A real Jow Forums discord

I created a discord. The purpose isn't to sit around talking pretending we're normalfags. Communication will primarily be through text, unless people are playing a game together or they're talking for the explicit purpose of practicing using their voice (anxiety-anons).

The aim is to weed out any failed normalfag infiltrators. I haven't made strict rules yet, but I want the rules to be the most effective filter possible. Join, look at my rules so far, tell me what to add. If I trust you're definitely a robot, and if you're 25+ years old, I'll mod you. I want the discord to be the opposite of what Jow Forums discordfags like, normalfag wannabe teenage shithole is.

The purpose is just to be a place where real robots can be around each other, complain about the board, talk about hobbies, whatever you want. As long as you're robots you're welcome.


pic unrelated

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haha I'm a failed normie and you can't stop me

Stop shitting up the board with your stupid fucking discords man.

I hate seeing you fags pasting your stupid ass discord links
like this >>>> gP9VpP

What if I'm 27 never had a friend but got a gf 2 yrs ago I'm still with?

You're asking if you're a robot? Robots can find love but they mostly become cyborgs at that point. Cyborgs are robots who are happy. Whether you're still a robot depends more on your social life. If when you gf'd that girl you became confident and started becoming social, that means not only are you not a robot but you were never a robot. You were a failed normalfag who finally unfucked himself.

These are just my definitions.

If you're asking about whether you're welcome on the discord it depends on if people want you there. Mentioning your girlfriend, boasting, is annoying.

Routing out discord advertisers is arbitrary. Whether they're advertising there discord or not, those same faggots are still posting in your threads giving their discordfag opinions or recycling our memes or terminology without any real emotional connection to them. Jow Forums is long gone.

Good luck to you. I just want you to know that it can be done. I can give you a copy of our rules if you'd like.
1. Under no exception will a female post here.
2. Under no exception will traps, trans-sexuals, or other female impersonators post here, INCLUDING SUPPORTERS OF THEIR POLICIES.
3. Under no exceptions will non-virgins, those that have engaged in sexual activity, or have romantic sexual relations with females, post here.
4. Under no exception will those that explicitly state the fact that they are underage post here.
5. Those role-playing or acting feminine on purpose are subject to a ban.
- Erotic-role-playing is grounds for ban if intentional or unironic.
6. Flamboyant homosexuals and others are to hide their sexuality and abstain from constantly discussing it.
- Flamboyance and displays of hypersexuality are subjects to a ban.
- Attempting to convert, advertise, or promote any of these belief systems will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
7. Zero tolerance for special snowflakes, attention-whores, and others that seek status here.
- Attempting to build up a personality cult or gain orbiters will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
8. Shilling of any sort, promoting, or advertising will be grounds for an immediate and temporary ban.
- Politics should be kept to a minimum. Robots are robots regardless of ideology.
9. Posting illegal pornography that could sabotage the server or result in its termination is grounds for an immediate ban and removal of all post history.
The following counts as illegal:
- Child Porn
- Necrophilic Porn (3D)
- Bestiality (3D)
10. Any attempts at degrading the existing community will be met with an immediate and permanent ban.
11. No posts that focus on meet-ups or any types of social activities.
12. New members are not second to older members. All robots are equal.
13. Post in the designated channel for whatever you are trying to share.

shit cmon now i gotta tell a story so here we go i was walkin down the street n then yo holla at me big mang

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got banned because server owner is gay and scared of pussy, join somewhere that isnt nazi af mkbh4s

stop shilling your shitty server, brooke.


ye fkoff lol

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i wont stop. also stop suppressing your gay tendencies and just leave the closet little boy. you clearly want to just be around men 24/7 and talk about how much you love men. if only there were a word for that...

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The word is called MANLY COMRADERY over stupid succubus attention whores. If one girl joins the server then all of the guys will start to orbit her and it will ruin the whole dynamic. Also, a lot of people will just really hate you for being a girl

how unique and original, never seen an e-girl like this before...

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you hate women because u like dick, the sooner you admit it the better off. listen to kevin abstracts album: American Boyfriend: A Suburban Love Story

you might feel better about being gay, its literally nothing to be ashamed of, homo :D

did anyone claim to be unique? no. you absolute swine hound.

>liking 3D anything
Truly disgusting. Only a dumb roast flap would think such a thing

So, you come into the equivalent of a men's club and feel entitled to entry? Why is that? You retards already ruined scouts, fuck right off.

Stop talking and post tits

i hope women ruin everything you like until you just stop existing, loser. only nice robots r sexy. mean robots can die and i wouldnt blink twice. waste of space loser.

true, 3D men cant compete with light or spike D:

1v1 me ya cheeky cunt

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I don't care what you think is or isn't sexy. You're just assblasted that you finally can't exert control over men. Frustrated, even. That's right, you have to be equal with everyone else. I bet you don't like that at all. Not getting special treatment. That's all the more time I'll spend with you, beast. Give your lame comeback about homosexuals to the wind because I won't be here to read it.

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>i hope women ruin everything you like until you just stop existing, loser. only nice robots r sexy. mean robots can die and i wouldnt blink twice. waste of space loser.
I have had a stable girlfriend for a couple years, a good career path, and everything I could ever want in life but you'd have to be a complete retard to not understand the differences in how men communicate with women and how they do so with other men. There's a level of comradery that you will never experience because you're a woman. Women are not capable of forming actual friendships, you're always in competition with someone or starting some kind of bullshit fight/argument. Any situation you will ever be involved in, you will experience chaos because you are the cause.

do you have this idea that i have some ego that needs to be stroked and men doing what i say does so? no men listen to me. im not equal to men i am way beneath them. all men hate me. all women hate me.

i will let u in on a secret: hating women isnt funny, original, unheard of, unique, or cute. you are like every other guy on Jow Forums. all Jow Forums men treat women like this. stop thinking you are so special for resisting some need for white knighting girls.

that doesnt change the fact that ur a loser who's own mother probably doesnt love him, dad prob loved you too much :/

>true, 3D men cant compete with light or spike D:
At least we're real

if thats the case then why did i get banned? i didnt ask for extra attention, i didnt treat any of you any different than i would anyone else nor did i expect that treatment?

what your a little insecure loser who has to change how he is around women? sounds like a you issue, loser. imagine being ur age and still not knowing how to be yourself. lol awe i pity you.

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You sound like the classic internet edgy kid, your rage against others is just the product of feeling rejected. Get over it like an adult for god's sake

Of course it's an issue. We resent women due to things that happened to us in the past. Why would you want to be around us in the first place? That's like a black person complaining that he can't get into the KKK. It's just retarded and the KKK wouldn't give a shit.

>all of this sperging because she was kicked out of a group
Lol you better post tits

because idc if guys are mean to me. ik it is only because you have personal issues and i trigger then by existing. that doesnt bother me, why does it bother you? dont be a little pussy for once in your life.

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I don't even know what this retard is trying to say anymore. Nor do I know what the purpose of the pic related that I don't fit enough things in to make a row.

>because idc if guys are mean to me.
You cared enough to pull all of this shit, darling

henty henty henty henty yes you do.

you are a bum bitch and i hope some girl throws neck at ur dad and makes him leave

That already happened to me. My dad cheated on my mom when I was younger.

Where are the tit pics you talking flesh?

this isnt about caring that guys are rude to me, this is about helping the owner who is clearly gay and struggling.

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ure no girl. ure a dude tryna troll what for.. mustve gotchu triggered innit big mang

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Roastie's final death cries

That's an stupid excuse, you just wanted a reason to sperg out and have 5 minutes attention. If you wanted to help him you just could have contacted him privately and not insult him

calling me a roastie isnt an argument it just makes you seem like you hate women and have no reason to rationalize it. oh sweetie, go find a mommy dommy (like degens do) and fix yourself until you can be a normal person.

better yet let me speak to your mother. lets see where that roastie went wrong. :D

>Normie Nigger muh le "graduation"
>Reddit spacing
Normieville is that away you fucking kike nigger bitch fuck shit faggot.

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>contact him private?
>dont have his username
cute attempt and proving me wrong tho, lmao.

>ur not a girl ahah they dont exist online we hate women xD
its a girlfriendless boy ting

>oh sweetie
Why you all hoes speak like that?

Also cyborgs are not robots. They are normies. Only normies and robots exist you in between faggot

>user, can you give me your contact so we can discuss this
>emm ok
Pretty difficult, let's just call him gay instead

Make us you loser faggot, you don't make the rules and can't do shit.

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because its funny to us, and probably angers you, even better.

I don't want to fix myseIf to become a normal person

why should i do that when he clearly cant handle being around women and refuses to try?

also dont just say "calling him gay" without context. he is gay. he is very gay. being gay is a perfectly normal thing. but suppressing it and taking your anger out on women isnt okay.

I swear I wanna hard fuck every girl who speak like that, even if they are trashy whores


Please post nudes

Tried to contact him without giving him signs of your gender

Hating girls does not make you gay, sometimes I've come to hate girls and I'm not gay

>get bullied out of VC by forest fire
wow. Just wow.

>rules say females and thode larping as females get banned
>cvnka gets to stay and is even a mod
OP are you just pretending to be retarded?

I temp-modded him because he was the only one who knew how to get things under control.

LOL on the real tho

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>imagine being too retarded to set up a discord server
yeah this shit is gonna be dead within a week

he bullied me calling me reddit and what not. It was terrible yo

i didnt say i was a girl, they all brought u my gender. he isnt gay because he hates girls, he doesnt hate girls because hes gay. however he is a gay male who hates women.

fuck no

ur lucky im pumping ur thread, thank me

This looks promising promising

If they assumed that you were a girl, it was because there were obvious sings. Lol so what makes you think he's gay, because he didn't want your vagoo or something?

>ur lucky im pumping ur thread, thank me
The only good thing a women can post is nudes you better know that

Meet me somewhere faggot. Where you at

brooke u a nasty neckbeard fgt aint even brittish innit fkoff cheeky twat i fkin bash u fokn head in ive had enuf jus fkoff aight mate don make me go mad u ever seen a mad dog ill fkin rip u apart u get me big mang

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>uses discord
>claims he's a real robot

Please join the discord so we can route out anyone not a robot
You're right. I knew straight away I was making a mistake, he's young and I had no proof he's a robot.

>he didn't use discord to try to talk to girls and failed miserably
It's current year, my man

And these dubs don't lie.

God, at that time I was very cringe and desperate... well, I still am

>- Attempting to convert, advertise, or promote any of these belief systems will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
>convert any of these belief systems
What did you mean with this.

>special snowflakes
>personality cult
Can you define these words

>Any attempts at degrading the existing community will be met with an immediate and permanent ban.
What does it entail to degrade the community?

I was more worried about people leaving from the spam, which is stupid. you're right.

This sounds like a very unhealthy disco. If you join you certainly won't read any advice that will help you get out of your situation...

this server is literally highschool kids

this board is literally highschool kids

this board is literally highschool

I agree, they sound very young. I want this to be cosy place for robots but I don't want to ban 18 year olds unless robots demand it, 18 year old robots can exist too. But I am your guy, I promise. Stick around and we'll sort it out. PM me (Slick Rick) for advice on how to cull normalfags, I'm willing to be strict. I'll alienate half the discord for robots.

the chat has slowed down no we're good

>advice on how to cull normalfags
Ban everyone. If you ban everyone you will ban all normies in the server

Y'all got any of them invites?

I dare you to send me nudes ;-)

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