We be tribe now. All other boards are tribes with their specific themes. Jow Forums Viking tribe, /b/ nomad tribe, etc. Dinos exist. r9k is isolated island archipelago tribe.
>be me >always help out females of tribe when in need >get them food, water, fight off animals >thank me for my efforts >despite this they only breed with Chad Thunderspear I can't take it anymore. Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the west cave tomorrow.
so long tribesman
Camden Brown
I no get job system, I only used to rolling for stuff. I no advanced yet. Feels big angry grunting feeling.
Michael Rivera
Just be grugself All femgrugs will be all over grug
>tribe on isolated island >populated only by robots and fembots >after a while everyone decides so what and reproduces >second generation knows of normies only through lore >mixture of hate and fear >even children born which seem superior are conditioned to become autistic to fit in
>be grug, 10 and 10 and 5 moons >no snoosnoo, no job >go to village center every day, roll job >roll big always, no get job >jobs going away fast >no enough fish for both live in tiny cave and have eat too why this always happen me, grugbots?
Matthew Carter
/his/ tribe no like no-history and you think grugmen dumber than bugmen! /his/grug go make shinny shinny with hot glitter rock
>Be grug >Be woodworker >mostly rich grugs come to me for stuff >One day especally rich grug comes over and asks for a "toilet" >I ask rich grug what a toilet is, end up making a bench with a large hole where you sit >Rich grug seems happy >To this day grug not know what rich grug used that "toilet" for
Mason Diaz
Rolling to become the tribe's rapist
Nicholas Wilson
We must be ever vigilant against Jow Forums tribe, we must not have our tribe tainted.
This is about a time grug meets a trap >Be grug >Be warrior >Come to home after fighting off the /b/ tribe >See lady grug, easily a 9/10 rocks >Impress her and eventually things go to the cave >Lady grug take off loin cloths >Lady grug gets big club, knocks grug unconscious >Grug wake up, grug feel pain in bum Continue?
Nolan Stewart
War not going so great goy grug. But much cowrie shells being made!