How are you guys doing this weekend? Ran into an old friend from high school yesterday. He's married, has a house. Meanwhile I still have never had gf. Made me think back to high school and how awful it was. Girls only paid attention to the hockey players. Never learned to socialize properly and now here I am on Jow Forums nightly
25+ thread
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>girls only paid attention to the hockey players
canadian twink
How have you all been passing the time lately? I can't deal with alcohol anymore. The hangovers just keep getting worse. Westworld has been pretty shit. The past few movies I've watched have been pretty meh, including Hereditary. Creep and the sequel (both on netflix) were surprisingly good
Have you tried vodka?
Well robros my last friend stopped talking to me. Don't feel like playing vidya lately. Extremely bored. Wondering what motivates people
Working the night shift, had to slow down my drinking and I almost caught a fox pup last night so not so bad.
>Wondering what motivates people
try drinking pure red, pure vodka, not this kids bullshit with juices
also watch better old movies, this today is all some sjw nigger shit
with vodka the hangovers are def far more manageable. Besides the hangovers, I have a hard time getting to sleep after having any reasonable amount of alcohol (6+ drinks) so I'm looking for another passtime. I'd try getting into weed but I'm a loner autist and I'm too lazy to set myself up with darkweb/crypto etc
Me too
Pure red?
>I have a hard time getting to sleep after having any reasonable amount of alcohol (6+ drinks)
Is this a typo?
No. Used to be the opposite, but alcohol gives me pretty bad insomnia nowadays.
Weird. Have you tried mixing it with diphenhydramine?
Not bad but Ive been listening to more electro and techno something up beat to keep me awake.
This is more up my alley
All I've done this weekend is sleep.
Today/tommorow is my 26th birthday.
I just don't care anymore
Yea I've done this when I really need to get to sleep, like on a plane or something. The most alcohol I've had when mixing with dph is like 2 drinks tho. Apparently its risky mixing the two so I just play it safe. Don't think I'd want to make a habit of taking dph when I'm getting shithoused
Oh cool, I didn't know Leeloo had a band.
red/black wine
From my experience the only risk is blackout which of course is only risky for what you might do. I like to put plastic tray frozen dinners in the oven and go to sleep then wake up to the smoke alarm.
>found my 8th grade yearbook today
>notice how all the girls look incredibly cute
>feel bad that I was too much of a loser to date any of them
>look up facebook profiles of same girls
>they're all unrecognizable old hags
at least there's nothing to miss out on now.
Still at work and posting while on the toilet. Ahhhh my poop smells so good.
Managed to pick a girl I have been into for some time, in a common f
I wanna make her my gf, but I have no experience and shes older than me, so Im really scared of fucking it up
Wish me luck bros
roger that. Seems like that wouldn't be a problem if I'm just taking the dph when I need to get to bed. I'll read up about it a bit more. thx for the tip
gl famalam. We're all rooting for you here
No prob. I've been taking dph for about a decade with zero side effects and I've been mixing it with alcohol for about 2 years with only a minor fire hazard risk. Also sometimes I do weird things to my alarm clock. Maybe spill a drink and not clean it up. Very severe blackouts but nothing too bad from it.
so uhh, anybody here actually overcome their depression? I'm tired of feeling like shit and I'm going to be more proactive about fixing this shit. Also wondering how your experiences with SSRIs has been. I may look into getting a therapist so I can get a proper diagnosis and maybe some meds. I'm hoping a few major lifestyle changes will do the trick though
The album by Fluke - Risotto released May 26, 1997 wich the song is from callex Set back
And the 5th element theatres release date was May 26, 1997
A coincidence I think not, Im sure it was done for marketing
Sorry typo
> 5th element theatres relase date May 9, 1997
I overcame it by becoming devoid of all feelings, even sadness.
good goy
Eating breakfast now. Reasonable sleep schedule is about the only good thing about my NEET life.
Fuck, it I cannot sleep properly anymore and in the morning I am all sweaty.
>giving up on life
>magically get first GF
>best time of my life
>have to find a way to make the LDR possible
>she helps me to sign up for a program that would help me move abroad and work in a country closer to hers
>get a job interview lined up
>she breaks up with me before the interview
>broken spiritually go to interview and get job
>now in new country working a job that's killing me
>constantly thinking about her
I know well enough not to blame her for anything. After all she offered me the best time of my life and set me up to fixing my life. I should be grateful.
But I just cannot deal with this life, it's too much and I am still thinking about her all day long, almost a year later. I get this painful feeling in my chest when I think about her, how she could have someone new by now and how I am unable to deal with my new life.
I can't complain to anyone, because I don't want to be ungrateful and I don't want to make myself vulnerable and exposed. I somehow managed to get an online date and all I did was ruin it by complaining and self-pitying myself. But all I wanted was someone to talk to about my problems like I could with her. Realizing that I will never find someone like that again is making my chest pains worse.
I'm not going to let this thread die on my watch once again.
You sound like me except you actually did something to see your LDR. Even though it didn't work out, i'm proud of you user. None of that shit is easy. The thoughts will disappear eventually it took me years but they aren't permanent, I promise.