Gay friends or just joking?

Hey robots, i have some strange moments that have happened to me with my friends. Is this normal between guy friends, or are they hitting on me?

>slapping my ass in shower
>asking if i wanna suck their dick
>sitting on their lap
>trying to kiss men, but back away
>saying we should fuck sometime haah lol just say no homo bro and its all good
>humping on my ass

This is NOT bait btw, genuinly curios, a lot if guy friends joke about all this

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the thing is im kinda convinced, but everyone is so scared to be called gay n shit

Some of it is seriously pushing it, and if done regularly is almost definitely real gayness.

also, all this no homo shit...

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What of it would you say is pushing it? i think f.ex slapping ass is normal for sports people

"almost definetely"
aauugh how can i know for abselute certain that someone wants to fug me or nah???

If someone cuddles and humps you regularly they probably wanna fuck.

was only one time tho

They are perfectly normal heterosexual men, as a giant faggot I can tell you that all of my straight friends act more like faggots than I have ever done.

None of my friends do anything like that.

Then they are obviously repressed gays, watch out for that midnight cocksuck.

nah m8, they have grills

have you never heard of the concept of a Beard?

What do you mean about that?

still not believing it, they gotta be doing the weekend faggotry, my friends are married and with kids but still act like complete faggots

then again, they are pretty bored most of the time and very comfortable about the sexuality

yeah there you see

a "beard" is a closeted gay man's "girlfriend". so they seem straight i think they're also known as clowns

Totally normal really, I remember we tried to sodomize a friend with a broom stick as a joke.
Faggots don't act like faggots because they are afraid of being called faggots

still though, my friends are actually straight, they just don't care if they appear like faggots

only ones i've known to be timid about stating their sexuality have some repressed need they can't resolve, doesn't mean the need is sucking dick or being a homo, just something they don't feel comfortable talking about, like secretary fetish or some shit like that

interesting, so you say that my friends are straight? and the really gay people would never do that?

gays rarely act overtly gay in a hetro fashion, straight guys use the homo thing to create awkwardness and use it as a tool to out compete each other in dares and similar stuff

a real homo has no need to use faggotry as a dare, that's just saying wanna fuck and it would weaponized autism to use a straight dare to tell someone you are interested in them

yeah but im saying maybe their bicurios, and just testing the waters? like they are probably insecure, cuz they wont do that shit with anyone else around...

it's more similar to flirting, you know, a smile and a pretty hungry look, something interesting to chat about, slight physical contact, touching the hands, arms, thighs and such

pretty sure you would detect the difference but then again, can gays act with gay bravado in public in the same manner as you described, sure, suppose it can happen but i've never seen it, not even on Gay Pride Parades

who knows, only they can tell, but my experience isn't that they are testing the waters, it's just people being silly and acting stupid

im not talking about stereotypical gays tho, more bisexual people, completely normal people who just so happens to want to get their dick sucked

i was quite sure it was legit, but it was interesting hearing your opinion, very interesting.

Also, this was in middle school, that might help explaining idk

haha who would pick up on that? i've had girls literally ask me if i want to kiss n shit cus i was totally oblivious to their "hints".
I can't imagine how it must be for hungry boys

interesting point of view.

i think everyone is horny af in middle school/high scool

could be, i'm not discounting it, i remember being shy and finding it difficult understand my feelings at that age (had no frame of reference because homo stuff wasn't talked about), i assumed this was in the late teens early 20s

honestly when you are young it's hard to find a way to show your interest, at that age i would imagine some of your friends were testing the waters while rest was just playing along with the joke

once you mature you learn to just show interest directly and not beat around the bush, personally i've just said i liked the person and want to spend time with them, of the 3 relationships i've had it has worked wonders

i always forget the robot component here, maybe they were hinting like crazy

i just want to be with them, but still not be gay? you understand? that's how i feel they feel too.
I wanna be with them, but not call it gay, just let whatever happens happen, because "gay" is heavily stigmatized and has negative connotation, everyone avoids it like the plague.
Also, what if the're really straight and reject me?

It's hard..

then you are in a pickle, and you have to really weigh in if you are understanding what is going on

the overt gay stuff started with my friends early on (late teens) and it just kinda stuck with them until now (mid-late 30s), pretty sure they are still completely straight

if you want to explore with your friends, i would recommend to tread carefully because they are people with feelings and needs like yourself, if they aren't interested and feel you are forcing them to do something they don't want it's going to get very messy

yeah i know
How old are u btw?
thank for the advice :D

i'm 38, been an internet dweeb among IT nerds all my life, which explains why i'm among robots

i hope you find a place for yourself and way to be comfortable with your friends, mostly be comfortable with yourself and don't try to be something you are not, if you are quiet and reserved that's fine or just an average bland person, that fine too

i did flirt and make out with one of my friends once but he was only curious and i realized that i almost ruined our friendship because of it, i didn't talk about it the others because i respected that he was only being curious and no harm was done

either way, i wish you the best, i have to go to sleep

sleep tight robotic person

They are craving your pristine virgin boypucci

>slapping my ass IN THE SHOWER
>humping on my ass
>saying we should fuck sometime
Uhh some gay bantz and ass slapping to deliberately fuck with your friends and make them uncomfortable is par for the course, but this shit is gay, I'm sorry