>Want to get a swastika tattoo on my neck
>Racial isolation has made my life worthless
What would you think about this if you saw it in real life?
>Want to get a swastika tattoo on my neck
>Racial isolation has made my life worthless
What would you think about this if you saw it in real life?
Other urls found in this thread:
Getting a swastika tat or any tat at all is degenerate is stupid. Doing so as a non-white would not raise any eyebrows with me though
t.self-hating non-white
>Displaying deeply held beliefs on your skin is degenerate
Degeneracy is hiding and telling lies and letting everyone live totally obliviously to the reality they live in.
It is 100x worse to support race-mixing and treating blacks as white equals.
Based mutts.
Y'all are gonna make it bruvs.
I'd advise against the tattoo in spite of siegefag, you're unlikely to get shit for it, but I'd personally wait just till things are about to boil over to get one, and only then so that the good guys can identify ya.
What possible reason could a nonwhite have for getting a swastika tattoo
It will ruin your chances of getting a job/gf/wife.
If you need one, make it easy to conceal.
On that note, where would a nonwhite get a swastika tattoo?
Non-whites and mutts can help support the cause.
Or at least I hope they can cause I'm prolly a mutt, and I'm into this shit.
I have no chance of getting a girlfriend/wife.
I intend to do contract labor installing cabinets until I die.
No one will care.
whats your mix?
>Races shouldn't live side-by-side
>Racial segregation is the answer
>Believe in Eugenics for a better world
>Hate Jews and grateful they were all murdered
The only issue is I'm not white, but the Nazi party is my party. We live in the same world after-all.
id be scared to talk to you desu. im immediately wary of people with any kind of hand/neck tattoo, let alone a fucking swastika
This is what it is.
I have never met anyone that is what I am.
I don't think the love for being the same race is enough to make-up for my social deficit.
And, even worse, we don't even speak the same language.
odalism > natsoc
>>Want to get a swastika tattoo on my neck
Into the furnace you go with the others.
>da juice
The jews are to whites as whites are to non whites.
You are objectively wrong, dum dum.
The fact you want a tattoo at all shows you have absolutely no understanding of nazi belief and are just trying to be edgy and provocative.
I think racemixed people are some of the ones with most reason to follow Hitler. They are the biggest casualties on the racial matters Hitler talked about.
If racial purity ideals were held, they wouldn't have to be born mutts.
Thanks for posting a cute catgirl. I appreciate your effort.
Poltards need to kill themsleves for the better
They can follow the ideals of racial purism and general political views but a mutt can never truly be a "nazi". The same goes for christians. There's much more to it than simply having a third option stance.
interesting. looks like youre mostly white. wonder how obvious it is youre mixed. do you have a bad relationship with the non white parent? were you bullied? you singled out racial isolation. is that the the thing you believe drives your isolation or are you not isolated otherwise?
My effort?
You're argentine aren't you?
Posting catgirls is a righteous effort. I am grateful for your posting of Cyan the catgirl.
I was bullied by all races.
I have a poor relationship with my father when I compare it to the relationship he has with his own father.
I've never wanted him to be proud of me.
I loved him when I was a boy, but he drank and was violent toward me and my mother, so he ruined something good. He ultimately made me fearful of him and distant for the rest of my natural life.
We don't think at all alike.
We talk, but we don't connect.
It's the same thing with my mother.
I am sorry to disappoint user, but no I am not.
Am a burger/amerimutt.
Thank you, user!
Cyan is best catgirl.
well, it seems like you have the typical traits of people that sucked into the racial stuff. you want to belong and be noticed. maybe you should join an improve group or something?
>"""""nazi""""" larper
the only way you could manage to be even worse is if you were a christfag
I'm too fearful of other races to do that.
I can't handle communicating with Mexicans, Whites, or Blacks.
I've got no bearing.
She is a cutie. Thank you, user.
most of the improve groups ive seen are white teenagers.
are you assuming you'll be in a job with only asian people? interesting. good luck being scared of people I guess.
Oh no.
Uhm, how'd you figure it out, user?
I wouldn't say I'm a national socialist quite yet as I don't know as much about them as I should, not to mention my mutthood, but they seem to be decent and intelligent fellows, all the ones I've met have been at least.
Thanks for another Cyan gif.
You're welcome, user.
National socialism is a political third option and not necessarily accompanying aryanism, they're just very closely related. It should also be noted that "aryan" doesn't necessarily refer to the pale/blonde/blue-eyed sterotype as west asia is/was at one point aryan as well.
Kikestianity is a jewish influence and has no place in white countries - or any country, on that note. Everything it touches falls to war and ruin from Europe to the Aztecs and so on.
The aztecs were violent savages, they deserved what they got.
Christianity was the dominant religion throughout a lot and if I remember correctly, Hitler himself wasn't that negative about Christianity.
The current mess in the west is more likely the cause of secularism than Christianity, at least, that's how it looks to me.
Kikes subvert modern society and most modern Christians are normies, but that doesn't mean Christianity is inherently subversive.
ah shit I'm autistic
Christianity was the dominant religion throughout alot of European history*
Hitler openly questioned christianity since he was a boy and later privately spoke of his hatred for it. Much of the NSDAP brass were also vikang larpers and openly persecuted the church while bastardizing kikestianity into "positive christianity" because they knew how harmful it was long term.
To say the Aztecs were "violent savages" is hypocritical of you. YahWeh was responsible for multiple genocides, many counts of isolated mass murders, general murder, commanding the Israelites to rape and murder children. Tearing out and ritually eating the hearts of your dead enemies is nothing compared to that.
Christians and jews both follow the jewish god, YahWeh. Christians are spiritual semites. Europe made christianity "great", and I use that word VERY loosely, not the other way around.
Christians also tortured and murdered millions of pagans and stole their holidays to appeal to them, and would later cause some of the deadliest wars in human history. Greece was on the verge of harnessing STEAM POWER 2000 years ago and yet all innovation suddenly ceased for 1600 years when kikestians took over education and excluded anyone who wouldn't suck up to magical jew in the sky, aka anyone with half a brain cell.
What about the times where he criticized anti-Christians?
Why was he only private about his LARPing?
When did he tell Israelites to rape children?
Genocide and murder in war is just fighting war as it is meant to be fought.
Why would you give your enemy the opportunity to get back up?
If Europeans would fight their wars like that, then they wouldn't have any problems.
Aztecs engaged in ritual sacrifice, bloodletting, and cannibalism of humans to a weird bat god, that irks me out more than total war.
Didn't pagans try to murder Christians?
Didn't the pagans slaughter each other as well?
Romans beat the shit out of the druids for being druids, as well as the Christians for being Christians.
The Vikangz raided monasteries and fought with their neighboring Christian nations.
Do you have sources to cite for the gorillionz of innocent pagans unjustly murdered by "kikestians"?
Cute! I want to pet Cyan and Rosia!
If I saw someone with a swastika tattoo on their neck IRL I'd legit move to the other side of the road or walk in the opposite direction. Anybody crazy enough to brand themselves with something like that, a symbol which will actively ruin their life as long as they display it, prevent them from gaining a job, new friends, or even a cup of coffee in many places... Somebody wearing that out in the open is capable of anything.
I am not trying to make it sound edgy and cool either, I'd just legit believe that person is mentally insane and might stab me with a toothbrush. I don't need that in my life.
I knowww, Show by Rock is probably one of the cutest shows in existence, but almost everything Sanrio makes is super cute.
>t.self-hating non-white
Just remember that if whites were poor and disadvantaged and non-whites were the ruling class instead all the white nationalists of today would be #WhiteLivesMatter and yelling for gibs. Also remember that almost all succesful white people, those who make the white race the ruling class, don't really give a shit about race and just do whatever makes them rich and what they want to do.
Germany was 99% christian when the nazis came to power. They never would've made it if they went against it outright. Read Hitler's Table Talk for a much more accurate portrayal of his views on it.
Somewhere early on in the old testament when YahWeh commanded the Israelites to purge the surrounding desert people, he told them to kill the little boys as well and take the young virgin girls as their wives.
Just off the top of my head, let's review YahWeh's track record;
>genocides the entire world in a flood
>commands abraham to murder his son - lol jk, kill this goat instead and mutiltate your penises
>destroys two entire cities children and all in a hail of fire
>turns lot's wife into a pillar of salt for looking back at said destruction
>says it's okay to murder egyptians as long as nobody sees it
>keyword, intentionally, hardens pharaoh's heart and genocides the egyptians
>murders the pursuing egyptian army
>murders an undisclosed "many" of moses' followers with venomous snakes for having the audacity to question him after starving and frying in the desert
>commands the israelites to murder all of the surrounding tribes including little boys and take the little girls as their wives
>at one point the jews jewtilate a mass of other sand people so they could convert to judaism but they kill them anyway aftet doing it
along with many, many more atrocities. Please actually read your bible sometime and you'll realize how much of a fucking lunatic he is. Also on a side note, fallen angels who are supposed to be the bad guys gifted humans with the knowledge of astronomy, botany and metallurgy in the Book of Enoch, canon or not.
If the Aztecs performing ritual sacrifice irks you why doesn't a genocidal jewish lunatic who demands you mutilate you and your sons' genitals and sacrifice animals to him until he births himself through cuckoldry until he is rightfully put down by the legion irk you?
I'm not saying there was no fighting between pagans, just that christians were infinitely more violent and subversive. Vikang and general pagan murder of christians was in response to what was essentially a foreign invasion. Saint Paddy's day is literally a celebration of him murdering and driving out the "snakes" - pagans - from the land for example.
he will just answer you "muh new testament"
but yeah, the abrahamic god is psychopathic, still christianity is by far the best out of the 3
Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of saving more catgirl gifs.
>all natives were aztecs
You do realize that the tribes which suffered the most by the European invasion were the weaker peaceful tribes, right?
They're all about equally terrible. The only thing I'll give any one of them props for is islam with its infatuation with domination. It's a masculine religion and while I hate it just as much as the others, I honestly believe Europe would've been better off if it had become dominant. Islam allowed all native religions to continue to exist as long as they weren't involved politically and paid tithes, unlike the christian suppression and murder of everything else. Christianity teaches you to be weak personally as well as treasonous and judaism is self explanatory.
So instead Hitler planned to subvert his nation like a kike would?
For some reason I have a hard time believing that.
So, for genociding the world in a flood, just imagine the most degenerate shit you can, and imagine a world filled with people doing that, because that's what they were doing.
Washed the earth clean.
Circumcision is not something Christians are required to do, he destroyed two cities, again, full of complete degenerates doing the most degenerate shit imaginable, the wife just had to follow one simple instruction (sympathy for an unfaithful roast on Jow Forums, lol), the Egyptians should not have followed them, the Pharaoh had made his mind, God simply gave him the will to not break, if I'm not mistaken he said to take the virgins as their brides, I dunno if that means little girls, and it seems like the standard shit of any conquering army of that time period.
Yeah, they conquered land, the people they took it from where just as brutal as they were, and far more degenerate.
The kikes mutilating the other tribe and then killing them is not portrayed as something positive, and God did not tell them to do that.
That was an independent operation.
Book of Enoch is not canon, you admit it yourself.
If it's not canon, I don't give a shit.
The punishment for sin is death, blood was needed to absolve it, only Christ could make the sacrifice to save humanity.
You keep saying Jewish but he is the God of all nations, tribes, and tongues.
I'm wondering, why does a pagan have so much sympathy for degenerates anyways?
For some reason I get the feeling you would not care so much if the pagans had been the victors and slaughtered the Christians.
I fail to see how the Roman Empire was being invaded by Christians just practicing their religion within it.
>christians are weak
>christians btfo pagans and pagans are still salty
>but christians are weak, remember that.
Predicting that I would say the new testament removes most of the distasteful elements of Christianity does not invalidate that answer.
I realize that, and it sucks for them, but at the same time, if you want to take the position that it was an atrocity, blaming it on Christianity seems dishonest.
That'd be like saying Euros are expansionist assholes because they conquered large chunks of the planet, even when they were pagan, with examples of Alexander the Great's empire and the Roman Empire.
Retarded. I'm 1488, but it's degenerate and retarded as fuck to tattoo yourself at all or to do that shit.
I'm glad I could oblige.
I like posting them, I hope to give anons little bits of encouragement or add brightness to their day by posting'em, though maybe that's a bit too ambitious for little text messages with cute catgirl gifs.
>You keep saying Jewish but he is the God of all nations, tribes, and tongues.
Not mine.
i'm starting to believe all pagans are closet furfags
alrighty, I don't wanna argue about this anymore anyways, I don't like to argue with pagans, even if they prolly want me ded for being a "kikestian"
I doubt it, that's just a cool gif.
>blah blah blah Hitler
Subversion to remove subversion is completely justifiable.
Yeah because people being "degenerates" which is an incredibly vague term is totally reason to destroy the entire planet including the little kids and all of nature.
It's human nature to look at a cataclysmic event. It was a retarded instruction and he killed her for no reason.
>circumcision, animal sacrifice
Doesn't matter, he still commanded it for no discernable reason other than being a vampire apparently. Sin isn't a real thing.
"If I find even one person who isn't le degenerate I will spare them or some such" - apparently even the little kids and babies were degenerates. Whatever animals they had too?
>had his mind set
>yahweh intervenes to intentionally prevent him from letting the kikes go so he can genocide them and everyone will remember and be afraid
>degenerate degenerate degeneracy degenerate degenerate
The romans initially thought the christians were batshit cannibal doomsday preachers because they had no idea what they were talking about and thought "eat the body and drink the blood" was part of ritual human sacrifice. Tensions only rose from there. These people got thrown to the lions for a reason. The western empire also collapsed to the first sacking in 800 years just 130 years after adopting kikestianity. Christians would also later go on to btfo Constantinople in the fourth crusade, allowing it to be conquered.
>christians aren't weak goy
Do you think it happened overnight? You realize that some baltic pagans resisted until around the 1500s right? A great example of suppression is Roman Egpyt, where the taxes on native religious practice were so high practically nobody could afford it, so they were naturally shifting toward kikestianity as the alternative due to it along with heavy shilling.
You have made my day better, user.
What kikestians couldn't gain through incessant shilling and the vampirism of holidays/traditions they took by force with superior numbers. Under unbearable torture many broke and converted, many also resisted and died horrific deaths because of it. A good better known example of this is Olaf I.
>The aztecs were violent savages
Every non white civilization was a "savage" in the age of european invasions around the world, including Indian and Orientals. They may have preformed sacrifices to their gods using enemies/rebels and you can't say that is hardly different than christians and europeans slaughtering eachother for centuries over their god. The Aztecs were civilized just not in the civility christian europeans wanted. It also should be noted that Montezuma welcomed the Cortes with open arms until fight broke out.
The Spanish themselves commented on how clean (both the city and the people), beautiful and organized it was unlike the city of London at the time. The Spaniards were amazed on what the Aztecs created to stay clean (from deodorizers to body wash and teeth care).
Extra regarding Natives Americans
In regards to Hitler well some anons already have that covered. From my knowledge Hitler despised Chirstianity for its weakness and praised Islam for its aggressive approach as a religion.
>Yeah because people being "degenerates" which is an incredibly vague term is totally reason to destroy the entire planet including the little kids and all of nature
this, worshipping anything other than their OC god was already enough to be branded a degenerate
>no they were subverted slowly
>but they also were slaughtered in the millions and driven from their lands
>without being weaker
>they were also willing to give up on their religious beliefs based on shitty taxes
>but paganism is the strongest religion and its followers are stronger than christians
kk bud
It's likely the children would've been raised the same way their parents were and gone along with the same amounts of degeneracy
Animals aren't people, I don't really care if they were wiped out with the city or in the flood.
>degeneracy doesn't exist
lol ok, all I need to know coming from a pagan I guess
>no such thing as sin
If we're going by biblical rules there is.
So if subversion is justifiable then it is not wrong for Christians to be subversive so long as it is for the right purpose.
Constantinople was their own brand of Orthodox Christian if I remember right, so this is just politics and money, not eeebil christians are murdering us poor paganz despite being the strongest religion waaah
I don't recall any of Lot's other family members looking back, just his dumbass waifu.
It's not like she wasn't warned, fampaii.
well I don't know
I think if you're seriously inclined to get a swastika tattoo there's some underlying issues you're dealing with. If you don't want to that's fine by me but if you do want to talk you can hit me up on discord #0408 corbynms
>Raud the Strong, remembered 9 January, refused to convert and, after a failed attempt using a wooden pin to pry open his mouth to insert a snake, was killed by a snake goaded by a hot poker through a drinking horn into Raud's mouth and down his throat. Eyvind Kinnrifi, remembered 9 February, likewise refused and was killed by a brazier of hot coals resting on his belly. The possibly apocryphal figure,Sigrid the Haughty, remembered 9 November, was said to have refused to marry Olaf if it meant forgoing her forefathers' religion, upon which Olaf slapped her with his glove, an act that prompted her to unite his enemies against him years later.
Because you evidently didn't actually look it up. Here's a brief glimpse into the beautiful christian hospitality. Do you mean to tell me that when faced with this kind of torture while largely outnumbered you wouldn't have broken? And evidently, many of them didn't break and were subsequently murdered.
>it's justifiable to murder children based on presumption
you're insane
>I don't care if animals are killed or hurt in general
Humans aren't above nature. We ARE nature. You're indifferent to animal suffering because of your judeo-christian perception that man is holy and animal is filthy and below us.
>degeneracy doesn't exist
Not what I said. I asked what you were specifically referring to because not once out of any of the times you said degenerate did you explain what it actually means to you.
I said subversion to combat subversion is justifiable. The initial subversive party is the aggressor and should be treated as such, as they were before Rome turned christfag.
Why should I care what the bible says?
I'm aware they were christian. I made this point earlier when I said christianity was behind the deadliest and most destructive infighting in Europe with a body count in the ten millions.
Just imagine being so unsuccessful that your only argument for being worth the welfare we toss your way is "the average societal contribution of my skin colour is greater than the average societal contribution of yours".
You know what I mean when I say degeneracy, don't be dishonest.
Rape, pedophilia, faggotry, sexual immorality of all kinds, robbery, murder, crime of all sorts ect.
Yes, I'm certain those children would've grown up well adjusted and just fine being raised by people like that.
Just as I'm certain those raised by the genderqueer, trannies, and homos will turn out just fine.
So sin and animals come down to different religious beliefs so I don't see what that has to do with anything here.
I don't think Christians subverted Rome, it seems that Romans just found Christianity to be a better religion in combination with many of them losing their faith in the old gods and so they adopted it, unfortunately, they were still decadent and allowed themselves to fall apart so they could be hedonists a while longer.
Not every Christian is gonna be a good Christian though.
>Raud the Strong, remembered 9 January, refused to convert and, after a failed attempt using a wooden pin to pry open his mouth to insert a snake, was killed by a snake goaded by a hot poker through a drinking horn into Raud's mouth and down his throat. Eyvind Kinnrifi, remembered 9 February, likewise refused and was killed by a brazier of hot coals resting on his belly. The possibly apocryphal figure,Sigrid the Haughty, remembered 9 November, was said to have refused to marry Olaf if it meant forgoing her forefathers' religion, upon which Olaf slapped her with his glove, an act that prompted her to unite his enemies against him years later.
Nah, I heard this shit before, still don't really care, Christians have been persecuted, tortured, and murdered for their beliefs as well.
In the end Christianity won out over paganism, so it must have been stronger.
Of course, I'm always open to pagans contesting for title of the strongest if they want, they should try to go to war with Christians again to prove their strength if they'd like.
Islamics are doing it, and not having a bad go at it.
You're welcome user, happy to help.
Sorry for cluttering up thread.
>everyone who disagrees with me politically is a neet
>its ok for one race to not put their share of the work in because of neets
What sorta argument is this?
>calling catgirls clutter
I support you, my dude, but if you're going to have it in full view, sometging subtler such as the black sun could be better.
Don't want you losing employment.
I would respect you and try to strike up a conversation.
does not compute
Not all National Socialists are white. It's for all races. There were blacks and mischlings in the Waffen SS, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Asians who fought Jewry.
Oh, I was referring more too the argument that has resulted from confirming for Christfag.
Oh, good. I'm glad you're reasonable.
I try to be.
I regret starting the argument.
I feel bad for you guys, not belonging to one particular race.
Many south americans are into nazi shit apparently
>56%er wants a swastika tattoo
when I went to a diner one time our waitress had a spider tattoo and under it was a swastika
it seemed like she wanted it to look covered while still having it visible
i asked her about it and then felt like she was gonna spit in my food
im white and dont care but it was an interesting situation