Ultimate Gender War Thread

Which sex is worse? Will we ever truly figure out a way to live in peace and love, or will one sex BTFO the other in the long term? Everyone post your arguments, this is it!

Attached: BBqmKag.img.jpg (352x416, 23K)

In relation to this image, anyone who describes their eye colour as anything more intricate than "blue" or "brown" should be avoided.


Women are the niggerkikes of gender
>always manipulative, greedy, will whore you out for shekels or equivalence
>always bitches about gender equality although they receive most of the government gibesmedats
>physically weaker
>smaller brain mass and volume than males
>less synapses then males
>even historically described as a nation wrecker and destroyer of paradises see greek play assemblywomen, bible, and etc
Need I say more?

Attached: women.jpg (960x640, 235K)

Is it okay if I say black?

What if your eyes are green though?


Colors are a spectrum, just like autism

Attached: Anonymous is right.jpg (352x416, 52K)

Honestly this may be a meme but I'm living by this now. If a bitch says green are hazel I'm dismissing them as a human immediately.

Men kill people and break things sometimes, women literally endanger society by their very nature. Very clear which is worse

Women are obviously dramatically worse.

And the next time one of you pulls a truck of peace, can you mention MGTOW in your manifesto? Look at this shit. Just look at it. He did more for his movement in 1 day than mgtow did in the last 5 years.

Attached: the power of the truck of peace.png (1272x563, 36K)

'Women's Rights' is literally the single most destructive thing humans have ever done. The creation and the use of nuclear weaponry doesn't even come close.

No one posted it yet soooooo

Attached: Feminism Was a Bad Idea.png (1500x3719, 782K)

Why do guys seem to have this issue with describing colors? Everyone knows it's subjective but making the distinction between navy blue and sky blue won't make you gay. It's really fucking stupid and just makes you seem like you have a poor vocabulary or there's something wrong with your eyes.

It's a picture made by someone
You just have autism

Fuck. Thank you for this insightful post. It makes me question my own morals.

Why is this on github?

The greatest painters have all been men (except for Gentileschi), so it's fair to say men have a better and greater understanding of color, your image is shit.

men have to btfo women for the good of both

>not purple

Is this a real red flag? Why?

It's not real. You should know what your own eyes look like, they ask for it on your license.

Yeah, but I don't get what that user is trying to say. Do people who give detailed descriptions of eye colors act more gay or what?

It is more like a "my eyes aren't the most common color, they are a slightly different color of brown than everyone else's, look they have green flecks in them! I'm a snowflake" type deal. That being said that alone is barely a flag itself, since I have known a few people who were born with brown eyes and they grew visibly more green over time.

Dumb. Green is a real color, why say they are brown?

Is that a 2 star general? Oh fuck no

user...it's literally two stars and none of them are in formal wear.

Anyone who says wine red is violet is fucking retarded anyway

I just say hazel because that's what I was always told it was. Makes sense because it's a common enough lighter version of brown to be its own thing.

Attached: what lol.png (423x352, 242K)

My eyes are unironically entirely green because I'm Irish on both sides

If this is true, It just proves that men are more efficient if anything

Newfag dee-tected

Subhumans can't cope with the fact that they're inferior so they make up bullshit about their eyes being green-brown or something lol

>or there's something wrong with your eyes.

Came here to say this. I'm a woman and I don't even know half those colors btw

The only thing I get from your image is that apparently men don't bother wasting time giving assigning so many dumb/cute names for all these colors that are simliar.

Who cares if you see it as "Zombie" green. No one cares, just call it green.

It's also stupid to name a colour after something organic since it's colour can change under given conditions

They both come with their own perks, but it boils down to men being more individual my capable, and women being better in groups.

Reminder that gender wars are a Jewish strategy to stop white people from breeding and eventually destroy the white race!

Attached: 178853805827.jpg (720x253, 33K)

The race war is a female strategy to stop men from uniting and enslaving the female sex

then she's just colour blind pal

I'm not going to learn all those color names


What the fuck? The pic has nothing to do with eye color. It's about the fact that women can see more colors than men.

And what do people see WITH?

>In relation to this image
It has nothing at all to do with the image, you prat. The image is not about eye color.