the trick with life and success is completely unwarranted self confidence. It's what got Amy Schumer through. People will hate you, just like people hate that dumb cunt Schumer, but she's making bank, and she's got multiple tv shows.
As soon as you learn that, and you're without huge deformities, you're golden. Now by without huge deformities, i mean
>your penis is longer than 3 inches at minimum, preferably over 4
>you're not some huge lardo who requires a nurse to wipe his butt. you can definitely be chubby, you can even be fat, so long as you are a functional human being
>you're not a burn victim or don't have some huge gross looking skin thing visible with clothes on.
Now note if any of these things apply to you, they're not death sentences by any means. But the only reason I say these things is to give people on the lower end of normal hope and perspective. for example, people with 5 inch penises will think they can never pleasure a girl, or dudes who are 300 pounds will think they will never get a girl to like them. this is nonsense.
Girls and people in general are attracted to confidence. The reason fat men, less attractive men, and men with smaller penises don't get girls isn't necessarily because of these things, it's because they're unconfident because of these things. of course one would be thinking these are valid reasons to be unconfident. and yes, they may present difficulties
>you might be too fat for some women
>you might be not attractive enough for some women
>your penis mignt not be big enough for some women
you will get hate. you will get laughed at. you will feel awful. but the thing is, you don't need to get every girl. you don't even need to get most girls. if despite these things you project confidence, you will attract the right girl with your unique positive qualities and your personality. she might not be a 10/10 model, but neither are you. it's not settling if you make eachother happy, and your personalities go well
The trick with life and success is completely unwarranted self confidence. It's what got Amy Schumer through...
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the only thing is, is that some or many people are unable to be confident with what they have. this is more than likely some kind of mental disorder or complex they have accrued from years of self pity and self hatred. but even then, this will work for many people. it won't work tomorrow, it won't work this week. i've heard this advice for years and dismissed it as normiespeak. but today, after reading an article on that bitch Schumer, it finally clicked. i can't find the article, just tried, but it basically boiled down to "she just forced herself to feel confident", and despite being overweight, unattractive, and unfunny, she became a celebrity. there are many such stories from everywhere all around the world.
I also read another article that really helped the message click, although he said that he could only be confident once he lost weight
i know it sounds like jumbled normie jargon, and if you ignore it now it's fine. it's a fact of life, and thus it will always be around, spread by people who discovered it. it will find its way back in your life again.
it will be unwaranted self confidence now, but once you get a girlfriend or your confidence lands you in other places of success, you will realize you can be genuinely self confident.
again, remember, people will hate you, but you will get success. don't be a dumbass and be so self confident you get yourself into a barfight and go to the ER for stab wounds.
ok but what if i've fallen into an inescapable orbit of nihilism and misanthropy
>but you will get success
No guarantees in life user.
>and despite being overweight, unattractive, and unfunny, she became a celebrity
She never had trouble finding sexual partners though, she says as much in her stand-up. Men who can't get laid cannot be confident in themselves it's impossible.
depends on how you define success. but if you keep a good attitude and don't present any self-pity and self-hatred, some things are bound to improve. did for me, and will for most (maybe even all, or all despite a statistically insignificant minority)
that's because she's a woman and can get laid pretty damn near no matter what. but her privileges are not what we're talking about. you can be a woman who gets laid and not have self confidence, because getting laid is easy. what i'm talking about is her confidence. she wouldn't be getting paid bank for terrible stand up and sub par television shows without her confidence.
it won't click immediately, but hopefully you will see that you don't have to be the best to be confident. you don't even have to be good. you don't even have to believe it. if you keep this in mind long enough, you will see what i mean. it's so hard to explain, because i am not the smartest man. i am over 300 pounds, a manlet, and have a penis that is less than 5 inches, and was a virgin until 2 years ago (i'm in my mid 20's) but ever since realizing this, i've nailed a job interview, long term dated a really cute girl and a really cute boy, had some flings, and my life has in general improved significantly. i'm only putting this out there to help reinforce it and help other bros who were in the same situation.
i was too. for me, it just clicked. it was a realization, like when you were in grade school and for the life of you you couldn't get a concept in math class until one day a few weeks after everyone else it just made sense out of nowhere.
>long term dated a really cute girl
How where did you find her
You made the mistake of thinking I care, or want anything to do with whores.
cool, glad for ya
anime convention. in line for autographs from Steven Blum, i was playing win lose banana with the people i was in line with. we hit it off and exchanged numbers, talked alot, met up about every month (she was from out of town, about 5 hours drive, she couldn't drive), it was great. i can guarantee if i was self conscious about my weight or my face i wouldn't have been half as personable or friendly. i would've been too focused on what i was saying and how i looked. the trick is to focus less on yourself, and more on them, they pick up on that. kicking myself for not putting it in my first post. but yeah, ended up stopping dating because she was going off the deep end personality wise, she made alot of tumblr friends and she kind of changed as a person. which is liable to happen i guess when you're dating this young. i was 19 and she was 17 when we started dating. also don't be afraid to go some years younger or older, but younger definitely works out better.
anyways, didn't mean to blogpost there. the point is, she was my first longterm relationship and it showed me this confidence shit ain't no joke.
>First longterm relationship while he was still a teen
>thinks his advice matters to robots
When I try to be friendly to women the look of disgust on their face is palpable. I bet you have friends you were at that con with too.
advice still stands, not gonna get in a dick measuring contest about who's the most robot. if you don't like what i say, ignore the thread. with that said, i was a fat friendless loser who cried easily and thought his dick could never please a woman. that probably describes alot of people on Jow Forums. again, it's preferable if you're not yet in your thirties, but nowhere near impossible even if you're past them.
forgot to mention, the whole point of the projected confidence is to make sure you don't project any self pity and give your self a chance to shine through. it's like the "just beeee yourself" advice normies give, except they never have to deal with serious confidence issues, so i'm trying to expand on it and make it more applicable
>really cute boy
this thread
it's all possible for you brother, i believe in you
Tldr but
>unwarranted self confidence
OP is correct. Your life will become much better if you just have confidence that you think you don't even deserve. It makes you come off as a dick but really it will turn your life around. I rose from NEET Robot status early on by just having a change of face and taking confidence even if I had none.
>give your self a chance to shine through.
Most robots are hollow on the inside of our protective shell.
i thought i was too. and even if you are, if you have friends online, you have the stuff in you to do it in real life. and even if you don't, you probably do, they're just stiff.
>Hey guys, wanna know how to not be like most people? Ya just got to not be like most people! Instead, be like the exceptional minority, ya doofus. JUST ??? Profit!
cool have a nice one bro
It only worked for amy shumer because she has a vagina and also because she's jewish and has connections so basically nepotism
OP, you are on a realization high right now, we all get them. Once it wears off you will fall back in to being the same piece of shit that hates himself that you always are.
Fake confidence, as an ugly no good chink?
Oh sure it is gonna work fantastically...
been on it for some years now. for lots of people, it's realizing you're not as shit as you think you are, and realizing you don't have to be all that to get the things you want out of life, and also realizing that you don't have to have the best things in life to be happy. but yeah, i'm actually still a piece of shit that still hates himself. but life has gotten significantly better and i hate myself alot less.
yeah it's an extreme example but just to show the principle. you know for a fact there's plenty of pieces of shit out there who are happier than most of the people on Jow Forums, and you probably have personally met dozens.
hey man i'm an ugly no good beaner who isn't even connected to beaner culture so like i never had any easy ins either