Heroin/meth addict uncle is probably going to OD soon, after close to a year of being clean

>heroin/meth addict uncle is probably going to OD soon, after close to a year of being clean
>family is upset, but isn't/can't do anything about it
>I'm indifferent, only thinking about how I might get some of his stuff if he OD's
I am definitely not a good person, are you?

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Stop being a greedy cunt and comfort your aunt any electronics is good to sell, bikes, drugs etc. but you should probably wait for the stuff so you dont get accused of stealing

>Stop being a greedy cunt and comfort your aunt
He's single. He lives at my great grandma's and had two faggot room mates that he does drugs with, but he had to kick them out a month or two ago since they outstayed their welcome. They still come back every now and then to hang out with him and shoot up. Isn't he bringing this upon himself? He's killing himself.

I'm leaving my family soon.

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I hope you've really thought this through. It's not a decision you can take back.

It's not a choice I have.

>drug addict
You arent going to get anything mate, lmao

my first thought was to say "don't do it, there's always more to live for" or something similar, but I'm not going to say something hollow like that.

in any case, if there's a god and he's benevolent then he won't frown upon those who checked out early

Last I was at his place, he had a lot of electronics in his possession. He actually gave me his computer for my birthday last year, is killing himself his intention? Maybe that's why he's parting with a lot of his things. I really am morally bankrupt, I'm ashamed even though I'm the only person it affects.

But where does he get the drug money then?

Eat his remains to get high as well

From what I can tell, he's mainly been bumming the dope off of his """"friends"""", the room mates he previously kicked out but invited back in because "oh yeah, that's how I get my meth".

What was your moment where you realized that you are what most would consider a horrible person, and that you have no empathy? Are horrible men born, or made?

I mean, he's an adult. If he wants to kill himself with drugs, isn't that his decision to make? What entitles my family to take away his free agency when he does something they don't like? I like my uncle, but he is an adult and making an adult decision. It is ultimately his choice whether he lives or dies.

Because I'm going to kill myself eventually as well. Imagining myself in his position, would I appreciate my family trying to "save" me?

Not op but monsters are made through emotional neglect. On the other hand, psychopaths and socialpaths.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Honestly though if it happens make sure to look after your aunt.

>I am definitely not a good person, are you?

No, I care about my close family, but everyone else can fuck off and die for all I care.

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Dude wants to kill himself, that's his problem. Could probably make a mint selling off whatever he leaves behind.

suicidal people do this

hi, before you do anything you can't take back and you wanna talk you can contact me either on discord #0408 corbynms or Instagram @konschtanse

>Isn't he bringing this upon himself? He's killing himself.

yes and its pathetic that hes doing it while living with your great grandma...

i can sort of relate to that guy, so ill say this: i would hate if ANYONE in my family judged themselves over how they thought of my death. laughed, cried, masturbated, whatever. I would only want my family to be happy for me, and avoid as much collateral emotion as possible