Convince me this isn't the hottest woman on the planet

Convince me this isn't the hottest woman on the planet.

Attached: fegalvao_31112838_375657292951957_7647404147741818880_n.jpg (1080x1349, 100K)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et risus dictum, faucibus neque eu, pellentesque est. Aliquam at odio metus. Praesent commodo, diam sed cursus egestas, mi turpis malesuada ex, vel finibus lorem neque id augue. Ut quis nisi at ex hendrerit aliquet id id lectus. Integer a sapien enim. Mauris dictum ligula vel tortor ultricies, quis gravida risus rhoncus. Etiam interdum vulputate metus id varius. Curabitur eleifend lacinia est pharetra pharetra. Maecenas elementum fermentum arcu, at tempus magna accumsan nec. Pellentesque a magna vel urna vehicula interdum. Integer varius leo ut ex sodales, eget fermentum orci gravida.

She's super cute, but her legs look extremely stocky. She's posing too, so she automatically look worse irl

Been following her for a while too. Thin the calves, and she's perfect

literal midget

Right off the top of my head: shes fat , and shes a dwarf

Dwarf legs.

Her legs are kinda weirdly muscular. I think she probably does a lot of squats.

I bet she is such a nerd xDDD

urrrrrp s-s-s-she's wickety wickety wickety URRRRP w-w-w-ack, morty

Weird face that she's compensating for with absurd amounts of poorly done makeup and bad lip injections.

not even a particularly remarkable body. 7/10

everything you fags have said are things i like

Sorry op think you posted the wrong image

Attached: D5MMuuF.png (723x971, 878K)


thats where you fucked up

You must be way into makeup.

wrong pic related is hottest woman on the planet

Attached: perfect.jpg (1080x1080, 260K)

thread. somehow to nose ring makes it better

>Nice face and hair
>cute tum
>Overshit merch
Deal breaker.
>possible lipidemia
I mean, if you're into that I guess it's alright.

She's not but I know who is

Attached: tmp_9215-34374422_2180213851989558_5752722485237776384_n360574833.jpg (750x1332, 92K)

that's an orange uggo

>blonde "women"

yes blondes are the best

Attached: 11875459_1636511996586877_223372650_n.jpg (960x960, 118K)

>Waist is 18 inches
I can't stand this shit

face bad too

Thats a mentally ill cosplayer on horse steroids from Brazil
Maybe post a pic of her bent over
You underage faggot

change the face to something else pls

Butterface midget with two munch makeup

I'm a sucker for bleach blonde thots as well.

Attached: ts.jpg (1276x1920, 591K)

>horse steroids

Attached: tumblr_os8b02GtEV1sonl4no1_1280.jpg (1165x1280, 266K)

any pictures of her without makeup?

>short stubby legs
no, sorry.

Goddamn Im so jealous of whoever gets to fuck her, he gets to see her on all her 4s and stare at her ass hole when doing her from behind

Attached: 3B92FB05-916C-4D9A-91A9-FE9FB8A573FC.png (576x590, 337K)

>Media creates unrealistic body standards!

>That's where you're wrong kiddo

for real, fuckin brazilian hottie

Attached: brasiljoydivision.jpg (1080x1350, 156K)

>sausage legs
>oversized whorish duck lips
>probably had about 50 different cocks in her a month
>disproportional tits and waist
>significant layers of makeup

very below-average feet

none of those are bad retard

midget from the vagana down

>cake face in a really tight bikini designed to press together the breasts to seem bigger
Yeah from this picture she is an attention seeking child with a personality to match and thats enough to put me off from finding her attractive but ye id still tear that ass up homie

Dafuq is with that waist. Did she use a corset or something? Looks shooped or like she had a rib removed or something.

Attached: 1480875586727.jpg (288x252, 24K)

momokun is better
Yes, she's +18.

Attached: 29414682_354291658413118_3325861166072201216_n.jpg (1080x1350, 231K)

Just imagine, with that size and body.

Attached: 28153329_573893036298748_3329844808368783360_n.jpg (1080x1080, 168K)

You ever see woman so beautiful it just pisses you off? Does anyone know this feel?

Attached: 1442352038847.jpg (134x177, 10K)

All of those are bad, on the contrary, hence OPs challenge.

well seeing beautiful girls doesnt piss me off it gives me this weird empty/sad feeling. Why does it piss you off user?

Attached: ScwrJnp.jpg (1080x1266, 141K)

all the time amigo, all the time. like, can we distribute those initial starting stat points a little better god, jesus

well I get those feelings too. I get pissed off because I'll never fuck them or even BE them.
it's suffering

>Implying this wasn't the most attractive woman to ever exist

Attached: Bjork4-1.jpg (1000x1500, 183K)

that's what's

Attached: dims[1].jpg (1200x630, 119K)

she's also compensating by angling her face away from the cam. every single pic is from the same angle and in one pic she's down right hiding her face with her hand.
TL;DR: she has a weird shaped head that you would notice IRL

She doesn't even lift.

Clown makeup and

Instagram creep thread? Instagram creep thread.

OP's girl wears way too much makeup to hide her weird slanted mongoloid face.

Attached: 28766545_2185160821711487_3964206388451737600_n.jpg (1080x1080, 94K)

Fists will fly at this location!

Attached: B1114_grande.jpg (600x600, 43K)

why the fuck are her legs so short?

i dont know what you said,but i will jerk off as response


it's a place holder text from roman times

>Picking pictures where she is with good lighting, makeup and striking a pose
>Hurr durr shes a goddess muh dick

Betas need to die

No, it's this one

Holy fuck those QTs.

I usually hate dumb nose piercings and short hair but they look great on her.

Attached: Ten13.jpg (736x1040, 140K)

I think you meant to post this, OP

Attached: 1514261443571.gif (202x360, 900K)

I've been bungee jumping there and there's a slight chance I wore the same vest as her.

cya later virgins

White women appreciation thread go

Attached: 1e82cac3-4826-4561-9ae3-b3ff43d76d69.gif (350x350, 1.82M)


>white women
disgusted face.jpg

Heavily photoshopped. Cakeface and mediocre body IRL.

Attached: 1515686979386.jpg (2048x2048, 573K)

More. Tbh though, most Instagram thots are.

Attached: 1515687216861.jpg (275x275, 33K)

NOT white

not even a little



>fake blue contact
>disgustingly fat legs
>short as fuck

Would not fuck. She has a lot of followers i'm guessing she paid for them or really good at branding?

thanks for the info,could you share a translation in english or spanish (i read both languages,but spanish is my native one)

im interested

Lmao is that that "female incel" that posted on here a couple of days ago?

>fat legs
>non white or japanese

>fat legs

Noisivid Yoj?