What do you think? I've been obsessed with cults for a while and watching documentaries about them. After finding out that a lot of con-men are sort of out for revenge against stupid normies, I started to rethink things.
Starting to think people who get sucked into cults deserve it
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I have always had a reserved respect for scammers and conmen.
Watch this. It goes over the mindset of a psychopathic con-man.
I'm jealous some can con literally thousands of people into worshipping them. If I had even 100 normies giving me all their money I could be a neet forever with great prospects.
Anyway OP this isn't just cults, the same dynamics exist everywhere. Work, school, relationshits. Some people know how to play others just right.
>tfw you will never be a chessmaster
Keth Raniere was kind of the big one for me. He tricked a bunch of roasties into having sex with his dorky ass under the guise of "self-improvement" (I absolutely hate that phrase). He may not really be guilty of anything since his "sex slaves" consented to it.
So he's just a better PUA?
There's co-ertion, and he was screwing 12 year olds. Likely lots of other crimes too. They got him on child sex trafficking.
He created a dumb scientology rip-off self-help group. Then he realized that these bitches worship him, so he created an elite group within the group that are about worshipping his dick. A cult within a cult.
I forgot about the blackmailing and pedophilia. Where did the kids come from!?
In the case of Heaven's Gate the leader and a few members were such self hating gays that they wanted to repress the urge to the point of casturating themselves. A lot of their transcendence from earthly desires doctrines make more sense given that context.
Cult member's don't "deserve" it, but are generally weak people easily preyed upon. The same search for meaning, love, community and an order to the universe that you find people using standard religions to get a sense of is what cults provide, but for the mentally unwell people that join them, cults typically offer an explanation for why they've never fit in or jived well with society as a whole. The Us vs Them and no outsiders mentality offers insulation.
I tried to look into WHAT Nexium actually is supposed to teach and I found nothing specific. What did this guy do to trick do many people? I don't want to shell out 5k just to see the techniques in action, but I am curious as all shit. Are there stealthily recorded sessions or something?
Jesus christ this wack type of shit is the only thing I find interesting nowadays
Everyone and their grandma thinks they're too smart to be in a cult.
Some cults have had scientists.
Its about a psycho path targeting people and grooming / manipulating them.
>I tried to look into WHAT Nexium actually is supposed to teach and I found nothing specific. What did this guy do to trick do many people?
They have classes and seminars that you have to pay big money for that is mostly just re-branded Scientology teachings, and typical self-help. Remember, that for entry level Scientology, they just frame themselves as a self-improvement group, then they ramp up the crazy over the years.
>Are there stealthily recorded sessions or something?
Yeah, but I'm not sure if full vids are online. I seen a few clips during the 20/20 broadcast.
Yeah, I see your point. I suffer from mental illness myself, it's surprising to see how badly people treat us. Although, religion sucks for reasons I don't need to explain here and people who crab bucket just because they want to "belong" have always bugged me.
I think there's more than one kind of intelligence. Chemistry isn't going to teach you about how to not be taken advantage of.
I know the teachings are bullshit, same with Scientology, I'm just interested in what manipulative tactics he's using and how. Body language, methods of speaking, how he cold reads, yadda yadda. I want to see it in action. Like what makes him successful distilled from the bullshit. I've seen an interview of him where he didn't seem charming at all, so I wanna know where the appeal is. My issue is with cults it's hard to see this shit unless you're there in person, but it's the only stuff I wanna know. I could recite the same shit as Raniere but nobody would stay for my presentation, you know what I mean? Exposed stuff is just cold lore like scientologist Xenu which is fine but doesn't help at all. You feel me?
>thinking educated people are intelligent
That's your first mistake. There are stupid doctors, lawyers, and scientists.
His appeal was based on his audience. They were all rich women (especially heiresses) who felt their lives had no meaning because, surprise surprise, their lives didn't have any meaning. They had no goals of their own, no ideas of their own, and no ambitions of their own, which is why they so easily fell for a cult that claimed it would resolve their mental dilemmas and give them goals to strive for.
It's not common sense to know if a psycho path is manipulating you
If you have to ask you'll never be able to pull it off.
Look up grooming cycles to learn more.
Its not about stupidity, its about vulnerability and the people who know how to exploit that
>deserve it
How do they deserve it? You don't blame retards for being retarded, so by the same logic, stupid people are not to blame for their stupidity.
I have a hard time feeling bad that are so insanely gullible. Aum shinriko was the coolest cult.
>If you have to ask you'll never be able to pull it off.
I know but I'm trying to at least understand power dynamics in as much detail as possible
If I drive a car at 120 through a residental zone and hit some kids, don't blame me, I just wasn't born with good enough reflexes, and my car wasn't built with good enough braking ability.
In part it's a numbers game. Millions and millions of people aren't in a cult and never will be involved. The trick is to get the few dozen or hundred or thousand that'll fall for your bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
>one is an incurable mental defect
>one is preventable by learning
No, faggot.
For interpersonal "recruitment" its about
Grooming cycles and nural linguistic programming are the basic foundations. Everything else is personal flavor
>Aum shinriko was the coolest cult.
If you've got an IQ of 80, learning won't help you is my point.
I'm not strictly thinking just cults, interpersonal relationships in general. Cults are like the really overt examples of power dynamics, I'm interested in the little shit too though
You giving me a meme, user. NLP took some legit psych research, mixed it with hypnosis and a whole giant bunch of bunk to sell courses to beta would-be machiavellians who can't wipe their own ass like me . If anything NLP shows the cult dynamics in itself lol. Look how many bullshit courses and books are sold all the time. I can get the basic principles from books based on actual research or admixed with a hefty dose of bullshit. But Bandler and Grinder are so good at communication they've had some petty war for decades eh
If you aren't actually developmentally challenged, you can do things to actually raise your IQ. It's not a hardstuck number.
Not by 30 points. Maybe by 10.
Except your wrong kiddo. You cant artificially raise IQ
Cults and conmen are inherently Darwin reincarnated. No smart, intelligent person would ever be a part of a cult or fall for a con. It's just filtering to me.
Grooming cycles aren't a solid science either. But its real and the foundation of what you're searching for. Just know people who apply this have to leave every 1-5 years because it will eventually blow up in their face.
But psychological technique is a thing.
What are good examples to see this shit in action/practice? To learn from by example
I would also add that cults provide some semblance of community and well-being. Its the same reason gang culture exists--- or any subcultures exist, really. Humans are social creatures and isolation is what drives people to join theses kind of groups and adopt bubbled dogmas. Its not that different than some of the things pushed through Jow Forums as well.
As soon as you can convince someone to stop thinking critically about an issue, you have them hooked. For example, religious beliefs in themselves have an inherent problem because they refuse to critically evaluate new information. If a new discovery contradicts your a particular belief system (prototypical scenario--- Earth is millions of years old), then it becomes hard to argue with someone that refuses to entertain anything other than a text or person's words they find sacred. Charisma is your answer
Just read about it on wikipedia, read that they failed lot of shit and they looked like cartoon villains until
>Enough gas to kill 6 million people
>tfw no cult leader bf
Japanese Hitlers in the making
It isn't about being smart, anyone can be conned. General a con is a mix of finding their emotional trigger, their inner desires and using those things to work them over. It works on nearly anyone to a point, going full con or cult obviously doesn't work unless the person has a very large emotional hole and desire.
Don't post that rambling cunt here.
No, they deserve it. If you want love and community, join a church or a group or club. When the leader of this church or group or club starts saying that you need to cut off your dick or live with him on a Guyanese ranch, then get the fuck out because things are about to get weird.
For what it's worth, Peterson is a good example of persuasion. He gives generic advice and regurgitates books but he does it cleverly enough to get him 700k a year. I don't like the guy or his fanbase but he'd make a good cult leader