Is there any way to hit a fast-forward button on culture?

Is there any way to hit a fast-forward button on culture?

I'm fucking sick of late 2010s culture. I'm sick of shitty house and lofi beats, emojis, Twitter, clickbait, Marvel movies, gaming streams, and the faggoty-ass reverby radio rap music that slurs the letter "A". Everything's style over substance and the style isn't even amusing.

Not a regular on Jow Forums but Jow Forums would just rant about SJW shit (which is part of the problem, but not all of it) and it's not like the fifteen yos on /b/ would have anything valuable to say.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you could try just finding new things to enjoy and let other people enjoy what they want to

Yeah I dunno if I'm just getting old or what but online culture right now just seems shitty and normified.

>"Oh haha yeah Lofi hip hop is my shit I listen to it all the time when I study haha are you going to see Infinity War?"

I know it hurts user but theres no such thing as a non cringey Trend, remember how 10 years ago amv's with Linkin park in the Background were insanely popular?

At least I can look back at those with some nostalgia despite how cringey they were. But 10 years from now kids will probably look back at the cancerous XXXTentacion music videos with anime clips the same way

> implying you will not miss shitty house and lofi beats, emojis, Twitter, clickbait, Marvel movies, gaming streams and the faggoty-ass reverb radio rap music when you are an old fuck and some newer, more irritating pop culture has taken hold

Enjoy what you have now, you ungrateful nigger. It could be a lot worse.

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I do, but that doesn't change the mainstream iPhone culture that everyone gets exposed to on a daily basis.

10 years from now the nukes will have already been dropped
Or at least thats what i tell myself

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why do you care about what others do? focus on yourself

If you do not like it there is plenty of other things to enjoy, seriously if you hate culture that much, cut the ethernet cord. It is not changing anytime soon, or you know be a normal person and listen and do things that you like.

>why do you care about what others do?
Because human beings are social animals

In the past it was always just cringey shit that had emotions attached to it--I feel like now the culture is trying to *be* bottled emotions instead of things that just evoke emotions on their own. Look at Vine compilations and shit on Youtube.

It affects the mainstream culture everyone's exposed to whether they like it or not.

Oh how I abhor those horrid lofi trash.

>hardass music about drugs sex and violence catering to street people.
>anime nerds love it.


Great job missing the entire point of that guys statement, I bet you're an avid fan of some rap aren't ya?

2010s is just 1980s part 2 though. 2020s will be a rehash of the 1990s, one of the worst decades next to the 1970s and 2000s. At least this decade we got good movies and albums. Next decade will suck unless it can pull something new like the 1980s did.

>10 years ago amv's with Linkin park in the Background were insanely popular?
>10 years ago
Dig a little deeper dawg. That was well before 2008.

The 2000s had some amazing music... Personally I liked the look of the scene and some of the emo fashion to

>Marvel movies
That's been going on since late 2000s
Depends, emoticons have been around since 90s. Here to stay.

>Lofi beats and faggot radio rap
You look for these

Here to stay unfortunately. I watch some silent playthroughs or if I want a friend simulator, a Let's play. But streams are cancer, and I typically hate multiplayer games.

Blame normalfags and jews who want to make money off "WANT TO KNOW X? FIND OUT HERE". Pops up are pretty much gone, so its the modern equivalent.

i just want to say that it really sucks to be into a thing for years, to be making a thing for years, and then it gets mainstream.

typing this makes me feel like someone should call me a hipster, deservedly so, but then i remember that i'm old and that nobody really says that anymore because everybody is basically a hipster now and then i go back to shopping for a gun to finally get off this dumb ride.

People misunderstand why popular things are bad. It's not that other people are ruining it, it's that it changed in some way in order to become popular and that change is what ruined it.

i've been telling people since 2009 that 2020-2030 is gonna be the 90s II: Future 90s. thanks for getting it too.
i can agree with this.

>90s II: Future 90s

It's interesting how that'll play out. Resurgence of grunge or pseudo shitty 3D graphics perhaps a la Mario 64. Probably going to be an edgy decade.

If Trump wins another term I feel this 2010s 80s like decade will extend to the 2020s and the 90s II will either be prolonged or not happen at all. Politics can influence a culture. Reagan era 80s had right leaning movies, look at the masculinity filled Rambo flicks and stuff like Die Hard.

>tfw lofi hip hop unironically helped me study for finals this year
Shit's relaxing OP

Can't wait for all the 80s glorifying manchildren in-charge of pop culture get carted off to their retirement villages.

you're on the right track for sure.
i'm honestly not looking forward to having to live during a few decades where Big Level culture shaping and politics will be being done by the 10-20 year olds of today. the next few could be not very bad at all, but right now, everybody is trying to have a race to the bottom in so many areas of stuff. if this keeps up, shit's gonna suck so much.

>but right now, everybody is trying to have a race to the bottom in so many areas of stuff.

What exactly do you mean, that the culture is deteriorating?

not necessarily that, but that a lot of things are just shitty and getting shittier solely because of narrow thinking. it's not one thing, it's most of the things.

2010s isn't '80s part II, we're just barely getting into the idea of rehashing the 80s and it's the end of the decade. 2020s will be '80s part II.

>2020s will be '80s part II.

Cool, can't wait. Hope I can get a job and live in a place like Miami to live the full aesthetic life.

I thought i was the only one who felt that way. I get fucking pissed when a lofi hip hop beat shows up on my jewtube

If youre that disappointed with "culture" make something, you doofus. That's how culture works.

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this is just the mainstream shit, but ya i agree it sucks. vinyl is making a comeback, a perfect circle just released a new album, "dubstep" or whatever electronic music bullshit that is is starting to die off, vr video games are starting to come about, weed will be legal soon, trade jobs are in very high demand, give it a while man. i hope the world stops being dominated by digital and realizes the quality of analog

For music, listen to japanese electronic music, its way better.

LoFi is comfy bakground music

Rather listen to any of that than the radio's top 100 songs anyday

Easiest thing to do is kill your self and hope something out there is better for you, or just give up and hope something changes soon

90s: The Squeakquel

It feels like there was a lot of 80s nostalgia in the 2000s and 90s nostalgia in this decade though.

that makes sense because in the 2000's kids that grew up in the 80's were becoming adults and had things to be nostalgic about and same with 90's/2010's

I don't see it, can you name some examples? I can only name the Full House and Roseanne reboot. Everything else screams 80s, especially in cartoons like Regular Show and Adventure Time. Haven't seen any of the CN shows in 5 years so those are the only two I can name.

Those aren't cringy they are cool

The 2010s is the 1930s part 2. Kids of the future will wonder how we all survived this time without killing ourselves.

i personally think it's worse this time though, at least the 2000s had its own style that didn't completely suck (don't get me wrong, i know it wasn't perfect) and the 80s nostalgia was more subtle than the awful buzzfeed basedboys that whine about how they played pokemon as a kid

We'll get WW3 soon enough. Burn everything down and rebuild from scratch.

>at least the 2000s had its own style that didn't completely suck

Spiky hair, emo hair, and baggy pants sucked user. At least the beard and nazi haircut fad is aesthetic. the only positive thing I can name about the 2000s is the lack of sjw complaining compared to now.

Won't happen. It'll only happen if Russia gave enough shits about Iran to get involved on their side, but she doesn't.

i just stick with the culture i like. i still play old ass games because i like them (civ 4 and 5, gen 2-4 pokemon, gamecube games) and I listen to the music I like, a lot of which is pretty old.

I think avengers, this lofi hip hop shit, fortnite, is retarded too, you don't have to participate or pay attention to it though.

>I think avengers, this lofi hip hop shit, fortnite, is retarded too, you don't have to participate or pay attention to it though.

Ultimately this is the answer. Nobody's stopping you from living in whatever decade you like.

Seems unlikely. What major country do you realistically see being able single handedly attempt to militaristically expand without global opposition, or a coalition of countries that could actually cooperate and fight on a level field without enacting nuclear conflict?

i started watching samurai champloo a few years ago and I got into Nujabes music. I thought I was getting lo-fi hiphop streams because of my search history of nujabes i had no idea it was popular

>Wisest post ITT

I don't know why it's getting hate, shit's comfy.

I don't know why but whenever I see your pic related on youtube I get irrationally upset. Why does it make me so mad? Never watched 1 of those streams before btw.

You obviously know such a thing isn't possible, but here's something that may very temporarily sate your cultural ennui:

This is a historical archive of very old American music, from way back when recording technology had just been invented. It is both cool as hell and vaguely depressing. I highly recommend checking it out. Protip: open it in Internet Explorer, it's buggy as fuck in anything else.

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I think that what you mean is that because everything's digital, everything is attempting to max out the algorithms of the websites that curate it. Good content will always rise above mediocre content, but so much content today is being specifically pushed with the tide of the subjective algorithms of its curation that it leaves a really unctuous sheen.

>lofi beats

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But user we're everything 90's kids always wanted to be
>Rebellious culture that praises edgy rebellion just for rebellion sake (SJW) (Feminists) (NeoNazis) (NuMales) (Communists)
>White rappers that aren't Eminem
>Completely Socially acceptable to have your hair in any faggoty color
>Instantaneous Internet Gaming
>Dank Memes
>Internet Acculturation

>Lofi Trap Beats
You obviously haven't listened to Shiloh Dynasty

You mean I'm the monster?!

>the 70s were bad
>the 90s were bad

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Going back is really your only option. The concept of any real culture ever being created in the west again is kind of a joke. Its just in a managed decline at this point.

The Culture is dead. Read Spengler. There is no more Culture -- only decadent Civilization. Anything that resembles Culture is a third-rate reproduction of past works. Our Culture actualized itself long ago. It reached its potential, and is now exhausted. If anything, we will become more degenerate, and the Left will call such degeneracy "art." So, don't hold your breath. Nothing will come from this the West from this point until the time of our complete collapse.

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I just do my own shit and spend time with people who aren't pop culture obsessed. My otter isn't at all and he also isn't a gaymer. It's fun.

any one else excited to see what 2020s culture will be like?

>White People
Pick One


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The black one obviously has the fattest ass under her less tight dress

Some disgusting fat, cellulite butt. That's the point of the picture. Also, her shoulders are that of a man. If you're only interested in butts, then you're definitely a homosexual.

>Some disgusting fat, cellulite butt
Unironically sounds pretty good to me
>If you're only interested in butts, then you're definitely a homosexual.
The absolute state of white males

Bet you the one on the right fucks better tho without debate

>White people have no culture
>being this much of an ignorant brainlet

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White males who haven't been tainted by Negro culture enjoy what separates females from males. We enjoy women with feminine facial features and high dimorphism. We enjoy breasts, and we enjoy vaginas. All of which are located on the front of females, not the back. In Negro culture, everything that females have in common with males is emphasized. It's a sort of androgyny. There is a certain latent homosexuality prevalently expressed in the Negro community, perhaps due to low dimorphism.

that's the only thing keeping me alive. as stupid and shitty as the world has gotten, how can it top that?

There is literally no point in even entertaining the idea that Whites don't have culture. Which is why I ignored it.

>Doesn't actually have Culture
>Posts Opera
This is exactly what I mean. I feel like if you actually had culture you would have posted something you actually participate in

Dont go on the internet or, ya know stop being a child and learn how to use it, you can choose to click on shit you like or if your problem is with YouTube speciffically, the reccomend feed us tailored according to your watched videos

I have pictures of myself in my great-grandfather's traditional clothing at my community's Polish folk dances, but I'm not posting those on the internet.

1. There are a multitude of examples of culture that are not opera in that video. Please watch it before acting as if opera is the only example.

2. How would you define participation, and what are some examples of non white culture that people participate in?

3. In any case, you don't have to participate in cultural practices yourself to have a culture.

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I want to find new things to enjoy but I've seemingly exhausted it all at this point.

I used to like lo fi music but it got old quick (in about a year or less) yet it's still going on. I used to like retrowave, vaporwave and various other meme music but all these things have gone kind of stale as well (I still like them but they aren't as stimulating). I haven't found anything interesting to consume in at least a ~year now, I'm getting really bored user.

>Implying opera isn't a unique expression of White culture
>Implying that you must actively participate in the creation of a particular cultural expression in order to claim it as a unique expression of the nation-culture of which you are a part

The absolute state of non-White males.

Numales/soibois literally have consumerism and passivity as their defining traits. Just because the things they're consumerist over (Disney Wars and shit) are liberal leaning doesn't mean they're not quintessential line-towers.

>not like - would have anything valuable to say
Like your opinion on what is sticking around is valuable
So glad that I know what you dont like, OP

I genuinely feel 2020s culture is going to be deeper than 2010s culture. The clickbait algorithm culture of the present has reached the point where people are wise to its substanceless nature and are seeking out more meaningful stuff (we still have a long ways to go before it gets mainstream, though).

Robots are too brainlet to figure out things they like, so they just complain about things they don't

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Shitlibs have a way of raising that point, even here, on our doorstep. They should be linked this video every time.

>I feel like
There you go feeling again, cuck-faggot.

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I dated a guy like that. It was shit.

I sincerely hope you're a faggot and not a femoid.

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What you need is to go outside
Enjoy nature, mountains, animals, etc.

Do not go to the city because it would stress you better go to a place that has a lot of vegetation and believe me that will cure you completely

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No thanks, I hate nature

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>There are a multitude of examples of culture that are not opera in that video. Please watch it before acting as if opera is the only example.
Not really
>How would you define participation, and what are some examples of non white culture that people participate in?
Contemporary application of Culture that holds Distinction/Exclusivity such as Wearing Native Cultural Clothes or that of Cultural relativism (Dishiki, Komono, Khimar) Food, or Events or Holidays (Dias Muerto, Kwanza)
> In any case, you don't have to participate in cultural practices yourself to have a culture.
You actually do

This doesn't to all white people but does apply to most of them, particularly American Caucassions. when we say this it's not particularly a lack of culture, but literally barely anything that shows distinction or originality from a sociological perspective

It's fun to get to remote places and navigate with only topo maps and compass.

Psycho-babble. White people are European people. In Pennsylvania, there is strong German identity for instance. Moreover, White people dress in Civil War clothing in reenactments. You're in the midst of White culture, and you take it for granted. It's a given. You can't see the forest for the trees. Classical music plays in my home all the time. Classical music is uniquely White. Country music is uniquely White. It originates in the Irish -- which is why the fiddle/violin is so prevalent. In America/European nations, we don't wear komonos -- we wear suits. Suits are White culture, which everyone else adopted/we imposed upon everyone else. Our holidays include Christmas, Easter, Columbus Day, etc. Kwanza is a made up holiday by some Black folk who tortured people in a basement -- literally.

So, stop. Also, Caucasian*

You are such a basedboy wannabe normie ho-ly fuck

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>Not really
So within the first minute you see knights, picaso, and apollo 13. You are clearly not watching due to your dread of being wrong.

>Contemporary application of Culture that holds Distinction/Exclusivity
Everything in that video is distinctly and exclusively European.

>such as Wearing Native Cultural Clothes
Almost all modern clothing styles were created by whites. Everyone else, coerced or otherwise, adopted it, but it's ours.

>or that of Cultural relativism
What the fuck are you talking about? Did you copypaste this from somewhere?

You mean kimonos?
Urban dictionary brings up komono as a colloquialism for knicknacks in some areas of Japan, but that's not a cultural concept.
The numer one result on Google for Komono is a Belgian watch company. Watches are a distinctly European invention, so you fucked yourself there.

The idea that there isn't an abundance of distinctly European food is laughably retarded. I'm going to enjoy my perogies and kielbasa this week extra hard with you in mind.

>or Events or Holidays (Dias Muerto, Kwanza)
What about Christmas and Halloween?

>You actually do
You actually don't. Prove that we do, and stop relying on your shitlib feelings.

>This doesn't to all white people but does apply to most of them, particularly American Caucassions.
American Caucasians are such a cultural force that their unique culture has been adopted in some way by almost every nation on the planet. Don't you dare claim they don't have a culture.
You mentioned clothes? Clothes are an excellent example of this.

>when we say this it's not particularly a lack of culture
So you're admitting you're wrong in claiming we don't have a culture?
Just stop saying it. It's demonstrably false.

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Like for example when you say white you don't even accentuate what type of white guy you are, or your native customs. I'm sure there is an Irish Community, A swedish Community, a Nordic Community, with rich ancestry and customs, and tradition. But most white people like yourself don't participate. I even know a white lady whos father is Scottish and will wear a robe that symbolizes his heritage. At Mexican Weddings all the Mexicans wear something symbolic of their actual Heritage, and at black weddings most niggas don't really know where they came from so they just slap on some R Kelly or Stevie Wonders, and do the Eletric Slide. Nevertheless these are consistent customs

We Kali Yuga now. All be over soon.

I feel like you don't understand what culture is. I feel bad for you. See like you just equate yourself to all whites. You don't even understand distinction or variation, or your grouping. You're obviously more than white, your german, Nordic, Swede or some shit. That would be were your culture lies. You would speak on behalf of those aspect of your life. That's what culture is, or at least what other ethnicity equate it to. You can take in other cultures, but obviously by your lack of understanding what culture even is you probably can't.

Why are you posting shotacon? Is this a false flag?

You'd probably get more out of /b/ than Jow Forums

robots don't shit about culture

House musics.... i fucking hate house musics
That shit destroyed too many other good genre's
where the fuck is jumpstyle and trance with fade effect and hands up

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Popular culture will always be trash. You are just finally old enough to realize that. Whatever comes next is probably be even shittier than before. You can already see this in the meme culture where "post ironic" le random memes are popular now.