>Be me.
>Join a small discord server.
>A bunch of lurkers an a small "inner circle" that uses voice-chat regularly.
>15yo edgelord (Let's call him Dylan) amerifag joins and tries to convert people to his version of "efilism".
>Long story short: "Everyone suffers and therefore everyone should be killed to end their suffering and prevent future suffering"
>Guy sounds fucking crazy
>Argue with him for an extensive period in time and as such get to know him pretty well.
>The guy wanted to shoot up a school but was stopped by his parents after they found out about him trying to get his hands on a gun.
>Really messed up familly life.
>Tries to get followers to facilitate his "global holocaust" by any means.
>Too much of a fucking autism to actually suceed with it.
>Very small probability he's trolling.
>One night he joins vc and tells me that he
really wants to off his familly and then himself with a knife.
>Manage to talk him out of it.
>Dylan goes away, only to brieflly reappear once new people join in order to feed them his bullshit.
>Admin won't ban him because of free speech and his entertainment value.
>Dylan came back recently and talked about trying to buy a gun again and killing his family because it dawned on his fucked up brain that he won't manage to "convert" anyone.
>What do, robots?
Be me
>discord shit
can we get a link, im pretty interested
Sorry, can't post the link to the discord on here...
tragic my dude. really wanted to talk to the kid
It's literally a kid playing pretend. Unless you know exactly what he's gone through, then you can assume otherwise.
>inb4 autistic
>be me
>jizcord faggotry
I Found his reddit account (i know right..). he was talking about this shit for over a year.
>He also sent me his "manifesto":
Legal Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form am I advocating for imminent violence or other similar unlawful activity
Personal Disclaimer: I only started writing this yesterday, so I offer my apologies on the short length and poor grammar. If something does not make sense, please talk to me for clarification. Take note of any agreement or disagreement you have while reading. Do not show this text to any third-parties or record what is written by means including, but not limited to, photograph or video recording.
Imagine your life today. What did you do? Wake up with too few hours of sleep? Go to school and complete no shortage of menial and, ultimately, pointless tasks? And for what? Just so we can get a nice, stable nine to five job and drive a desk for a few decades before retiring in a rotting state while struggling with finding how to entertain yourself for a few years before you die. It is difficult for me to imagine this appeal. So I wonder: Why do we even do it?
The answer lies in this simple fact: We are addicted, insatiable, need machines. Addicted to life, in part due to the foolish biology that encourages us to continue existing. And we are addicted to things in that life, for good or ill, that we use to try and waste time before boredom is finally solved. To add more to this problem, we can never be satisfied. If there ever is a time of plenty and fortune in our lives, the effect will wear off when some other new attraction demands our attention. We are machines in the sense that we have no free will and no control over our actions.
Our days are tainted by the fact that life is a procession of frustrations and irritations. We are almost always too hot or too cold; our clothes are chafing; we feel some internal physical discomfort; we are hungry or thirsty; or we have to relieve ourselves. These things help to make up the monotony of all our lives.
Many people have children as a way to assist them in dealing with their own existence. Life doesn't have a purpose? Throw a child in there and you are good to go. But by doing that you are only alleviating a small amount of your suffering and subjecting the horrible reality of life on another being. Although parents generally don't have children out of malice, all they do is create more gladiators to compete and die here, painfully. And nature creates better and better gladiators, propelled by the powerful motivators of pain and lack of suffering. The parents are rolling the dice with some
one else's life. What is their justification to spin the wheel of fortune with someone else's welfare? It is our obligation as moral humans to stop allowing parents the ability to force Sisyphus to continue pushing his bolder up the hill generation after generation.
The only way to solve humanity's suffering is the eradication of humanity itself. ANd there is nothing wrong with that. A common counter to this is found when an individual states: "If we do not exist, we cannot experience the 'good things.'" Consider this analogy to understand the foolishness of this claim. Person A does not want cake. Person B does want cake. If Person A does not get cake, he is not being deprived of anything. If Person B does not get cake, he is being deprived of something. It is important to note that Person B will also suffer from his cake addiction, due to the fact that cake is not healthful. In this analogy, the cake is life. Person A is nonexistent and being deprived of nothing. Nor is he suffering from the sickness the cake would have brought him. Person B is alive and gets to have the dopamine effects eating the cake gave him. However, the effect will wear off within seconds and he will now spend the rest of the day with stomach pains and the other, more long term effects of eating the cake. As you can see, Person A is better off because if he would have existed, he would suffer for some addiction he does not even want.
Another analogy worth noting is the martian analogy. When we gaze up at Mars, we are not brought to tears by the fact that there are no Martian parties, love, or pleasure. And nor should we be. But it is good that there are no wars, no disease, and no sorrow on Mars. Good for whom? The Martians if they would have existed.
Think about life. What is it really? It is sickness, hunger, violence, accidents, paying, taxes, financial strain, poverty, inequality, racism, religious lies, animal abuse, environmental destruction, old age, sexual abuse, erotic dissatisfaction, divorce, competition for limited resources and jobs, and so much more. What we also get is sexual and physical pleasure, which often creates grief and sorrow; the pleasure of eating food, which is a limited resource that harms the body in many ways (e.g. overweight, underweight, et cetera); pleasure from sleeping, a time to shield our conscious state from the horrors of life; and escapism, finding ways to distract ourselves from the true nature of reality. All these things stated in the prior sentence most consider "pleasures." But there effects are finite. A common argument against the philosophy is that everyone suffers in different ways. That is true, but the idea is misguided. Imagine a masochist who finds pain inflicted upon him by his spouse to be eroticlly arousing. He is not suffering from this instance of pain, even though another person who is not a masochist would suffer greatly. This does not mean the masochist does not suffer. He is not exempt from the suffering of a gunshot wound or the frustration of heavy traffic. Even though we all suffer slightly differently, nobody is excluded from suffering altogether.
One of the core bases of the philosophy is the concept of altruism. For these purposes, altruism is defined as "a moral obligation to help others." We should not hate humanity, but rather we should pity it. Controlled by blind physical and biological functions, the "average" human does not know or realize the truth through no fault of their own. They are incapable of making the decision for themselves on whether or not they live or die. Yes, an individual's consent would be violated when what must be done is done. But consent is already being violated when a child is born.
this kid sounds like a huge faggot, report him to the fbi.
The elimination of life without consent ends an opportunity for suffering. But the creation of life without consent-and all life is created without consent-creates only an opportunity for more suffering to occur. It is unfortunate consent is violated. But it prevents the much more egregious act of birth from occurring and is therefore justified.
It is possible that alien life exists. Assuming they suffer, or have the capacity to evolve to a point where they could suffer, the philosophy would also apply to them. However, this is limited due to practicality. It would be indecent of us to allow humanity and the biosphere itself to continue existing just so that we could evolve our technology to the point of mass space travel. And even then, it would be like finding a needle that may or may not exist in a vast cornfield. The amount of suffering on Earth is so large that the elimination of humanity and the biosphere would be considerable in terms of reducing suffering, regardless of the other life that may be suffering elsewhere.
The philosophy also applies to the Abrahamic religions. It is important to note that some generalizations will be made because of varying beliefs and contradictions in the religions. By conceiving a child the parents present the new child with the possibility of eternal suffering (i.e. hell.) And there are many ways to go to hell. .If you are born in the wrong place, you go to hell. If you eat the wrong food, you go to hell. If you have sex before marriage, you go to hell
You wear the wrong clothing, you go to hell. There are so many ways to succumb to eternal suffering and so few ways to experience eternal happiness (which it is questionable if the happiness is eternal, due to the fact it would eventually become boring.) By preventing birth, the opportunity to create more people to suffer for eternity is removed. Also, those that already exist would benefit from eradication because they would have less chances to mess things up and put themselves into a situation where eternal suffering is their future. Their interest in foolishly wanting to live for 60 more years is forfeit because eternity's weight is far greater than a few measly mortal years. Any follower of an Abrahamic religion should be eradicated as soon as possible, regardless of the means, to be consistent with their religion and to ensure fewer people will go to hell.
We need not struggle with the truth . We have assigned magic power to crystals, given supernatural properties to the dark, and a whole other manner of strange things to feel better about our existence. But we must stop. I offer a solution that will completely and totally end of all of humanity's suffering. Contact me for more information. And always remember: happiness is just a break from the default of suffering.
>Legal Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form am I advocating for imminent violence or other similar unlawful activity
>Personal Disclaimer: I only started writing this yesterday, so I offer my apologies on the short length and poor grammar. If something does not make sense, please talk to me for clarification. Take note of any agreement or disagreement you have while reading. Do not show this text to any third-parties or record what is written by means including, but not limited to, photograph or video recording.
Guy is also a huge pussy.
>In no way, shape, or form am I advocating for imminent violence or other similar unlawful activity
Don't worry user hell be fine.
Release the fucking manifesto faggot.
I doubt it. He's fucked, he won't make it past 20.
I just did, It's literally 1,5 pages long.
(If this isn't a larp)
gather all your incriminating evidence you have of this kid, and alert the FBI.
Better safe than sorry OP. I really dont want Jow Forums to get shut down again all because the feds later linked another autistic mass shooter to your post and you did nothing about it.
Seriously though, what this user said.
I don't really have any incriminating evidence on him since he keeps all of his bullshit, except for the "manifesto" which he pm'd me in vc...
>American cops
>Doing anything to why bois
My sides
if i post my discord will you be able to dm me the link?
Make him think that a shooting or bombing won't do anything in the long run, say something like more children will be born than you'll be able to kill. Teach him to think bigger, like causing a drought. Tell his dumb ass to go to California and turn on everyone's outdoor water nozzle. He'll be satisfied without actually harming anyone.
I will have to check back with the admin on that but I'm sure it can be done. no one here wants this place raided...
Soon or later this guy will go out on a mass murder, I'm pretty sure of this, people who are fucked up on the head like this kid very often do this, soon or later, we can't do anything to help or prevent this, he's 15yo, so he head is already made, we can't help him, just wait and see him on the news kek
I'm an eurofag so I'm glad I won't be anywhere near this guy when he goes of...
understandable, ill just leave my discord and if the mods allow it i shall see it in time.
go back on your chat history with him and screencap all the conversations you had with him where he talked about killing his family, his dumb made up religion, and how he wants to buy a gun and kill people.
Thats literally it.
Nah man, this won't work, people like this kid just want revenge from their lives, "to succeed" to them is to hurt people, more, or less, like Rodger, who wanted revenge from stacies, but in fact he only killed to girls and four guys, and the girls weren't stacies, the most beautiful of them was like 4/10 being generous
He only talked about it in VC.
Sure I'll add you.
There, just sent you an invite...
Well get him to write it all out for you.
It shouldn't be hard, he's a dumb 15 yo.
Unless you're just making this all up, i find it hard to believe that he doesn't have one shred of his autism portrayed in text form for you to use.
Nah, sadly he's paranoid as fuck
Very well then.
Still, report him anyway and if you can, record him talking about this shit using software like OBS.
You could prevent another national disaster here OP since you are probably the only one in the server who doesn't think this kid is joking.
Your admin should really enforce an +18 rule to get the edgetards out
But yeah report the little shit, OP. I'm tired of edgy high schoolers shooting up schools and then getting normalfags after us
I still don't know what the fuck discord is and don't really care.
Why can't you fucking kids just go away? This board needs to age verify, only 25+ can post. Nobody gives a fuck about this stupid gay shit.
Is this world dominator we talking about?
>What do, robots?
First fuck off to reddit, normalfag
nope, not the guy...