Black gf thread

Why haven't you anons gotten a black gf yet?
You could have a cute girl like this always willing to go out with you and fuck you

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>when whiteboys say they don't like black women
Maybe you just need to get BLACKED by a group of superior black women

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because I am light skinned
not white enough or thug enough
truly the worst

>tfw i had 2 white gf and 1 latina gf but not a black gf

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Black girls like lightskins but you are prob ugly desu

I can't because I'm a black guy living in nyc

Black women are more open to average looking white guys since they're not used to getting attention from them all the time. Just ask a black girl out and you'd be surprised at the response

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well no one ever told my i'm ugly but I am king of manlet tier so thats probably it

I already have a gf feels good man

i want a qt black gf please

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Becuase most of them are crazy

or a qt blasian gf

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Roasties are not qt

are you that fucking leaf that always posts these sheboons on Jow Forums

desu the level of alpha male you have to be in order to bag a chick like this is completely out of the realm of possibility for anyone who posts here

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Gonna ask out this qt Maori girl I know this week. Never explicitly asked a girl out before but I'm hoping she'll say yes

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At this point I would

how do i obtain one of these?

I haven't talked to anyone in person in my age group in months
idk how I am even going to find a black qt.pie

just bee yourself user, black women have low standards

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Let me just admit it. My dick is racist. They just don't register as attractive to me the same way that other races of women do. I can be attracted to white girls, azns, latinas, Indian girls, middle-eastern girls, whatever. For some reason, just not black girls.

You've been posting about this for a while. Fucking do it.

I feel like I listen to too much gangster rap for a black gf. They probably think I was with them because I was being a wigger.

It's worse looking like a thug and being dark skin but not into that fucking subhuman culture. fml right up famalamadingpai.

so you dont like this?

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yea I've heard that too
i'm sorry brother

Not really. I don't really like girls who are too made-up to begin with, and there's just something about the scent of their sebum and the texture of their skin I don't find attractive. Same with their bone structures in general. Prolly gonna sound racist as shit, but really only caucasoid and mongoloid features do it for me.
Sucks, too, because there are some black girls around me who I know are objectively hot.

That means you are human user

Still have the skin. Just looking at me, I'd be put in the category of thug or angry black guy when I'm anything but. Black women are slightly interested until they get to know me, other races pass up on me at a glance(not that I've tried non-black women much, I'll save myself the embarrassment).

>never been with a black girl

you're basically still a virgin


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What does a black guy do in his free time?
Was Zimmerman right?

I know i just wanna date a black goddess so much i wanna spill my seed into her womb and have a child with her

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most black girls are interested in all races, we just assume that non black guys have an opinion that we are all loud, ghetto, smell bad, and are "sassy"

Alot of guys love black women but they think black girls don't like them only retarded racists don't think black women are beautiful

light skinned guys are cute but something about dark skinned tho...

we do. i have dated black, korean, and white guys. none was "better" or "easier" than the other. all men are pretty great if you let them be.

post qties

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Excuse me but I am a retarded racist and i would love to breed a black girl, your stereotypes don't represent us all

me in the back

kek didn't even notice that

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hey be nice to all brothas

ok but how do I get a black bf as a black chick if I'm a light skinned neet

lol, fuck off jew. If you were able to limit yourselves to one of these a day it might work and people might forget nigger women are hideous.

Dude I am racist but I'd still love to fuck black pussy.

literally post a pic anywhere
/soc/ tinder POF insta

u need to crisp up in the sun pls

I live with my parents but I will move out next summer with a lot of saving and when I do, finding a qt black gf is the first item on the agenda.

Just have to make the most out of the next year in terms of self improvement.

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Yea true


I'm on r9k I'm not your typical nig.

He was wrong. He shouldn't have followed trayboon. He was right to shoot Mr. Skittles at the end to protect his life, but he escalated the incident.

This is the ideal body type desu

i would love to fuck a black guy because we could connect rly deeply

but the idea of getting fucked raw by a white guy as he calls me his nigger is kinda hot. is that bad?

Racism isn't cool bro

I can get darkish but I'm not outside like I used to be

You just have a race play fetish lmao tons of people have it

I mean if that's your fetish, no? I find it weird though

yeah i have never done that with a white guy before though. just light bdsm switching. but i did convert a nazi type once.

tfw broke asian boi means I'm done for in a cruel world

are you high yellow

What kind of cruel god would create women so different, yet independently so arousing?
tfw no big tiddy black chick/skinny fit black waifu.

i feel like with kpop rising most girls r into asian guys rn

my cousin is married to a Chinese man, she's taller than him too

yea I really need to just sit outside for a couple days

is he ripped or something

Nothing wrong with a fetish as long as its between consenting adults

black girl--- i appreciate all men, black men included. i feel like most attractive girls like their own kind even if they date outside their race. usually the ugly self hating ones dont.

I have a feeling that threads like these are black women larping as white men larping as black loving oil drillers shilling black women to white men

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high yellow bois are cute
can't speak for others but I haven't done that

how many black women do you think are actually on Jow Forums right now? let alone r9k?

Is that with regard to looks only or the attitude and culture of different races as well?

Also, are your areola the same colour as the rest of your milk manufacturers?

I'm a white guy and I started the thread, and no I'm not an amerimutt

>but i did convert a nazi type once.
This sounds like a delightfully devilish story, please tell.

Yup, usually a racist trying to start a "BLACK WYMN R SUPERIOR" thread or an e-bedwench Black women larping for White men attention.
I find it funny though, because Black women give their men the most shit for dating non-Black women, but according to statistics, Black women are the ones who date interracially the most out of all races of women.

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i'm flattered.
I don't like being called cute and I don't believe you
does any guy here like being called cute??
/r9gay/ doesn't count

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pretty sure they don't want my weak ass

Twice as many black men marry out of their race as black women

Girls don't like ass the same way guys do. It's not like she's got a jolly rodger to hoist up your manhole.

Wanna try it with me ;)

god can we not do the race bait thing. date who you want, who gives a fuck about who other people decide to date.

this is the type of stuff that makes me not want to date outside my race, i dont want my relationship to constantly be some sort of spectacle or statistic.

Oh, it's this nigger again. Give it a rest.

Don't worry about it
Those are just morons compensating for the cuck stuff
I only want to date a black girl because I honestly think black women are the most beautiful

Ive dated three and they were all loud as fuck and crazy
its not worth the hassle unless youre black desu
>t. Tyrone

Where are those statistics from? You can't just think something is a fact just because you say so.
Also, what does that have to do with who dates more interracially? Black men still get way more stigma for dating nonBlack women

Race bait?I'm telling hard facts, not my fault western Black women have so much selfhate that they become bonified sellouts.
Also, only women give a fuck about who dates outside their race, not men.

stfu nigger

>excuses someone for compensating for cuck stuff
>immidately begins larping for attention of Black women


I was thinking the same thing. Being lightskin is a positive trait in most black communities.

were you attempting to do that? to call us sell outs and then claim men don't care? it seems mainly men care.

well at least its for pure reasons.

Whoever they are should give up because they've only convinced some nubian goddess fetishists and Jow Forums weirdos. It seems like they're the equally undesirable male-equivalent of trashy landwhale-tier white women that crave BBC.

>stfu nigger

Nope. Fucking dumb jig.. so tired of your shitposts.

Also I've only seen 1 black woman dating outside her race before

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cover up her face and she has the bod of a white woman. which is attractive because white women are superior

Depends on who you ask. People have joked about my light skin and some days it feels like being dark skin is cooler.

are you is any black community??

I'm a cornball. Black women especially can tell you apart from normies

Is it really that pure?
I feel bad for having a racial preference even if it's not really pol related

Daily reminder that it's impossible to be a White robot.
All you do is have to do is BE WHITE, then you get a free Black, Asain, or other minority gf.

ou have to remember, generally a woman's preference doesn't matter as she'll just go after whoever is deemed top dog by society. If they are told short guys are hot shit, then even despite their own biological instincts, they'll go after those short guys because they have to follow the tribe. Our brains don't realize we're not in caves anymore so we as humans are mostly still wired to have this basic wired mannerisms to follow. For women, to lose favor with the tribe(I.e. society) means to be thrown out and have to face dangers that she's not built to withstand, and eventually lose her life. This is why women care about relationships so much. This is also why women give shit to those who date interracial IF their tribe doesn't favor it, because usually said tribe doesn't favor outsiders. This is hence why I consider it feminine to give a shit about the color of someone's skin you fuck, because usually women have such a deep seeded care about it. We as men love variety, but I digress.
If the tribe says White guys are the end all be all, like how the western world does now, of course the average Joe white will get an upper hand on an average Joe minority when it comes to dating solely because of his STATUS(which is him being White ). However, like I said, this isn't necessarily because he's White, but more so on the Status of BEING White. And you know how women and high Status( favored by the tribe) men go.

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asians are gonna be on the endangered species list in a generation

preg so hot but hands look like a NBA player's

I think that is because black women don't get married as much as black men, not that they are more against intermarrying

It's harmless
And I doubt any black fembot would date me

which country are you posting from?

who pays attention to weird shit like hands lmao

91% of interracial children fathered by black men are born out of wedlock
So there's definitely more black men who date interracially