Which Jow Forums girl would you wife?

Which Jow Forums girl would you wife?

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This is just beyond pathetic

I'd gang rape anzu in a heartbeat

ciara what the fuck any other choice is bullshit. ciara > all. easily. wtf

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None. They look like they cut themself on a daily basis.

legitimately the worst of all of them. Kill yourself.

None of them, they all look preteen anyway.

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theyre all camwhores so none

Amal aka maybedeadcat is the patrician choice. Too bad she became a full time normie and doesn't post anymore.

>no ashley

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Would marry:
Kelly, Katya

Would bang:
Crispy, Muffy, Miru

Would beat to death with a shovel:
Ciara, Agatha

No thoughts on the rest.

The one that doesn't require 4 years of lifting.

rose > miru > rest

Old photo of Rose. She's in her mid 30's now, Sunny is 15. Everyone looks underage. Did an old guy make this?

This pedo probably made it. Old pervs come to Jow Forums to pick up young girls like Ciara and Sunny.

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nobody else

None of them. They all very likely have a borderline personality disorder.

What happened to her anyway? Did she quit making videos?

yeah she pretty much dropped off the map

ako emma or some other obscure emma? stupidly common name

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I dont take human waifus stupid crab

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miru, rose or kelly

Why do they all look like they're 12? No adult women on Jow Forums?

I'd chose Miru any day

ako; how do you know her?

Child faced girls are his "type". He's a pedo.

Imagine being this toasty of a roastie

Rose, Miru, Agatha, Anzu, Crispy, Muffy, Ksenia, Kelly and Katya are all wifeable

>pedo trying to cover his tracks

Nope. All of these girls are adults save for two, one of which is 17, almost 18.

Waifu frens join D7rhX3T

I'll jerk off to the one I get. hope it's ciara

wait it's not a roll, god darn! what am I gonna do now?

Muffy is wife material.

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Just use this one, this one should work for you

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after watch her do that little sluty dance i definitely choose Ciara to be my loving waifu


then Miru

what ever happened to sunny?
she mentioned getting into drugs and alcohol in her last video but I haven't heard anything since.