Fellow beardlets of Jow Forums, why aren't you using minoxidil? Just apply it 2 times a day and in a matter of a months you have definite improvement.

>improved your face, think of your beard as male makeup
>women love beards, can personally attest to it even when I don't even cone close to pic related
>no more boyface

>have to leave it on for four hours, with it being slightly visible on your face
>it stings sometimes
>also itches
>dry flakey skin
>annoying to put it on 2 times a day for a prolonged time
>as far as I know if you shave the beard it won't grow back the same without minoxidil (this is my second time using it)

Just giving some people who felt like me an option.

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (842x750, 99K)

I'm 28 and can't grow a beard. I don't mean it's fuzzy or weak, it literally doesn't grow on most of my face. My mustache only makes jealous a 14 year old mexican boy.

I'm willing to try that shit. How long have you been doing it OP?

>2 times a day
>4 hours at a time
I'm not leaving some bullshit on my face for a third of a day every day.

I have to shave every day or it is very noticeable; if I have an event at night I sometimes shave twice a day. Are you guys hormonally unbalanced? You need a prescription drug to grow a beard?

he looks better without the beard, daily reminder that beauty is in the jaw, always

What is the guy in OP on?
Looks really good before, looks like he's filming his martyrdom video afterwards

Yes. I don't know what you gain coming to a beardlet thread though.
Yeah. It helps if you don't go anywhere though. Those hours after the initial hour fly by.
But I look terrible without one. That's why I use it.

It's toxic to cats. Cats > pussy. Always.

who wants pubes on their face? just stay clean shaven, would rather be a wizard than have pubic hair all over my mouth

you look terrible either way

As someone who used minoxidil (generic name for Rogaine) for 4-5 months for baldness, keep in mind that it will make some people's skin age rapidly.

Even though I was always very careful to apply it only to my scalp, it still gave me dark circles/bags around my eyes, and made my forehead's brow wrinkles deepen significantly.

After I stopped using it, this stuff mostly went back to normal after a week or so.

Attached: 1175445740672.jpg (854x770, 106K)

>tfw not a beardlet but mustachelet
Feels bad man

>tfw have to shave every day to avoid beard
beardlets BTFO

Attached: 1499083915508.png (665x608, 253K)

what a stupid picture. this proves nothing. he clearly just shaved and then let it grow

Wow sorry I missed this.

The first time around I did it for about 1.5 months or two before I got a full coverage. However for the life of me my mustache and beard don't connect. I stopped there because I couldn't keep putting it on my face, I had to interact far more often. It left my jaw either whitish or with a yellow tint. I've heard of people using it far longer and gaining more results. I use the Up&Up brand, but there's also others, foam if you'd like.

Is that so? I'll be on the lookout thanks.

Idk it might work on that area. I've never put it there.

I can attest it works.

I ripped beard hairs out of my face when I had one
It got to the point where I had a bald spot

why would you do that user, don't like beard?

>can grow beard
>don't know how to style or look after it
>especially dislike my moustache
>end up shaving it off every time and while I still have a good jawline it's not as striking
>also fucking Onion Lads have ruined having a beard
what do

4 hours is for max efficacy of absorption. You can leave it on for 1-2 hours and get effects.

>tfw grew my first beard when I was 16

growing onions facial hair
yeah just get a Nintendo switch and some square glasses, then the lady will be all over your dick OP

The funny thing is that a lot of "numales" you people like to make fun of actually have friends and gfs while you want to kill yourself because you can't attain those things

Becuase the beard trend is largely to do with a bunch of young dudes insecure in their masculinity and uncertain of what it is to be a man latching onto superficial representations of masculinity in attempt to feel manly while being nothing of the sort. Also I can grow one and it's just really not worth the maintenance.

>tfw don't even want a beard just want it to grow non-patchy so i can keep it at stubble length instead of having to shave it

I've been using it and it seems to be working 2bh

>you people
you have to go back

I have friends and I just broke up with my ex gf
I come here cuz I like the atmosphere and normalfag humor is complete trash
and I like to laugh at people doing worse off then me

it took me 6 months to get a full beard going this shit really works

THIS. If you live with or regularly interact with cats don't mess with the stuff.

>16 months of smearing Rogaine on your face for some scraggly excuse for a beard and a pathetic mustache that doesn't even connect
Actual steroids would do a better job at this than hair cream which doesn't even work for a lot of men.

Why the hell would you want a beard unless you were a filthy mudshit?
I actually envy guys who can't grow beards. They probably save a fortune on razors.

33 and cant grow a real beard, I can grow "designer stubble" but if I dry to grow it out it just comes though in this shitty long strands

Is there an inverse drug, I hate shaving
often and my facial hair grows so quickly

>I envy guys who can't produce a universal feature of masculinity
I feel the same way. I also envy short men, men with high-pitched voices, and men with tiny dicks. Gynecomastia is pretty cool too.

Even if you were 6 feet tall with a thick beard and a mighty cock, everyone can tell by your insecurities that you're no man.

Wouldn't have any insecurities if I was 6'0 with a thick beard and a mighty cock, my smooth-brained friend.

>ad hominem
You're clearly a scared little bitch or you wouldn't be lashing out like this.
Obviously daddy didn't fuck your mouth enough when you were a child.

It worked for me but I got heart palpitations and raised HR even after months of stopping. Doctors said I'm normal with 80bpm resting but fuck that, this shit has done something to me. I was careful and only used half a dose once a day. Guess I'm sensitive to it. Hope I go back to normal.

One word

You don't know what ad hominem means. Refuting your central point and calling you silly as an afterthought is not ad hominem.
And I don't know why you're projecting your homoerotic fantasies on normal people, but try to keep your daddy kink to yourself and stay on topic.

The topic is you're a fucking faggot who didn't get raped enough by his father when he was a child.
Try to keep up, retard!

>muh ad hominem
>lel u fag
You aren't by any chance a short, shrill-voiced male with a tiny dick, are you? Why are you so defensive when exposed to reality? Security stems from physical features, not "confidence" or "being yourself". Sorry I had to burst your bubble, kidderino.

That guy looks better without the beard imo. Same situation for me. I have grown a beard before and friends (mom especially) tells me they think I look better without it.

If you are a chinlet then I suppose a beard is your only salvation.

You might as well be taking HRT. Accept the genetics you were given

So is minoxidil actually safe to use on your chin or what.

the only reason I have a beard is because I'm a lazy sack of shit and it's easier than shaving. No it does not look good.

>You might as well be taking HRT. Accept the genetics you were given
kill yourself human garbage