What are you currently reading user?

What are you currently reading user?

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i am reading this thread robot

"Notes from the underground" for the second time. I have never found character in all of literature whom I relate to such extent.

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I am reading The Wars by Timothy Findley. It is about this chap named Robert in WW1 who is INFJ and kinda socially autistic, he likes small animals and then gets mentally messed up by the end, but when he is completely burned up and cannot move, he and a 12 year old girl fall in love but then he dies.

bump ye cucks

Just making my way through pic related. I know people say you don't really get the full effect of his poetry if you don't know Portuguese but I'm still enjoying it. Maybe one day I'll be able to live like Caeiro.

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nothing atm might read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" soon.
But Interviews with hideous men was something I read about a year ago I quite enjoyed.

In The Shadow Of The Silent Majorities by Baudrillard

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Was reading Nicomachean Ethics but I was getting distracted too easily so I busted this out.
Gotta say it pisses me way the hell off, Hofstadter immediately presents himself as a pedantic boomer and the opening chapters just dance around the concepts of metacognition in a way that's insulting and redundant. I get that GEB was pretty mathematics-heavy and not well understood by the general audience but does that mean the followup had to be written for kindergartners?

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The Underground Man is a regular person not LE EPIC Jow Forums SHITPOSTER REEE that you think he is. The book is variably a sarcastic or directly confrontational attack against Chernyshevsky's What Is To Be Done and much of the "STUPID FREAKING EPIC" commentary is just direct allusions to that work, not broad social commentary like you imagine it to be.
Dosto plebs are the fucking worst.

god damn shut up you autistic cuck. no wonder you don't have any friends.

Maybe learn how to read correctly you pathetic, projecting mongoloid

Maybe learn how to not be a faggot, faggot

I don't have a picture to properly convey how much of a nigger you are so imagine one with the same mental fortitude you must use to refrain from killing yourself every moment of your pathetic existence.

I have a picture to properly convey how much of a nigger you are, but you don't deserve to see it. Faggot.

>if I copy his post exactly people won't laugh at me anymore

>if I copy his post exactly, abloo bloo bloo

IT - Stephen King

I don't know how he comes up with that much material to write.

Finished reading Dubliners, the Sisters and the Dead and the one with the church guy seduced by a nymphet really fucked me up.

Gonna start Don Quixote at /lit/ soon.. Also reading self-help The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle which is doing me real well.

How's that book? It was either Quixote or Infinite Jest, but was also considering Hideous Men.

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The Hero With A Thousand Faces.

The inferno. I just finished a canticle for leibowitz, it was really good.
Also is in my unfinished list

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