What two fetishes do you have that are polar opposites?

what two fetishes do you have that are polar opposites?

for me it's femdom and hybristophilia

Attached: fuck.jpg (304x288, 16K)

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How are those polar opposites?

Are you punishing her or something? Or are you fantasizing about being the criminal/shitty person she wants to fuck?

moms and daughters

Are you male or female and gay or straight? Cause if you imagine aileen wuornos domming you then it's congruent

no i'm female and fantasizing about pegging serial killers

Attached: 1528040432813.jpg (896x766, 378K)

thats just incest altogether though

Pure girls and bestiality

I'm a dom but I also want my gf to constantly sit on my face

So you like this OP: xvideos.com/video22708549/redhead_with_knife

i like to be cut but im also femdom