Please don't race bait
>ill start, my race: white ideal gfs race: black
ITT: state your race and the race of your ideal partner
Other urls found in this thread:
>"don't race bait"
Just state your race and ideal partners race that isn't race baiting
>My Race:
>My ideal gf's race:
White and white
Anything else is degenerate
This. I hope that when robots with advanced AI become real, they look more like your pic than uncanny valley flesh monsters.
Wba Black goddesses?
White and my girlfriend actually is South East Asian. Her English isn't the best but she's working on it and improving. I record her and play it back to help her improve. I've been doing this for a while and i've got some pretty cute and sometimes funny ones. I swear she is the cutest thing on the planet sometimes.
Fine if you're also black I guess
Am black
Have a crazy asian fever
race: slavic
ideal: not too dark
Thats great!
Im white and i wanna impregante a ebony goddess tbhonest
Am white, have Asian gf. best sex ever. cant wait to get married and get her preggo
Find a asian gf they're pretty easy to get
>my race:
mixed white/asian (thanks dad)
>ideal gfs race:
white, asian, or white/asian. although for me race isn't a dealbreaker.
Get a cute hapa gf or white
my race: white
ideal gfs race: latina
can we please inject egg cells into robots so we can properly reproduce without the use of actual women?
My race: hapa
Ideal gf race: asian
>South East Asian
oof, i'm so sorry
They're both happy and love each other whats wrong with her being South east asian?
You can do it user you'll meet your dream gf
Perhaps, Though highly unlikely.
Asians are really easy to get
>My race
White, mainly Irish and Danish heritage
>my ideal gf's race
Either white or lightskinned mixed. Genetic imperialism all the way my guys
me: white
ideal: Indian
I've fucked at least 30 Indian women and had long-term relationships with two. At this point, I've little interest in white girls; whatever semblance of Yellow Fever I once had is long gone. Frankly, I'm only down with the brown--preferably Indian, but I could settle for a nice Latina, Arab or Turk.
Not when you're a hapa.
Asians are easy like really easy anyone can do it
if asians werent asian would you still find them attractive? like if they had white or black skin instead? feature wise.
No. Because I like their hair and eyes.
I'm the user that posted my SEA gf, I wouldn't worry too much about him. If he doesn't agree with it then he doesn't agree with it. On a side note here is one of the clips of her talking. I had shown her a clip of Cleveland Brown from Family Guy and got her to do try it. It was pretty funny/cute to me.
>The scene
Her attempt
I really do love her sometimes.
Im not into asian girls that much but i guess
How did you meet her user? I'm very lonely.
She has a cute voice im glad you both are happy user
I am mixed race, Thai and German. My ideal gf is a white women. Its funny two because I look nothing like Thai or German. People tell me I look like Im Hispanic Native, or Hawaiian.
Keep in mind I travel a lot. I just happened to have met her on one of my trips. She worked at a little restaurant, if you could even call it that, and we just hit it off. She was trying to learn English and I'm working to be an ESL instructor (English as a Second Language). Nerdy qualities are strangely favorably looked upon in East Asia and South East Asia so I get by pretty well.
Me: white
Ideal gf: white, i guess (?)
I don't care much for race. If she's attractive, what do I care
I'm guessing you have German features with Thai dark skin then. That's not a bad combo at all, how tall are you? I'm curious if you received three wins in the genetic lottery.
>my race:
>my ideal gf's race:
Not particularly choosy. But my IRL gf is hapa (half Chinese) and absolutely perfect (I've dated both American and Europoor whites and Hispanics), and she's absolutely amazing. Very comfy.
6ft tall and age 18. My skin is not really dark.
>asian fembot
>my ideal: hapa, korean, & hispanic
I want a hot indian or arab girl
I'm white
I'm attracted to both white and black women (also Indian women), but I would not have children with someone outside of a white ethnic group. Preferably something Northern European (I'm German, Danish, and British).
My first (and last) gf was a hapa. Not doing that shit again.
also I like guys RIP
You can easily get one
>tfw hapa
>tfw half korean
Too bad you're larping
>Please don't race bait
don't tell me what to do, you fucking nigger-kike-faggot
Daily reminder that it's impossible to be a White robot.
All you do is have to do is BE WHITE, then you get a free Black, Asain, or other minority gf.
You have to remember, generally a woman's preference doesn't matter as she'll just go after whoever is deemed top dog by society. If they are told short guys are hot shit, then even despite their own biological instincts, they'll go after those short guys because they have to follow the tribe. Our brains don't realize we're not in caves anymore so we as humans are mostly still wired to have this basic wired mannerisms to follow. For women, to lose favor with the tribe(I.e. society) means to be thrown out and have to face dangers that she's not built to withstand, and eventually lose her life. This is why women care about relationships so much. This is also why women give shit to those who date interracial IF their tribe doesn't favor it, because usually said tribe doesn't favor outsiders. This is hence why I consider it feminine to give a shit about the color of someone's skin you fuck, because usually women have such a deep seeded care about it. We as men love variety, but I digress.
If the tribe says White guys are the end all be all, like how the western world does now, of course the average Joe white will get an upper hand on an average Joe minority when it comes to dating solely because of his STATUS(which is him being White ). However, like I said, this isn't necessarily because he's White, but more so on the Status of BEING White. And you know how women and high Status( favored by the tribe) men go.
If you are a White Robot, you are seriously fucking up and wasting your luck.
white white whue
maybe if I werent ugly and a social retard then yeah I probably could.
Im ugly and autistic too but i still get hit on and flirt with women lmao i even mutually jacked off with some dumb bitch
me: spic
ideal: white
spic girls are fucking trashy whores even the light-skinned and well educated ones, i know most white girls are like that too but there are some nice white qts
Ive dated a latina before tbhonest she was cute
how you love her if u niggas dont even speak the language
Did you live in India? How did you get access to so much brown pussy?
Used to live in India.
Anybody who loves me
What for?
my race: black
ideal gfs race: asian
where's a ching chong for this nignog, you feel me dawg?
Look for somewhere theres people and theres probably an asian
Mine: Asian
Ideal: White/Black
This will never happen.
You could probably get white if she likes kpop
And black you could definitely get
>Ideal: Someone who actually gives a shit about me.
Most black girls arent into asians at all
curious about the caste system. If you were to marry a woman from india and you lived there, what would the status and class of the child be
Most black girls dont care wwhat race they date since people put them down alot including black guys who don't date black women
I'm latino
Ideal: Latina
me: Asian
ideal: 2D
Nice, latinas are cuties.
bm wm
That is a bold faced fallacy.
Loyalty in itself is a masculine concept, so those Black men who "don't date Black women" are 1% against the 99% of Black men who do.
Black girls, as well as women in gernal, care WAY more about race in dating than men.
When's the last time you've seen a man's online dating profile with "NO BLACK WOMEN"?
When's the last time you've seen a woman's dating profile with "NO BLACK MEN"?
I thought so.
Think before you talk shit.
Eastern & Western European
>ideal gf
Slav, Japanese, or Arab
You don't see that because men are supposed to approach women and not the opposite, it's not because men don't care about race
Men simply don't approach black women, they don't need to explicitly state it in their profiles
>gimme black gf
I have been dating black women most of my life. I went to public school in Atlanta GA and became addicted to the sistas. I was too shy to date one but then I started and holy shit, black women know how to ride cock and suck dick. It is amazing
im a black girl and asian guys are my favorite.
I see tons of black guys who only date white girls
you two should hookup
prob unoriginal
I am first poster. Do you have a discord qt?
And they don't need to put "white girls only" in their profiles, they can simply only approach white girls
Alot of times they talk shit about black women they dont need to add "no black women" they just talk about how they only date white girls
white or pajeet probably
Screencap a single one you nigger
That's what I'm trying to say retard men care about race just as much as women
Black or Asian
whatever the race of a girl that fucking likes me happens to be
Fuck off with this blog faggot.
me: Indian
ideal: Indian or Asian or Mulatto
Also, if what you're saying is true, then why do stastics point out that only under 9% of White women are open to dating Black men, while over 85% of Black women are open to dating White men?? These two things both cannot be true because if Black men are doing it at such a higher rate, than these statistics should be inversed, no?
nd comparing how men actively pursue dozens of women and finding 1 who accepts him
a woman who sits passively while dozens of suitors approaches her and picks 1 is like comparing apples to oranges.
A women must ALLOW a man to date her and she makes that descision to pick a man outside her race over those of her own race.
A man must engage in countless approaches, conversations, and attempts of courting to dozens of women, despite race of said women, and whoever is the one most receptive to him is the one he'll end up dating.
Like I said, you cannot compare these two things.
You "see" the dating prefernces of people? what kind of anime eyepowers do you have where you can tell that Tyrone didn't approach dozens of women of many races and just so happen to find Becky who was the most respective to him?
Talking and actions are two different things.
The former is usually done by women
The latter is usually done by men.
Is the sterotype for Black men "Imma stwang Black MAHN and I dunt need no woman"? Are is your self-projecting getting in the way of reality?
I can bring up dozens of a websites, articles, and real life experiences where women are the main perpetrators of chasing after Whites, while the best you could probably do is pull up a youtube video titled "Why I don't Date Black women" and point at the comments screaming "SEE???" (fyi, a video's comments are usually going to be in exposed to those who favor said video's contents and have comment's on board with the agenda of the videos.)
Like I said, think before you talk shit.
Rip i lost
>Her English isn't the best but she's working on it and improving.
Monkey see, monkey do.
My race:
My ideal gf's race:
Also Mestizo or White
I don't think you actually understand so I'm curious why you even commented that. She doesn't speak the language, I do.
Me: Chicano (Or I guess Mexican-American if you're gay)
Ideal: Chicana
Really curious how stupid you are since you seem to think a 6 second video on youtube counts as a blog. Unless you're talking about the other 6 second sound file of my gf attempting English, which I'm teaching her. But even at that I don't see how either count as a blog.
Well practice makes perfect so whatever helps her. I never really saw repetition to learn as a negative thing.
Congratulation nomie nigger chad, you can now leave this place since you no longer fit the criteria for robot
You're a humble-bragging faggot and you need to leave.
Literal 6 second vacaroo audio file, which is exceedingly common on Jow Forums. Yet somehow in your mind it qualifies as a blog.