Why is it sometimes replies have little pound signs and I can jump to them and then sometimes a blue arrow icon is...

Why is it sometimes replies have little pound signs and I can jump to them and then sometimes a blue arrow icon is present and there are no pound signs by which to jump to replies? What is this madness gookmoot?

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Using mobile btw

No one likes phoneposters is why.

They banned tons of cell ISPs too. You're just going to get yours banned.

They bumped up server price while also killing site culture with newfaggotry, phone posters.

Every time a happening happens the site goes down due to newfaggoty cell traffic.

He probably wants you to leave, based on your shitposting style I do too.

>reddit spacing
you're just as fucking bad.

I bought a pass. What if I'm using a tablet on wifi?

> the site is shit
> blame the user for using a more convenient browsing device

>tiny screen
>no keyboard
>constant advertisment texts and other things wrong with cells
>constant nagging of people at the drop of a hat
>not compatible with tons of Internet features such as swf

Then it has normal ISP but you were stupid enough to think this site will be programmed for phone posters.

Set it to desktop mode already faglord.

>reddit spacing meme again

Desktop mode and use landscape only or else it will glitch.

>Coming in with the hordes of redditfags
>Thinking you're not a newfag because you've been here like a year
You need to go back. You are a cell of the cancer that killed this site

I literally tripped for the first time after being here for years already two years ago.

I started tripping because everyone was at the time also.

>>once we're all trips, no one will be

nevar forget

Did all that. Still having same issues but now everything is smaller.

Delete cached data.

Force stop your browser.

Restart Internet session.

In that order.

Use firefox or chrome or opera browser and don't update the shit unless necessary.

I can't grasp a laptop in one hand and lay on my bed all day shitposting.

>not strapping your monitor to the celling and using bluetooth keyboard while in bed staring at celling monitor
>not laying monitor on bed and rotating the screen so you can lay on side with monitor posting also


Your only excuse is price issues of electricity, Internet cost being cheapest for cells too, and the cost of cells being cheapest also.

>t. posting from bluetooth keyboard with tablet strapped over face by tying it to the bottom of the top bunk

I'll take a picture of it soon and post it in a battlestation thread.

t. poorfaggot

No one likes tripfaggots either, you stupid bitch. Yet here you are. Pot calling the kettle black. Amazing.

Only newfaggots trying to fit in bitch about spacing or tripfaggots.

You both a are newfags. Your worse then him since you have a trip.

>worse then
Worse *than.

Oh also *you're

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fuck off you cancerous attention whore cunt

>You both a are newfags
Says the dumb little faggot who types like a 12 year old. Go fuck yourself and take the tripshit bitch with you, mobile posting scum.

Nvm I fixed it by switching out of Tomorrow back to Yotsuba skin