Please tell me the best way to get a Xanax prescription. What should I tell my psychiatrist to do this?

Please tell me the best way to get a Xanax prescription. What should I tell my psychiatrist to do this?

I could get some from a dealer but I want to be sure that they're real and not cut with anything

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Trust me, habibi, it is haraam to intoxicate oneself. Do not do this during ramadan!

Is that a reptillian?

just be me lol

Are you a reptillian?

why yes i am, why do you ask?

Because I want to fuck one.

Do you have a xanny prescription? What dose?

try watching beyblade vids until you lose your marbles, also maybe you could become pagan??? just a guess

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i have a script for 4mg a day yeah

How did you convince the shrink to give you that?

told him the truth

Thank you for the advice my good sir.

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I just got some off the dark web when I needed some. I didn't take it myself, I rolled up 1/4th of one in some cheese and slid it under my neighbors door to shut their stupid dog up when it was barking for hours on end

Anyway, I don't think the dark web site that I used is around anymore, but it was pretty easy and you could probably do it yourself

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It's really really fucking hard to do nowadays.
You have to have a legitimate problem, and have crippling anxiety basically, and find a doctor who still believes in prescribing shit like that. What i did was establish a history with a doctor/psychiatrist for years, then i went through a lot of prescriptions and shit before getting that. I climbed the ladder of prescriptions basically. Eh idk, glhf

Right but what's that? It would help me out a lot

i have anxiety and i told him i was already getting it off the street anyway so he gave me a script

But what do I need to tell the guy?

Can you be more specific? I doubt I can just say "gibbe some for my anxiety b0s"

>i told him i was already getting it off the street anyway so he gave me a script
This seems like nothing a doctor would ever do but ok.

I myself once got some by telling my GP I had fear of flying. But it wasn't a controlled substance in that country so

that's literally all i did, but you would probably fail because you wouldn't have an aura of anxiety about you. just get it off the street or deep web or some shit

Why did you post a picture of Bill and Hillary Clinton?

how am I suppose to get through taraweeh without xanax and other good shit

I have a hell of an aura, eye darting around, laughing at nothing etc. I just don't want to get it off the street because I have mental issues that I don't want to risk making worse. Chronic hallucinations, psychosis that I got from drug and alcohol abuse, so I don't wanna fuck with anything that's got weird stuff in it

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if you have anxiety then just go tell the truth and get it. if you don't need it they won't give it to you

Anyone? What's most important to the shrink, panic attacks, insomnia, social anxiety?

Man, those are people that truly don't give a shit

quite the opposite imo. they care more about attention than anything else in the world