Another day, another 5000 calories

>Another day, another 5000 calories

Wish the lord would take me now

Damn original fatboy

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>just stop eating bro

i wish it were that simple

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The struggle is real, user. How much do u weigh?

Kek. I'd rather be a fatboy than a skelly touch me your ways mister

>5000 calories
wtf are you eating

Teach oops

Ya know if you lifted weights, you could be a fucking beast mode bearmode

It really is that simple. Every bite of food you put into your mouth is a choice. You could choose to stop being a fatass at any time but you're too weak and stupid to do that.

How do you even consume that many calories? You would have to be eating processed trash literally all day to pull that off.
I have zero sympathy for obese people, they have to put in a lot of effort to get and stay that way

>375 pounds
>permanently in bed cause sitting makes my coccyx suffer
>have a 40 inch tv at the foot of the bed and my pc and consoles connected to it

I wish I was joking.

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>tfw ate 4.1kcal already and still gonna eat dinner

Why does eating unhealthy food make my miserable life so much better

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You're still a lightweight compared to those things you see on TLC. Maybe don't let it come to that

Easy af. Cookout and Chick-fil-A will do that to u

Yeah Im 365. But pretty athletic for a guy my size

Not if you show some moderation. I try to restrict myself to around 2k calories per day, since that's the bare minimum needed to survive. I also try to make those 2k calories come from actually semi-healthy foods

>perfectly aware I have destroyed my life and are pretty much a cripple BY CHOICE
>had pizza and sweets again

When I finish eating and I am satisfied and sober for a few moments, I wish I could sign a contract taking all responsibility and declaring I will not sue and then hire some muscle chad to come and stay with me, lock me in the room, giving me only what I have to eat to lose weight and beat the shit out of me if I try anything.

This is my fantasy.

Maybe you can convince a dominatrix to fulfil this role for you. Worth a try lol

Calories in, calories out. You have to create a deficit if you want to lose weight. Start logging the miles.

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aye NC bro cookout is so fucking good and the price is fucking amazing i love that place

Yeah its addicting as fuck though but doesnt really leave me that full

I'mm down to 90kg boys

and I'm feelin fine

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I wish there was a pill you could take that would make you feel full for like 5 hours.

Wouldnt do shit for me/ tier 1 emotional eater

>2k calories per day
>bare minimum needed to survive.
lmao, what a fatty.

>2k calories per day, since that's the bare minimum needed to survive
Look at this fatty. I eat 800 calories a day and exercise a lot and I'm perfectly fine.

No you don't. I'm 6'0 150 and a rock climbing instructor. I eat 4k calories minimum and that's just to maintain my weight. Even if you are stagnant all day, eating 800 calories will result in over a pound of weight lost per 5 days.

Lmao op I only did 500cals today (350 yesterday and 0 the day before xDDDD)

>another day of stuffing my face to discomfort trying to gain weight
>everyone points out how skinny i am, even family thinks im on drugs
>want to be a normie and work but i fear i have absolutely 0 stamina
low sympathy for fats here

They give homeless people around 700-1100 calories and say that's the bare minimum.

You need at least twelve hundred calories per day unless you never move or are a tiny female.

Sedentary diet tier is higher than your bullshit.

>Yeah Im 365. But pretty athletic for a guy my size
What are you like 6'10"?

6,4 zmkwmzk

Are you fat? If not then it doesn't matter, im just saying what I seen charities giving homeless. If im wrong that's cool, if you're a fatty well you have the issue

I have the same feeling, eats so much junk food one day and swear it didn't taste that good and tomorrow I will eat healthy and then the next day I get extremely hard to shake cravings and can't stop thinking about how good it would feel to eat pizza and other junk food and how much happier it would make me.

I am not crippled though, just bad back pain, I wish I could go through some program to get rid of my addiction.

It literally is. I graduated highschool at 169 pounds, 12 years later I weigh in at 176 pounds because I only eat when I'm hungry

YOu just have an amazing metabolism, you stupid normie fuck, if you had a bad metabolism like most fatties you would be 300 pounds or more.

I keep myself thin, but I constantly dream of all the food I don't let myself have. Would I be happier if I just gave up the fight and let myself be a gluttonous fatass?

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>I try to restrict myself to around 2k calories per day, since that's the bare minimum needed to survive
Are you 12 foot tall or just american?

SPoken like a true normie, I wish I had your extremely easy, privileged life where everybody treats you with kindness and respects you, you normalcattle scum. But my life is fucking awful and food is one of the very few things that make my life better. And I get terrible food cravings when I try to diet, it's far worse than any drug addiction, because you can easily avoid heroin, you can't avoid food.

Worthless fat fuck. As long as you're a fatty, you deserve every bit of suffering you experience.

how gassy are you?

Somebody didn't read the fucking sticky I see.

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Fuck off retard, even manlets need at least 1500 calories minimum a day to regulate metabolism and breathe without losing weight.

You literally have an addiction. I am not exaggerating. Food and sex are the two most dopamine releasing things aside from drugs. The only real difference between the pleasure you feel when eating tasty food and getting high on drugs is the amount of dopamine, they work pretty much identically in mechanism.

Well, you're gonna die no matter what you do, so keep that in mind.

>350 lb

>decent bit of money as a wagecuck
>no clue how to cook and don't have enough willpower to make myself learn anything beyond fried eggs

>every day I tell myself "I'm going to start eating healthier"
>by lunch time I'm miserable and can't resist my cravings for something.

I genuinely Fucking hate how weak I am.

If you put as much effort in to avoiding eating as you did in to posting these threads every fucking day you'd probably be overcoming your addictions by now