Would you trade your NEET life to become a corporate cubicle drone who makes $50k a year?
Would you trade your NEET life to become a corporate cubicle drone who makes $50k a year?
fuck no. I will be dead before being someone elses bitch
that would be way better than my current shitty job.
Working in a cubicle sounds comfy, and 50k isnt bad so yes
I wish getting one was that easy
You need to be humble. You come across like you have a snowflake attitude
I agree, office cubicle job is probably easy and comfy
There are so many office drone positions opening up everyday, do you live in a low population area?
Yes, provided I don't have to go through any interviews.
>There are so many office drone positions opening up everyday, do you live in a low population area?
Not them but I can get through every part of the process except the last one, every fucking time. Maybe I'm just autistic as fuck.
I can't handle deadlines
>There are so many office drone positions opening up everyday
What type? They always want experience.
>I agree, office cubicle job is probably easy and comfy
Highly depends on the type of office, industry, and your immediate colleagues/supervisors.
My last office job was fuckin easy. Coworkers were cool (all male) and we bitched about work and shot the shit on company time. Made good money, had few responsibilities, but had plenty of things to do and loads of autonomy.
Now I make more, but micromanagement is rampant in my current job, I have hardly anything to do so I stare into space for loads of time every day, and my coworkers all look like they'd rather be dead. Most are only here because they fucked up and had kids and got divorced and shit. I practice a lot of clock-watching. It's pitifully easy, but soul-destroying. I feel like I'm going hollow. Loads of bullcrap bureaucracy and box-checking, too, all of it needless.
Shoulda never left that last job. Paid less but the camaraderie and lack of inane crap made up for it.
inb4 u normie
>There are so many office drone positions opening up everyday
Where the fuck are they then???
My city has almost a 100,000 people living here, but office jobs are really hard to get.
They always want experience or a degree just so you can sit on your ass in a cubicle.
I'd also trade it for being dead
i would take any job, im not afraid of working, would probably be good for me rn
not like it would make any difference tho, i still dont have any will to live and waste my time doing nothing
I'm not a neet. And I would never work a yuppie white collar job.
I could browse blue boards all the time and make $50k a year. Sounds like a decent deal.
>i would take any job, im not afraid of working
Why would I when I make that working part time as a waiter?
>become a corporate cubicle drone who makes $50k a year?
depends what you do for work in the cubicle
what do people in cubicles even do?
the moderation on blue boards is not nearly good enough to browse at work if you bosses care about what employees are looking at
I'd trade my collegecuck life for it.
why would i look for a job when theres no real incentive for me
a job or no job makes literally no difference for me since i have no need for anything, but food, water, wet toilet paper and internet
only difference is that getting a job requires me getting out of my comfort zone and making an effort and i dont feel like it
if a job fell out of the sky and i just jumped into it magically id work happily even if its 12 horus a day manual labor, but nooooooo you have to show fucking initiative for everything, why cant i just be directed and fed like an oompa loompa
tbqh yeah
Fucking hell man I'd rather just be bored that worked hard. The fuck kinda jobs do I need to be looking for to get something like what you have?
I can use my phone I guess.
jobs where you just sit in a room and clock watch are the most draining of all... especially if you can't do stuff like read, listen to music, or freely browse the internet.
I'm a day dreamer and always have been so I'll be entertained. What kinda jobs let you do this though?
You can apply for entry level positions which basically just require knowledge of excel like in pricing, accounts payable etc. Accounts payable is typical office drone work which can actually lead to ok pay rises if you perform well, if you passed high school you can get into accounts payable quite easily
I understand there is probably age discrimination since some people here are 25+ with no experience but you can still make it work if you keep at it
100k pop is nothing and if you live in a poor town then I don't think there'll be many office drone jobs. Most office drone jobs require a high school education, office jobs which require a degree are usually for the high paying technical positions like data analysis
In a 100k pop town the best jobs available are probably service jobs, retail pest control, plumbers etc
>office, industry, and your immediate colleagues/supervisors
I agree with you. My first job out of university I had a colleague that tried to take advantage of me as a newbie, he essentially tried to divert some of his workload onto me because he was lazy. However my job was mainly men with little bureaucracy except the standard health and safety stuff when I joined
I work in back office finance.
I'd probably be able to deal with the soul-annihilating boredom if the bizarre micromanaging, fief-protecting, and bureaucratic overgrowth didn't exist. Mangement in my company has exploded with sad little kings and queens protecting their sad little hills, making sure their depressed serfs fill out their time sheets in 15-minute increments and make sure to check all the right boxes in the outdated proprietary software.
It's the combination of people who don't even appear to be actual human beings, pathetic managers who I really, really do not ever want to turn into, and the lack of anything to freaking do (especially anything that involves taking initiative or using creativity or innovation - god forbid we violate some sub-rule or forget to consult with multiple other groups in meetings!) that comes together to driving me into full-blown alcoholism.
On the plus side, my bank account has done well.
100k people isn't a "small town" its average metro population.
Are you brain damaged
>average metro population
Why would you think to call me brain damaged? My metro population is more than 2 million. Do you even know what a metro is?
100k pop is like a market town
Not him but what if the town is 650k metro. Do you think that'll have better jerbs?
My retard brain only allows me to do grunt work. I swap back and forth between factory jobs and dish washing. I would love to have a job where I can sit down and sip a coffee throughout the day.
Yes definitely. Any area with a substantial population will have good career opportunities
There are many free job search sites, just look for stuff in your area
I have and when I did I realized a business degree or a communication degree aren't memes.
I'd rather be a tradesman or equipment operator.
What kind of stuff have you been looking at and what is your highest qualification?
I've said earlier in this thread that accounts payable is an easy career to get into. It typical requires high school education and knowledge of excel. If you're just looking for any decent work then I'd say have look at accounts payable. My sister works in it, she says it's easy and it is at least average salary
I make $50,000 per year as a student and can work from wherever I choose.
In another year, I'll have my degree and then be in a graduate program. But for now, I have all the freedom in the world--I certainly wouldn't give that up either for a stable salary or none at all.
Depends how comfy it is. Do I actually have to work and do I have to talk to people?
So what do you do? Help a robot out
>im a daydreamer
Basically anything desu. Kinda hoping to find something that pays over 15 and hour at least though. Highest qualification is a BA in poli sci which is what I'll have at the end of the year.
im one anyways can i get a big raise?????
Posted in another thread a while back.
I work as a content writer for a law firm and do operations dispatch for a transportation logistics company. Writing pays around $400 per week and logistics is commission-based. Two weeks back, I made around $900 working from 9am-10am with Wednesday off.
But other times I'll only make $500 or $600 per week doing a bit more.
At any rate, it beats ordinary student work, like burger-flipping or waiting tables (both of which I did when I was younger).
With a degree you can probably do better than accounts payable. I did a BSc so I have no idea what to do careers wise from a BA perspective. You can always go to the careers advisors on campus
>and do operations dispatch for a transportation logistics company
This is something I might be falling into soon. Tips/tricks?
I don't know. The degree hasn't really taught me anything lol. I've only ever worked at walmart when I worked part time.
Advisors blow ass. They just say "have you heard about our career website?"
NEETs should take the train pill
Which company and which field? Are you going to be working for a brokerage?
I've only worked with small- to mid-sized family-owned trucking companies. To be frank, the job isn't particularly difficult, unless you're tasked with a ton of accounts or vehicles. You can be borderline retarded and still make decent money in logistics, provided that you have the capacity to speak coherently, negotiate rates, and keep track of whatever you're tasked with keeping track of.
If you're going into brokerage, the only advice I'll give is to stick to your promises. Transportation companies--especially smaller ones--have zero respect for dishonest brokers.
Go read the reviews for TQL on TruckersEdge or another website to see how folks feel.
No. Definitely not.
Unless the work was really easy and not very stressful.
are you familiar with AAA Cooper?
I'd rather have my time back and work 50 times less than what that would pay.
Fuck having capitalist corruption turn you into a kike.
There's studio apartments for 350 USD, why do you need over 4 grand per month?
You can't buy your time back you know.
Fuck 40 per week, I'd wanna work 7 per week, hours that is.
But no, course not.
Looks like it's an LTL trucking company. I wouldn't have dealt with them unless they broker freight. From one day to the next, I really only deal with brokerages.
$50k isn't enough in commiefornia but yes without question
Yes, I already did this and it was better than sitting around doing nothing with no money.
what kind of job were you able to get? I don't have any answer for if they ask what i was doing with all the time I spent not working.
Lol trying to do that right now. We call it networking and applying for jobs. How has this happened? Back in the 60s the hippies were pisses that they were gonna have to take up corporate slave jobs. Now us millennial are pissed that we cannot even get corporate slave jobs.
I want one, but there are VERY few that dont go against my morality or force me to talk to people over the phone. Its even worse when its a mix of both and you basically have to harass people to try and collect past due payments
>against my morality
you post on r9k fuckwad... you have no morals
simply epic :^)
How do i get one of these? I live near san fransisco so i assume they always hire unless its all overseas in india.
Found the faggot. Stop sucking so many peepees, dude. It's gross. You're gross.
there are street car cleaners in san fran who make $100k. milk the public unions of the state of commufornia for all they are worth
Railroaders don't pay social security, instead they pay money towards Railroad Retirememt Board. Damn good paying industry, plenty of different things to do, even stuff like Programming, IT, company physicians and company police officers (that have the same level of arrest powers as State Level Law Enforcement).
Train and Engine Service (train crew) is not something for everyone, your on call 24/7, 365, only passenger carriers and UPS /FedEx intermodal trains (in the US) run on schedules. T&E Service Management has such a hard-on for finding any excuse to fire someone.
That's a roger
How do i get a job to aquire currency so i can purchase goods and services. I havent left home in like 3 or 4 years.
do you have any skills at all? if not you can do warehouse work. it's good exercise. warehouses hire anyone.
maybe you could do chores for some allowance, sport?
Yes, actually. Having money > Not having money
I know how to drive, but i dont have a car. I have a bicycle. I masturbate A LOT.
deliver 'za my dude
definitely don't work somewhere with females. you will creep them out and develop unhealthy attractions
I already want that, it wouldn't be a reluctant choice.
>i have no need for anything, but food, water, wet toilet paper and internet
youre a very sad person. What about traveling, making family, buying new things?
yep. that would be 4 times the money i get now