>he isn't listening to manly rap
>He is instead listening to Crayola colored gay mumble shit
No wonder you are an incel still
He isn't listening to manly rap
>listening to rap
How many gallons of onions do you drink in a day?
I listen to lo-fi, and chillwave, and vaporwave, and other meme genres. fuck rap.
I listen to lolicore though
That shit is so fucking tacky.
Sounds like weebtrash.
Kill yourself 20-something manchild
Disembowel yourself with a wooden cooking spoon
the shit I listen to is fucking garbage but it's still better than rap.
That made me actually LOL. I mean,you can't be this stupid can you? That's ok. I know you are just joking. Now for really give me a response.
>having an IQ over 80
>listening to rap
choose one
Cringy autism, grow up you loser. Rap is for high school students lmao.
Whites do both all the time though.
Go be a normalfaggot somewhere else.
rap is dumb the lyrics make it worse if the """"""music""""""" is even tolerable.
>Coming from someone who actually enjoy vaporware bullshit
Ha. Funny.
pull up on your waifu ay
tell that bitch her life's due ay
living with Mommy don't pay rent
skullfuck your mom leave her throat bent
Vidya and anime where's my time spent
Fuck up virgin you're a little bitch and nobody wants to hear about your faggy little rappers you piece of shit. FUCK you.
>not realizing you dislike rap because it often projects masculinity, confidence etc
>thinking you're above simple lyrics and beats but listen to nuwave trash
terrible bitter irony
Did I strike a nerve? Sounds like it. Maybe cool down and respond with some actual thought next time. I'll wait.
t. homophilic virgin fag with no taste
You really set the bar low. Brainlets actually hate rap
Says the autistic virgin with cringy taste.
t. actual virgin fag who thinks obscurity = quality
why don't you post your trash
At least you're not questioning that I'm smarter then you kek
Auuuuuutiiiiiiism, everybody's laughing at you agaaaaaaaaiiiiin.
All rap is gay as fuck
Only rap I listened to is Childish Gambino and I only liked two of his albums. I just got into Kanye and I like him. I realized that I have to like the rapper outside of their music before I like and listen to their rap. It's odd, but that seems to be how my brain works. I don't give a flying fuck about the lives of whatever band I listen to.
Well I heard GG Allin fucked a guy up the ass.
Yoiu sound like a genuine retard, suck my cock faggot. You listen to glorified background music and think its better then actual rap
>he doe
And? Of course GG was a giant faggot.
How does that change that rap is gay as fuck?
trying again
>he doesn't exclusively listen to Eurobeat
Only a handful of rap I can enjoy, too much is this generic crap enjoyed by people who just like it because it's trendy and makes them feel tough, I don't need rap to feel tough if I wanna feel tough.
Regulate by Warren G is god tier night drive song though.
You and your fuckin' faggot ass rap, bitch, fuck you. Fuckin' pussy ass music for edgy fags desperate for attention lmao. So gay.
nIgGaS iFfY uH
bLiCkY gAt A sTifFy Uh
Reminder that eric and dylan would like gg allin if they found him
Fuck up virgin you're completely alone.
That's got to be the gayest looking dick head I have ever seen. Go back to your r9gay containment thread douchefag.
Such a virgin response lmao, embarrassing.
You're describing almost 2 different genres, if you like regulate you'd probably like most wc classics, and more underground stuff. Mainstream is completely different
Epic man you totally destroyed him.
Faggot ass nigger get the fuck out of here
Rap is garbage and not actually music but it resembles music more than some of the stuff I listen to.
Fuck up autist nobody wants to hear your sperg out about rap subgenres, you cringelord.
because rap is mainstream now, i do not know why really, i prefer new wave music because the instruments sound really good
>edgy fags desperate for attention lmao
Says the guy lashing out posting dylon lmao, projection much, simpleton?
69 unironically makes good music. Angry virgins and normies can't relate, so they project all their self-hatred on him
What part of what I said gave you the impression that I listen to him?
Criiiiiiingeloooooooord, no wonder you can't get any pussyyyyyyyyyy.
Those are your only insults huh? Wouldn't expect a brainlet like you to have anything more than playground salt.
>pink hair
Lmfao thats all i have to say to know he's a faggot
Epic aesthetic style you got there. You should pop some fake xans and croak faggot
Ok I'm willing to believe that the mainstream is different from stuff that I would like, got any suggestions for me to try then?
weeb fag detected
> edgy virgin rap listener sperging out again
I lost my virginity in high school.
And guess what?
She didn't fuck with niggers.
Why do you have so many pictures of that faglord if you don't like rap? You seem like a genuinely angry homosexual, perhaps we both don't consider him to be a rapper
Also, I'm not this faggot.
Oh yeah i forgot sid vicious was a rapper
So you literally fuck with niggers more than your ex-roastie does, humiliating. Typical rap fag.
>And guess what?
>She didn't fuck with niggers.
yikes. ive bedded 5 women and son
All pieces of trash who fuck autistic rap spergs.
Oh i just realized you're b8 im fucking gay
Fuck up virgin, never come back to my fuckin' board with your autistic little rap music bitch.