girls, can we start a male hate thread?
Girls, can we start a male hate thread?
I know this is a troll but ever since the man hate thread on LC got autossaged, something's been missing from my life
>be a guy
>be the epitome of violence, rape, and murder
>think girls like you for more than dick, status, and or money
Something I've noticed about men is they 're all some kind of autistic. Not the 'lol xD internet autism' kind, but the literal autism spectrum, even if it's minor
Obvious Bait, git gud
Men will never love you for whats inside. They only care about your looks and your body. I just want someone to appriciate me beyond what I look like.
I know how to cook! I'm educated! I'm more than just eye candy!
I mean, testosterone does decrease empathy
i dont like when they think they are the only people allowed to have a hard life.
shove that phone up your mangina, dude
Something that has really begun to bother me recently is that many men claim women are vapid, greedy whores who only care about a man's wealth and status. These are often the same men who only care about a woman's appearance. A woman being with a man only because he's wealthy and a man only being with a woman because she's attractive is the same thing in my eyes. It's okay for men to only like women for superficial reasons but totally different from when a woman does it, right?
tfw no femanons care enough to insult and berate me
No it's nothing to do with empathy. It's their behaviour, how they talk, their habits, etc. They all have rigid behaviours they always do and aren't aware they do.
Go ahead girls. I literally become extremely passionate and fall deeply in love mutually and then I just become bored and leave you. I dont know whats wrong with me
we're not all violent murders and rapists
>inb4 "you're saying notallmenz"
yes im sayingnot all men
What do you mean by rigid behaviors?
i mean not all black ppl commit crime but u guys love pointing out how many do it :). like 90%+ of all those things are done by men and not women. why cant we point that out :DDDD
Jokes on you ladies I already hate myself
The difference being that women also care about appearances at least as much if not twice as men, plus not even giving you a chance if you're not rich or whatever.
fucking roasties
I hate that you can't be nice to a guy without being accused of leading him on. I have literally no idea how to act around males anymore. But I don't hate guys I love them
>like 90%+ of all those things are done by men and not women
that's false tho.
Also I don't like it when the other people say black people are bad either.
This haha
fucking end me
is there not a huge difference tho? in the numbers of girls who rape and murder in comparison to men?
I will love you for who you are femanons. Chivalry isn't dead.
so men dont care about their financial state? women are taught to be smart and mature, what is more smart and mature than wanting as much financial security as possible???
Every guy I know will have words or saying he always uses. He will do the same thing every day even if he doesn't have a schedule.
All the women I've known are far more flexible
yea it's pretty big for those but violence is about split, we're just better at killingand stuff. but also the last > of the first post was saying it's okay for girls to only care about a guy's dick status and money which is bad imo
Dont these threads usually come with femdom porn? Where is it?
There aren't women on Jow Forums retard
what a fucking retarded rationalization.
Because men are more prone to depression, which causes them to just do the same thing without being happy
Fuck your shit gender. Your ultimate tool is emotional manipulation. I got kicked out of my house because my sister wanted my room. Fuck off roastie
no its the truth. men do care about their finances. you are an idiot to say they dont.
oh shit I remember you saying something like that. what happened user?
Fuck off with your self pity. I'm talking about all men, men who I know for a fact aren't depressed. It's just a matter of all men being on the autism spectrum whether they know it or not
Women do this too. Try not to think too much about it because I guarantee that you say like way too much. We all do it but I can understand if their entire personality is based off the same go to responses.
I dont know about other guys but I do the same repeated phrases or mindsets when I dont care about what someone is talking about or if I want to stop talking
im so sick of men hating women and thinking women are out to get them. we deal with getting used for our bodies, raped, led on, hurt, cheated on etc. just like your gender does. stop making up shitty excuses for being alone. stop blaming us.
I never said men don't care about finances, everyone cares about their finances.
I said that it's a retarded rationalization, you were rationalizing hypergamy as though it is anything more than selfishness.
but how do you know it's women not being on the logical spectrum? lel
someone essentially justified men only dating a girl for her looks because women also care about their looks, while saying its not okay for women to only care about money. it goes both ways. you can justify both of them.
>Chivalry isn't dead.
>im so sick of men hating women and thinking women are out to get them.
the whole of feminism is you trying to get us.
stop speaking, you're fucking retarded
I think its funny how both genders think theyre special when they are almost the exact same. Men can hate all women and women can hate all men for a time and both sides deal with rejection. Maybe they arent pragmatic and cant see all the uglies that go through the same things they do; too infactuated with Stacy or Chad to notice those with similar ranking
See you've got it in your head that everyone is like you, you're scrambling to find similarities in behaviour with others and realising the only people who truly behave as rigidly as you are other men.
but what gender has more justified reasons?
yea well if we're not rigid and systemic then we die fighting a fucking mammoth
They are petty, and will always be man babies who boast about how violent they are. Even if they want to be cute and cuddly, if they don't get their way be a bitch baby and make it everyone's fault.
Pic unrelated.
Roastie graduated from college, comes home, and takes a giant shit to my livelihood. I doubt she will move out with her meme eletrical mechanic degree and her nonexistent jobs.
I'm female and refuse to deal with it. I'm proud psychotic. People can tell I have the bitch in me
Feminism is about equality between men and women. Women superiority is misandry. Even if a woman uses feminism in disguise of misandry, doesn't make it feminism.
Grow beyond your programming
>if they don't get their way be a bitch baby and make it everyone's fault.
Women do this WAY more often gtfo out of here with this shit
also wtf is a man baby, I have never heard the term "woman baby" leveled at a women who acts in a way men do who are labeled manbabies
I see that you are likely frustrated with something unrelated to the topic; otherwise you would see how crude your words are to someone that is neutral.
Arguing gender balance is foolish because no one can truly understand both genders because they only grow up boy or girl.
Theres no way of knowing because Im not a boy and girl. It doesnt really matter anyways
This, I have had several men tell me that if they get mad, people get hurt and people chuckled. I didn't want to be near him anymore, and I've had other men brag about breaking things/ punching walls/ generally throwing a tantrum. Yes, women do it too, and I think it's gross on both sides, but more common in men. I blame the parents.
>men who I know for a fact aren't depressed
Men are very good at hiding it cause people like you will just shit on them and consider their depression to be character flaws instead of mental illness
It's so easy to get guys upset like you are now don't come to threads you know you won't like
no it's not, it's always been about destroying us. pic related
Why? We're fine the way we are.
ITT: spergs picking up women who are really men.
Read the last sentence, "Even if a woman uses feminism in disguise of misandry, doesn't make it feminism." Again.
Yeah yeah poor baby :'(
I've seen my male friends depressed. I've seen a friend of several years literally begging his girlfriend to come back to him as he cries on his knees. I think I know when people are depressed and when they're not, thanks.
Men do, transgender who transition report that women live easier more fulfilling and social colorful lives while being a man is isolating and nobody cares how you feel or what you think
Have you read even 1 post in this thread?
How can you do that when the only girls on this board are male?
Do your male friends know you hate them so much?
>white men
I love being lumped in with shitty people. Well go right ahead I'll be laughing my ass off every time you hate LOL
feminists don't care about equality at all, if they did the first thing they would do is factor the biological differences between us to see how equality would even look. It's not just equal representation across the board.
Scared of being objectified, huh user?
ITT: men and men pretending to be women arguing gender politics
I come to threads I dont like to seek justification to the controversial claim. However you fail to give me what the justification I desire and would rather argue and force the issue to a stalemate.
Why do you think the genders are so unbalanced?
what do you mean? i don't undersatnd im sorry
And I bet you mock those male friends. Bet you told that crying man to stop harassing his ex.
Not that user, but being a sad depressive fuck doesn't give you the right to, as you put it, harass their ex. Or anyone for that matter. Did you miss that part in learning how to be human training?
They know I hate everyone
I told him to pull himself together and stop embarrassing himself. Sound like you're just like him, to obsessed with your own problems to think about what your behaviour is doing to others. Maybe you, just like him will start a fight with some guy in a bar who tells you not to touch your ex when she wants you to leave her alone.
>Chad will never love you for whats inside. Chad only cares about your looks and your body. I just want chad that to appriciate me beyond what I look like
Fixed it for you fucking whore
Like women don't do the exact same thing. Hell there was a story where a woman in England murdered her boyfriend with acid cause she thought he was gonna leave her.
They don't care if you're an ugly girl either.
I'd never start a fight, but that's just cause I'm a beta male. As such I'd not have a gf to fight over either
If I thought a man was going to leave me I'd break up immediately so I wouldn't feel insecure from him dumping me.
can i come and hate myself in this thread
Not true, even passing transgenders aren't the most attractive of women and they still report the increase of kindness from strangers and care from their friends
Women are worth more than men so equality would actually skew in males favor in terms of "perks"
That's why feminists don't want equality, they'd have to give things to men. Right now women get more than men and feminists are fighting to get even more for women and less for men
Exactly fucking this
The whole thread is pure b8
Men have evolved to take risks and be expendable. You can either embrace it and get laid, or complain and live your life on here as a virgin.
But have you read the thread? People are at each others throats, not trying to hit on each other
im not a virgin you fucking female devil.
6,000 years ago men figured out that if we teamed up we could do everything, and here we are now. feminism isn't going to do anything in the long run, it will fall.
You're using 90s social norms. Passing trans women and feminine trans women are placed above masc women or obese women or ugly women in the hierarchy.
>You can either embrace it and get laid
Embrace it and die as the expendable tool that women view you as you mean. An ugly man will not get laid, he will be squeezed for every drop of utility he has until he dies of exhaustion or suicide while women happily hop on the top 10% of men's dicks over and over again
Maybe the hierarchy women establish, but the brainwashed mass of men will always treat all women great
dude she's a female devil, they literally get off to us hurting each other and destroying each other to be "dominant". Their sexuality is inherently evil and they need to be fixed.
Re-read my post you idiot. I want to be respected for who I am not what I look like or whats between my legs.
That's not possible, the difference between our sexes is too great.
>female devil
Laughed out loud at this, is there a more flattering thing to be called?
>tfw you are someone's devil
>hurr durr let's just reveal my power level
Beta not even once
men r all ugly and their dicks dont compare to what male sex dolls can do.
I know it sucks, but being a beta male is not uncommon. It's why 70+% of suicides in the US are men
Tell me where I'm wrong though. Women literally want men to compete and hurt each other and then pick the "best". Men aren't like that.
If all women were super attractive, all men would be happy and content.
If all men were super attractive, women would still want us to hurt each other and only pick the "best". Its fucking bullshit and you deserve to be oppressed for it.
im pretty sure thats mostly drinking, debts and depression
Bait really is shit nowadays.