Did I do a good job of turning this around on her?

Did I do a good job of turning this around on her?

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Just smash bro, stop bein a faggot.

did she respond user

>wine and dine me
This cunt expects you to pay for her meal with the hope of her letting you fuck her ax wound afterwards.

>wine and dine me bruh
Sounds like what a gay frat boy would say

shes trailer trash tier who just gets by in life by her looks
shell settle down with some white boy when shes 33 and cuck him for his $26k a year paycheck after he asshole has been blown out by 45 nigger dicks.

You should avoid her.
She probably already has aids and definitely has herpes.

You did do a good job at turning it around, but overall it seems like she would have just tried to use you anyway.

Not sure what she means by this. How respond?

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>So you are a tranny?

The logical response.

>Look you tryna get fucked or nah?

Just forget the whole thing, this woman is a cunt with no intention of fucking you.

>"so what? do you think you're allowed to downtalk transgenders just because you're hiding yourself behind a screen? it is 2018 gal, stop being so judgemental"

>you're not trans are you
Jesus Christ
have you ever fucking talked to another person before?

Dubs have spoken, OP must deliver

Tinder matches your sexual preference with potential partners. She's insinuating trans people identify as males, and it would be impossible for her to be a man if you matched with her. (Which is wrong btw,fags infiltrate everything)

This is her profile. Honestly I find it funny that she is so pro LGBT and got offended by the idea that I wondered if she was trans. Like a trans has to look like an abomination.

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problem is I've had trans people become my matches before. It's not impossible for her to be a man

>that jaw
>not tranny

Fuckin autocorrect. I delivered

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good, now let's wait for her reply. post it here before writing her something.
maybe we can manage to get something cool out of this.

You are truly a faggot, OP.

>participating in Ramadan
Ask her how she feels about the hundreds of suicide bombings it causes.

Well, you blew it. She was crazy anyway

>not muslim but still doing ramadan

That's exactly how to stay virgin

no, that's how you get her back

This is cringy. Also why are you even trying to "flirt" with what seems to be a hardcore sjw leftist? I'm a 23 year old kissless virgin and I have more self respect than you.
Lmaoing @ ur life

You are trying pretty hard to justify never trying, aren't you?

i think admitting that you're a 23 year old sperg is cringier

Humiliating one's self just for the sake of fucking is pretty degrading regardless.
I'd honestly only speak to garbage like that with such intent, and I find it pretty despicable.

>not muslim but practices ramadan
fucking why

I mean, you are a 23 year old that has never touched a woman apparently, so clearly your way doing things doesn't fucking work, so iono.

For the faggot ITT that says I should have standards. I'm just trying to fuck that body, not marry her.

>not pumping and dumping SJWs

Attached: Screenshot_20180610-191706_Tinder.jpg (1080x2220, 892K)

That's not even me. Anyway, I'd rather stay a virgin than give up my self respect just to fuck some trashy girl :)
>inb4 cope
It isn't. Believe it or not but not everyone is a cuck whose entire life is centered around female approval.

It is a cope but whatever you want to pretend bud. Your "self respect" is horseshit anyway and you are here, chances are you have none anyway, let's not kid ourselves.

Calling bullshit origiiiiiiii

No. Her score is 13 and your score is 4.

He's right though, not everyone wants to bang a trashy girl. I chose to wait until I found the right one and it was all worth it, it's been 5 years now and marriage is our next step.

Her score increases to 15 with this one. You're very far behind.

Your score goes down by 1 with this because you failed to understand her implication and are doubling down on an already made point that is ineffective (this is a net worth of 0 for the raw move, -1 for the failure). The tally is now of 15 to 3. You're very bad at this.

If there is one thing I have learned in life is that every girl is actually a man. Every. Single. One.

Uh. What do I do now?

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It's over, you've already lost.

You can start apologizing my sucking my dick

"No worries we all make mistakes. How's ramadan going for you?"

Flirt with her autist.

What a retard.

You could have easily just said, I don't think you look like a dude but your profile had a lot of trans stuff and there are a lot of trans people who pass as cuties.

You could've smashed but you had to be a virtue signaling faggot

Literally the easiest option, how did you not know this from default OP ? you get brownie points from her being an SJW and you save the convo

This OP please FUGGGG

Okay, you got her back. Now you can lie to trick her into thinking you're a respectful person and you're worth a date.
>"uhm, it's okay. my best friend was a transgirl and she killed herself because a girl bullied her a lot. now I always get upset when I see someone treating them bad just because they're born transgenders."

Then lets see what she says.

>they're born transgenders
Okay I lost

"I will accept your apology in the form of sex."

That's the most important part. See her profile

So? Did you sent it?

At this point It looks like she really wants the D

You fucked this one up, buddy. Just give up.

Bump and dump




fuck off roastie you deserve to suffer

>participating in ramadan
>supports lgbt
Choose one

>before she participates
>only 3 days left
Get your facts straight boi

Turn this around? You were being rude to her in the first place...

she wants the d man
just tell her so i want to have sex with you because youre very hot

This shit is retarded are you a female or just a dude who has never spoken to girls?