Going for a root canal tomorrow, kinda scared because I don't leave my room much, will it hurt?

going for a root canal tomorrow, kinda scared because I don't leave my room much, will it hurt?

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Unless they knock you out, it will be one of the most painful things you can experience.

Potentially what says, but usually it won't hurt at all if the dentist takes his time and doesn't go in there as if he were searching for fucking oil.
Make sure to get a young dentist (in his 40s), who doesn't hate his job and patients yet.
It is very uncomfortable though because it takes very long and there are scary tools involved.

Depends on plenty of things, fren. How deep are the canals? How many of them? Are they chad slightly curved as they should be or are they virgin demented all over the place that it is hard to clean them? Do you have inflammation/infection around/inside?

Most of the time it is okay. It is not pleasant, but not horrible either. But, if you have a visibly large inflammation, it can hurt pretty nice.

The root canal, or leaving your room?
Because the root canal will definitely hurt.

Last time I went to the dentist they kept asking about my lack of a job and what I do all day. She also asked what it was like living with my parents.

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I always stare at her big milkers. They are great, though I think she knows I stare.

Also protip: You want male dentist, not female. Females tend to be all about doing the procedure with no pain, even if the job is lacking and therefore can possibly fuck you over in long-term.

Should of drank more milk but instead you are a cuck posting lesbo shit haha justice served fagit

Mine didn't but I was kind of a unique case because most of the nerve had died already. Unless you're going to someone who has no idea what they're doing, they'll numb you nice and good so you don't feel a thing when they drill in and pull the nerve out.

I previously had a male dentist. He was awesome. He ran a politically incorrect office and used terms like douchebag and ghetto.

Make sure to just get local anesthesia. Some of these jewish dentists will circumcise you if you get put under.

Modern dentistry is amazing compared to what it was, it won't hurt but you'll feel uncomfortable cold sensations as the drill is doing its thing. If you're getting it all done in one sitting then it'll be grand and you'll feel great once it's done because it's over and done with

I grew up in the 80s and the dentistry back then was just rip-and-pull shit without anesthetic compered to what it is now.

You'll be fine, here's some big old titties to light your path

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Male dentists are way better (if anything they try to avoid pain even more).
As for big milkers, their assistants have them.

my dentist has a jehovah's witness as his assistant. I try to act very uninterested whenever she works her religion into the convo. i fear she will send them to pester me at my house.

can't afford a dentist so a support worker i had managed to get me seen at a university hospital. i get seen by undergraduates but their work is overseen by fully qualified dentists. the gril who does my work is so lovely. last time i was there her assistant called be a good boy for remaining still. i legit though i was having an out of body experience. it felt like going from nought to stoned in under 2 seconds. i'm going back on the 14th. just need to keep it together and not act weird.

This. Was born in 80s, Eastern Europe no less. Visiting a dentist was greatest horror among both children and adults. 80 y/o senile communist dentist who got his diploma only because his family were good reds, frequently drilled wrong healthy teeth. Everything solved by tearing it out (again, usually wrong teeth out) Anesthetics were guaranteed by the state in theory, in practice they were all sold the first day they arrived so you never had them. If they did arrived, that is.

Now the office look like a coffee lounge, everything is mostly painless, free drinks and personal have big milkers and is all gentle-like. Dentists are no alcoholics, but actually good people.

dont listen to these fags trying to scare you OP. its uncomfortable more than anything. and if you tell them youre scared they might give you some NO2 which will sort that fear right out.

It'll be annoying but it won't hurt per say. Hurts more before the root canal than after. Your mouth will be sore due to having your mouth open the entire time.

Why do you care if it will hurt if you have to do it (for your health)?

Old dentists are the worst, even today and in the West. Maybe they think "back in my day going to the dentist was a live hell and I will keep it that way".

I had to get one done. Only two things hurt: a) injecting the numbing shit into my mouth and b) having to hold my mouth wiiiide open for so long made my jaw sore as shit. If it wasn't for my jaw hurting I wouldn't have even needed the pain meds they prescribed me for after the procedure.

Overall I was amazed at how little pain there was, with all the whining and bitching I've heard about them.

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It's fine man. Kids get them, so yeah it's nothing.

They'll knock you out like a light and you won't even remember it happened, they also give you painkillers afterwards which will kick your ass.

The worst part is not eating solid food for a few weeks. I nearly creamed myself drinking miso soup just because I was so sick of nutrition shakes and other sweet things.