>the trap gf is wearing cutesy anime clothes again and is being super cuddly and wants to play some vidya
Seriously virgin incels, why have you not found a trap gf yet? Are you fucking stupid? You think any women is going to ever want you unconditionally?
The trap gf is wearing cutesy anime clothes again and is being super cuddly and wants to play some vidya
All traps are disgusting manwhores with AIDS ridden assholes and they whore themselves on discord all die and basically their whole life is their fetish. The only way they can look remotely attractive are the ones wearing ridiculous costumes, thigh highs to hide their leg hair on their masculine legs and a large amount of makeup to hide their manface
They will all either grow out of it within 5 years or kill themseves, 90% of the time usually the second one
At least there's SOME women of value somewhere in the world (very rare), but EVERY single trap is worthless and a faggot
This is why I refuse to date a trap
because i am not a filthy fucking FAGOOT LIKE YOURSELF mckill yourself you ass shitting little mcchicken
>t. Repressed homosexual incel virgins
>you must want to fuck spiders buzzword buzzword
>"I'd rather be alone than with a woman (male) who loves me"
Shut the fuck up queer how am I gay for refusing to be with a trap
Stop shilling for traps already, your fantasy of marrying a trap and being with them forever is NEVER going to happen because all traps are mentally ill and kill themseleves
Ever notice how there's never old traps?
I would rather be alone than gay with a fag
because they all sound like men and have mental illnesses and want you to fuck their poopers.
I got a tranny gf. She's super cute.
>incel john in his sisters clothes wants to play some vidya
>roastie (male)
Choose only one
the fuck outta here you fag
isnt it his choice to make? be a faggot all you want but stop pushing it onto others you hell-rotting nigger lover
You're getting pretty worked up over this. A straight male would have just walked by and not bothered entering the thread. A repressed trap lover would enter the thread and try to prove to himself why he isnt gay. Or perhaps you want to be the gf?
>he pretends like he is choosing to be alone, when in reality he isn't even man enough to get a trap
Check out this incel
This. Vast amount of trans I've met are whores and demented. They just take the worst elements of a woman. Same with FtM trans. They just become butch women but still ghost and use you.
Womanhood is a disease and a mistake. I cannot believe God exists and made woman
>why have you not found a **** yet?
do you know what the word incel means?
>hey guys come be a fag like me?
>what? you dont want to?
>you must not be as cool like me you stupid virgins!
pick one OP
Only good in 2d, I'm had black and look Latino, Asian women let alone Asian traps would not be into me, I'm also 6'1 and 300 pounds strong fat. Only girls I get are black, white, and Latin. Basically only Asian traps pass and they are not into anyone but white men. Regardless if they are old,ugly or bums.
idk are you fucking stupid user?
i had a trap gf and they turned out to just be a faggy insecure beta male that couldn't get pussy so they tried becoming attracted to men
don't waste your time anons if you're gonna date a guy date a mentally stable guy
>trap """""gf"""""
delusional lmao
Traps don't look masculine dummy. They'd have baby faces and shaved body hair.
>you're getting mad at the spam so you must be insecure
Just stop user
I'd rather go MGTOW instead of dating a trap
Cuddling and general intimacy is only used for self fulfilment and has nothing to with romantism.
It's true that most people won't do it with someone they don't like, but it's also true that they're doing it so they can feel good themselves.
They're practically using you for their dopamine receptors to work.
So no, I don't think anyone would love me unconditionally.
Every action anyone has ever done throughout their entire existence has been for thenselves
Romanticism and love only exists when you gain happiness from THEIR happiness and vice verca
It's not about them, it's about you
love is a myth user
aero trans needs to paint their jets for fucks sake
You spam the board with "tfw no gf", "muh woman hate", and all other bullshit like that. I'm telling you there are good options, and I'll I ever get in return is trap-phobia responses. Are you a homophobe user? That's pretty shitty of you. I can see why women don't like you
Yeah well if I was a good person I'd have a gf by now but I don't do there
Traps are gay and I'm not and it's not "homophobic" to refuse to date a man
no you stupid inbred american mutt we aren't phobic of anything we're just sick and tired of you fucking bombarding the board with the same threads over and over and fucking over again its not fucking rocket science user you cant' force people to find something appealing that they aren't attracted to what the fuck kind of responses does your stupid ass expect to get if all you do is try and force your fetishes down everyone's throats over and over
I mean i like traps too but you don't see me never shutting the fuck up about it
do you? no i keep it to myself and rarely mention it jesus christ fuck theres more things to talk about then just your sexuality user
and your shitty little buzzwords like "MUH Jow Forums boogeyman muh "transphobia muh homophobia that you use to try and guilt trip people or shame them into acceptance won't work either do you really think a board full of outcasts and losers of very variety give a fuck what someone thinks about them? wolves don't concern themselves with the opinion of sheep of course people are gonna get mad and annoyed with you when every single thread you make is just the same shit over and over again
just shut the fuck up for once or talk about something else and maybe people won't respond with hostility
Its certainly homophobic to call me a faggot for dating a trap. You're a disgusting person user. I bet women are repulsed by you, and you are probably ugly
of every variety sorry autocorrect inb4 some half assed remark about me phoneposting
Because you are a faggot for dating a trap
You're dating a man, you consider that straight?
>try and force your fetishes down everyone's throats over and over
My gf isn't a fetish you homophobic bastard. That's extremely insulting to me and to her. Back to with you
How is calling spmeone a fag homophobic. Homophobic entails being afraid of something to the point of wanting to kill or physically harm them. Calling someone a fag is just calling them a name.
>"Kek, MAGA, Shadily, I'm a trump supporter!"
you're buzzword buzzword BUZZWORD GO BACK TO "X board
You're X" thing X" thing X"thing if you dislike X"thing! speak to me properly if you want to make a point
>calls a woman a roastie
oh joys more generic overused insults
bravo user you're showing us just how much of an intellectual you are
No doubt in my mind you're a virgin lad
>insulting someone based on a biased assumption that they're a bitter virgin
how's high school treating you guys?
>he thinks dating men is gay so he's obviously a cringey kekistan boomer
>t. Virgin post
Because they don't want me either, dingus
Is a bi male I like cute guys, but is it just me that thinks the trap thing has gone way to far?. Cute males are one thing, but you are not girls even if you want to be. The ones on hormone tablets are the worst. Makes me want to vomit even though I like cute guys. They just become freaks of nature.
oh no some random asshat trying to call me a virgin on r9k of all places "Whatever will i do! how will i ever recover from this insult :(
boy you sure told me!
>t. Assblasted incel
I love you too sweetie~
you know you're pretty cute when you try and insult me like that
Any trap gf would want me to fuck her in the b-hole, and that icks me out. I would totally make out and cuddle with a trap though.
you know if hurling buzzwords at me is the only insults you're capable of i don't have much to do with you
come on user i know you can give better entertainment then that
get creative
cute how the people who can't get women so they chase after traps instead are calling people incel and virgin this is a classic form of self projection
as much as i hate faggots and traps, i must admit that only men are capable of actual love, loving someone else to the point of sacrifice. i would rather be with a guy or a trap than with a fucking roastie again. but i am disgusted by cock and faggotry so i guess i will stay alone
Because none of these are where I'm from and I'm not sure they're interested in femboys... I just want to cuddle with someone I like aaaa
Not even worth my time to give and actual response to you losers
>Seriously virgin incels, why have you not found a trap gf yet?
cause im not into dudes.
holy shit thats not a hard concept to grasp
nice cope you're basically admitting you don't have the brains to throw real insults "hmm how do i admit defeat well still maintaining dignity "oh i know il call them losers and just say they aren't worth actual responses
Exactly! Love was a concept created by men during the middle ages. A man and a trap can truly love each other at a fundamental level. It's a shame that you don't like traps user, but I understand why you couldn't date one
I dunno I'm kind of torn here
dont't care for trannies find them gross and think the whole pronoun shit they are pushing is dumb,
but on the other hand they do piss off Jow Forums and thats amusing in of itself.
Pic related for you user
most of us would rather be a loser then be you user
definition of trap:
delusional faggot who wants everyone to be like him to convince himself he is not a complete failure and have people to relate to and dick to suck
Keep looking user! Traps make the best cuddle buddies in the world
B-because I want to be the gf not have one desu
you're responding to me what happened to
Not even worth my time to give and actual response to you losers"
calling me a brainlet is all you have to say?
oh no! I'm definitely gonna sleep over that one user :( please be nicer
>guy with long hair is wearing cutesy anime clothes again and is being super cuddly and wants to play some vidya
you see? faggot
Desu take your skittles. Don't make me have to force you to take them! You want to be a pretty girl, right user?
The penis is feminine lad. It ain't gay
I'm trying I'll eventually find some cutie and make them all mine and I'll make love to them.
Because I'd be a failure of a man if I can't get a girls.
Also 3 holes > 2 holes
The only penis I like is my own.
Oh no user please don't....T-that's my fetish.
>The only penis I like is my own.
then theres only one thing left to do
You better take your skittles user! If you don't, I'm going to put you in a cute dress until you feel so feminine that it feels like you have to take them
>tfw no trap gf to play mortal kombat with and have hot boy on boy sex with afterwards and yell fruitality when i cum in his ass
I'd rather fuck girls than dudes in dresses. The sweet sweet feeling when you bust bareback inside a pussy is better than drugs.
A-user I promise I do plan on getting them when I have the money....
Sounds like the dream user
How the fuck do you not like anal sex? How does ones mind become disgusted by it?
Because that's where the poopoo comes from.
HOW can you say you love someone if you won't even eat their poop?
every feeling about god awful trap threads in this one post.
>just fucking on the dirt like that