What are your thoughts on MC-clubs?

What are your thoughts on MC-clubs?

>get to ride bikes
>sense of brotherhood
>hang out in the club house

It might require friends though to get it started

Attached: Myntra-Bikers-Club-1.jpg (760x400, 153K)

Not for me, I prefer riding alone desu

>what are your thoughts on motorcycle club-clubs

Too loud for me. Otherwise the lifestyle does seem cool. Living on the fringes of society and belonging to something. I'd rather be a Mafioso or something so I can wear nice suits and go to classy diners instead of being a blue collar slob all day

>Motor Cycle Clubs

come on now

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>loud, fat, confrontational, often into crime.
>pecking ordered as fuck, with the noob being the gimp

I'll pass. The bikes seem nice though.

They are totally not gangs, especially 1%

Depends on the club. Most are probably 10-20 people who just enjoy the companionship with bikes and parties

what? I was just correcting you on the MC Club thing

>sense of brotherhood

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Motorcycle is one word, you fucking retarded gimp dumbshit motherfucker.

>sense of brotherhood
LOL fuck you normie. A true robot feels disconnected no matters who they are around


motorcycle club club

Might be fun to hang out but riding in a group of more than 3-4 is just not enjoyable.

>no one has ever shortened one word to two letters

Besides, if you know what he meant, whats the point of making a useless reply?

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>coworker rides a bike
>had his second accident in fours months
>broke an arm and leg this time
it a pretty fucking stupid form of transport on busy freeways.
>grandfather was an og HA
>he wasted my grandmas youth by prioritizing the fucking gang over his wife and child
>spent years in prison after escaping several times
>grandma/mom had the feds follow them and watch their house for years
yeah, I'm biased.
also the pussy little boys would get eaten alive and used as cum sleeves in a legit club house.

Maybe he would've been happier as a good wagie cuck

Also the illegal gangs are just stupid. Making money legit is much easier

the angels have a non criminal public facing front.
most of them do. don't fucking fall for it you dumb shits.

and, yeah, I think my mother and grandma would have been a lot happier with him being a responsible wagie cuck. he clearly had different ideas for his life.
>he had upwards of 13 kids with 10+ women
>tfw im older than a good number of them.
>tfw glad that degenerate murderer is dead.

Most MC-clubs are law-abiding guys looking to have some fun and rarely if ever come into contact with retards like Hells-Angels. The two live in separate worlds.

I don't know why you're automatically pointing towards criminal gangs and the most famous one at that

like i said, most gangs have non criminal public facing fronts to make them look like nice guys. give some orphans presents during holidays and escort a bullied kid to school and bingo bango people think youre not so bad after all. its clearly a ruse. I dont know what world youre living in user.

How does that prove most clubs are criminal?

how does what you said prove they are not criminal?

How can I prove a negative? The burden of proof is on you

I met the ex-president a Hells Angels chapter. He told me and my mates about life in an MC and it was pretty rough. The drug running was actually real. He talked a lot of shit about MC's today being pussies and how much better it was back in his day. I forget a lot of what he said but he also showed us pics of his naked milf neighbour posed on his bike. Still fucking bitches at the age of 74. He was our uni lecturer

user btfo-ed