company i am working at has some dudes who are like 7'1 gigantic pickles, i look like a small bolt
I'm 5'6 and it never bothered me and never had a problem with it.
I'm 6'3'', you don't stop being a robot the taller you get.
>being short is nice.
is it really?
why you lying
but many women are taller than you with heels...
do you plan to marry someone who is 5'0 or less?
>5'4 here
orgigio kek
>tfw 5'2
>everyone ALWAYS mentions my height, women are especially cruel
>tfw started going to the gym once, but got bullied out of it
>was using the fucking leg press
>some chad walks past with his gf
>'hey babe, check it out, the leg press compressed a guy to midget size'
>she giggles and slaps his arms
>I pretend not to hear
>keep doing my workout but leave right after
no gf of course. who would be mine?
Oh shut the hell up. I'll fight you.
tfw youre closer to 4'6 than 6ft
that sux mane
Most women are the same height or taller than I am, actually, no heels needed for that.
And in the dating department, it was also never an issue. I'd say that the majority of girlfriends I had were taller than me.
triggerd the nigger
I want to kill myself. Most girls are barely shorter than me so when they wear heels I feel like the king of manlets
>I'd say that the majority of girlfriends I had were taller than me.
>on r9k
My height has never been an issue, I'm 5'7" and have had multiple girlfriends.
Do you not feel satisfaction from being taller than most people though? Does it bother you when someone is taller?
Not him, but I'm 6'2".
>Do you not feel satisfaction from being taller than most people though?
No. I don't even actively notice it. The only time it ever comes into play is little old ladies asking me to get something off the top shelf.
>Does it bother you when someone is taller?
No. I don't really get why it would.
You dumb homos should visit the netherlands be a manlet at 6'1. Nothing you are compares to 6'6 germanic gigachad
I know a guy who's like 5 feet max and he slays all the time.
You guys are just a bunch of faggots.
about 5'7'' here
Don't have any problems with it and never felt as a manlet.
I'm 5'6" and my height has always held me back. I only make $200k a year and have only fucked about 100 girls. If I were taller those numbers would be much higher.
>visit the netherlands
>visitng 3rd world countries in yuropoor
I think that it's the question of what your own insecurities are, I got asked to get something off a high up clothes rack in a shop by a woman once and it almost made my day. I am 5'11 so I'm not short but I'm not tall, and I feel like I would like to be tall. Just one of many things that a person can't control, but can wish was better I suppose
>coming from the burger living in a literal third world shithole
>not realizing America is the sole superpower in the world since the fall of the soviet union
>bankrupts its citizens once they go to the hospital
>niggers carrying guns
>school shootings
have a you
How has America's status as an empire benefited your personal standard of living?
You sound too obsessed with height.
i may only be 5'8", but my personality is 6'
>>bankrupts its citizens once they go to the hospital
im living comfy
Yeah no shit sherlock, it's a complex that I have no right to have, but I'd still rather be 6'3
not him but im american and pretty happy.
was from a pretty poor family and making decent money as a process engineer as well as through sources of passive income. Going to buy my first house soon.
i feel like the American Dream is very achievable through discipline and hard work. all my friends who fell behind fell for the distractions like investing in a relationships that obviously werent going to last.
and drugs/alcohol.
A lot of the reasons the poor stay poor is because of their poor life decisions.
You live in giant land
There's this chubby 5'4 or 5'5 guy in Sicily I know that is pretty much a womaniser, he had a wife (his height) and cheated on her with some young Romanian girl. I honestly don't know how he does it, He's a shitty person for cheating but seeing things like that give me hope desu.
Where do you live?? originall
Not him but I look at people with utter content when they get drunk every weekend, its just money down the drain and one less productive day.
said the basedboy
>not being here often enough to remember the filter
>s oy memer
romanian girls would sleep with anyone for some change
yeah i could care less. but its these same people who complain about unfairness.