How in the FUCK as a femanon am I supposed to compete with THAT?

How in the FUCK as a femanon am I supposed to compete with THAT?

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Any girl above a 2/10 has an endless supply of dick from average guys

These "how do I compete" threads are retarded because not everyone can have "that"

Don't ruin your skin with makeup, only use essential oils and butters, and never take birth control while exercising regularly, also avoid eating processed shit too much

My ex did this and is incredibly beautiful

If you're a femanon, you should flash your tits or panties for us right now. Then we will judge.

>Any girl above a 2/10 has an endless supply of dick from average guys

BS. I'm probably a 4/10 at my best. Chubby with an ugly face, but I have decent tits. It kills me that if I got in shape and had a makeover I wouldn't break a 5/10.

This girl is an easy 9/10 when she wakes up.

Get some cute socks for yourself too.

Well, first thing you do is lose weight you big fat fatty. Next thing you do is bathe. And if you're still fucked because you're ugly then do this and hope for the best.

tl;dr you can't compete.

>I'm a 4/10
>ugly face
You understand by definition 5/10 means average. You are not a 4/10. You are fat.

But they're going to fucking want that and compare everyone with that, dumbshit.

She is more like a 7 with makeup. Adriana Lima is a 9

>endless supply of dick from average guys

I don't want that. I've had that for a while and it's soul-crushing to have guys bang you and then never call you back; to know that I'm only good for a fuck because they couldn't do any better than me in a pinch.

I want someone above average who wants to marry me and have children. I can't even find someone below average to do that. They all want to fuck and leave.


Fucking called it. Lose weight. THIS IS YOUR BIGGEST ISSUE I PROMISE YOU. I, honestly, cannot fucking handle that shit. People will feed you bs that you're just a bit chubby and there's nothing to worry about but I swear to fuck if you lose weight you will be more attractive.

Your know Ie ruIez,
Tits or GTFO roastie!

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>>endless supply of dick from average guys
>I've had that for a while
>I want someone above average who wants to marry me and have children.

Sorry lady, you rode the cock carousel and now you have to settle for less. Every reasonable man knows that the more dick a woman has taken, the more likely she is to divorce. Truly a cruel fate. My condolences.

Still, if you can't get a woman like that you have to lower those standards or be alone. I see many ugly girls with boyfriends on a daily basis. You think those ugly guys don't see women in films and in porn? Yet they have a gf that is like a 3/10. I stand by my point.

you called yourelf a 4/10, why do you deserve an above average guy?

Next-level bait.

You aren't, and you can't. Men are getting increasingly fed up with women, and technology is moving forward. Soon the lot of you will be replaced by androids, and it's going to happen to the ugly ones first. The best part is that you deserve it.

she doesnt attract me tho, cant even get a boner
does that mean im gay or something

At least the top half of your face isnt disgustingly deformed like mine. Its over for me.

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This. Don't worry though OP. Life is full of shitty degenerate traps that can ruin you from a young age. You fell into one and now you have a mile of dick dragging behind you at all times.

t. Smoker

It's disgusting that being "fat" is the worst thing a woman could do. I'm not even talking about being clinically overweight, just be fatter than a guy's ridiculous arbitrary standard and you lose your human status. I really hate men, will happily die a virgin.

Opt for foods with greater nutrient density. More nutrients per calorie. Whole plant foods. And move a bit. It's not hard. I've lost weight by accident this week. It takes effort to keep it on when I'm not eating lots of nuts.

Have you tried not going around fucking guys who don't care about you? And most important, what about not fucking guys to later leaving them?

The #1 rule that would solve so many problems for modern American women: don't get fat, keep yourself slim and petite.

Everything else is just a coda to that. It's the single most important thing you can do for your love life. It's also 100% within your control.

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That is disgustingly untrue
Fuck you, really

I've only slept with 8 guys, and I'm 24.

Becuase that is how i feel inside. I know I've had 8s before and i am smart and not a bitch. I just need to work on my looks, but it breaks me to know that no matter how i look i will never be above average.

>ughghghg I love fucking random guys
>hits late 20s
>wtf I want off the cock carousel this isn't who I am

If you will be my dominant I am immediately more interested in you than a 10/10 submissive girl

>and never take birth control
what does that have to do with anything? also, using a condom every time I have sex sounds unpleasant

Humans prefer humans who are shaped like humans. The women in art from India a thousand years ago are slim. Things haven't changed. All you need to do is eat food instead of refined substances. Daily Dozen app can help you get in some good habits. :-)

See all the fucking posts above. It's the only truth, only an idiot would deny it.

"Only" 8.

what a nasty ass whore

Mmm, perhaps you're pushing this a bit far. It's not that men will find you disgusting if you're overweight. Instead, if you do not take care of yourself, you're less attractive. This is common sense and it goes for everyone. The only thing that could really fuck you over is if you have a disgusting face or deformity. If your self esteem is so low that you don't think your face is even half attractive, then it is time to give up.

It's actually difficult for me to name people who are so ugly that they have no chance. The people I know who never got gf or bf because of looks do not take care of themselves. They are either so absurdly overweight or underweight, or do not buy clothes that fit them, or do not get enough sleep so they look fucking tired all the time.

As a girl, yes, lots of emphasis is put on your physical attractiveness, and that sucks. But most girls I know are pretty. It's hard for me to have female friends in general because the majority of the ones I meet fit the standard. If you look at r/amiugly, the majority of females who post are lightspeed away from being ugly.

Just take care of yourself and be mindful. You would be surprised that the slightest thing can turn people on, rather than off.

What really is disgusting is that you only have to care about not being fat while men have to fill several criteria also to unrealistic standards

You're still shaped like a human with a perfectly healthy BMI of 21, but that is "too fat" for most guys' ridiculous standards.
For the record I'm not fat or an American, I used to be normal and was only treated with disgust or indifference. Now that I have an ED I can get any guy that I want. You are so retarded, literally the only thing you care about is the lack of bodyfat. You deserve to be used and played like you always are.

100% of the partnered men I know just be themselves. But they're with someone at their level.

Your bait has gotten too far

This is OP don't get tricked

>while men have to fill several criteria also to unrealistic standards
They really don't, though. That's meme shit you are reading on Jow Forums. In the real world all a man needs is good hygiene and to function as a fully grown adult (i.e. have a job, transportation and a place to live that isn't with his parents). I know that sounds outlandish to you, but it's really not that much of a requirement. Most women who date are also expected to have their own source of income and a place to live that isn't with daddy. Meanwhile women are also expected to be thin and beautiful or men literally treat them like garbage.

she's under 25 yet her eyes say close to 35

21 is fine for a woman or somewhat buff dude. That's where my stronk otter bf is. I can't get hurt because I'm freestanding :-)

>men on Jow Forums a site who is known for being populated mostly by social outcast who never lived a normal life say women have to be slim
>therefore ALL men must think like that
Fix your logics. No, wait. It is impossible to miss that point, you are just being an asshole.
Is easy to lose weight but desu that wouldn't fix your moral bankruptcy

to be honest translates to desu kek

Maybe because they meet those criteria

or maybe you don't know what they are actually like when they are "being themselves" and only see the image they are forced to project

Damn. In your desparation for love you gave yourself to anyone who showed any interest in you. This is a slippery slope, lady. Don't confuse lust for love. If you want to be appreciated and truly loved begin with appreciating yourself and stop being so easy. I hope you find someone!

by asking men out
doing so would never cross the mind of the woman in pic related even for the most attractive man imaginable

You can change yourself, be less picky instead of hypocritical, or remain single which is fine. Why are you whining like a failed woman? Maybe your place is being used like one by a real man?

I wish I was good enough for women to be used for for sex

Sounds like you want to have to cake (ability to get men out of your league with minimal effort by passively waiting for him to go into a dryspell) and eat it too (have said desperate out of league men commit to you in a dedicated relationship)

The absolute state of roasties everyone

>i want someone above average
found your problem
lower your standards fat cunt

Have you tried talking to men?

That's the problem with modern women.
They don't need to LOWER their standards, they need to DEFLATE them.

Most women today believe themselves to be 1-2 points higher smv than they actually are due to ego inflation by social media and thirsty men. Remember, women only date up or across, never down. This is bad for the majority of men, the average Joes & 6/10s, because his looksmatch actually thinks she's too good for him. This is also why these 4/10 women think they're actually entitled to those same 5-6/10 men, because of afore mentioned ego inflation.
Also, remember the 80/20 rule, which was a thing as long as humans were on earth? Well, thanks to women's "sexual freedom" being left unchecked, along with other factors in the western world, that 80/20 rule is actually more like 90/10-5 now. So the rise in sexual disparity is giving rise "incels". Hell, even generally ugly looking women are having more sex than the average looking man.

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Did you know attractive guys like me actually reject women? That gender, on average, is naturally more risk averse. So you gotta take the initiative princess.

Compete with this, bitch. I know you'd love to watch a guy you wanted fuck this bitch. You know you're inadequate. Cuckqueans are slowly gaining numbers. Come on, she'll let you lick up her sloppy cum filled pussy after and then put you back into chastity.

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don't be fat

sorry to break your illusions but this is the cold hard truth. no one in your life tells you this but that's the way it is.

I knew a 4/10 chubby girl, she was fun to hang around but not attractive. then she lost a bunch of weight. and suddenly she was really hot, like 8/10, made my dick hard just by being around her. I guess she always had great facial aesthetics but you did not notice them because she was chubby.

If no one is approaching her then it makes sense for her to approach men

>implying she's tried existing somewhere visible

Well what do you bring to a relationship besides a sloppy dick holster?

Do you cook? Are you caring and supportive?

Or do you nag and demand constant attention and validation?

Do I have your dick tho?

Do you think she was just born that way? Most chicks who look halfway decent actually fucking work for it. Just as you would expect men to work to better themselves for you, you should better yourself.

Not wanting fat women isn't shallow. Personally I'd be ok with a 4.5/10 as long as she isn't fat and I have chased mediocre looking women before. But fat is a different story. Fat brings with it a host of health problems, it worsens fertility, it denotes a lack of willpower and worst of all your bad genetics and habits could pass down to our children to fatten them up as well. I absolutely don't want that with the host of problems being fat would bring them.

Being fat ruins facial aesthetics and hides sexually dimorphic traits, her face probably actually just became more aesthetic as she lost weight.

Master the prostate
Become the prostate commander

Read again, tard. I am talking objectively normal healthy weight, which by dick-standards is already "too fat". Guys don't give a shit about health, don't come with that bullshit. I got a lot of attention just for being skinny despite looking obviously ill.

>says she had the endless supply of dick
>once called out to be a whore she states that she only had been with 8
>guys im not a whore 8 is not that many lul XD
Females are actually the most retarded creature on this earth. Go neck yourself you stupid slut. I hope you die alone you used up piece of shit.

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>I am talking objectively normal healthy weight, which by dick-standards is already "too fat"

Wrong. Guys love girls who are """thicc""". The point where guys don't like it is around the point you start getting upper arm fat, which is an unhealthy weight and disgusting.

When a girl starts gaining weight it first goes to her butt/thighs/boobs and guys fucking love that.

The look that males are most lustful of is not the look that shows up in magazines and fashion model runways. We like girls we can breed.

Men are actually extremely utilitarian when it comes too looks and we're good at subconsciously gauging women.

You got your BMI under 18.5? If you're not getting noticed at 21, you're likely not moving nearly enough or a liar. Maybe you put in the wrong height?

I can't understand why someone as nice and mentally stable as you can't get girls.

So, if you find our standards too high and sooo unrealistic (which despite this criticism, many girls seem to have no issue getting over such constraints), then get over yourself and stop posting this self-conscious shit here looking for white knights to give you attention, and accept that if you don't conform to what guys want, guys wont like you, the end.

Imagine being so low functioning you can't figure out the two things needed yo get a bf:
1. Exist
2. Visibly

>implying I even try to deal with females and their bullshit anymore
fuckin kek hole, dw about me just worry about how you will be used as a cum dumpster until you hit the wall and become undesirable even for a quick fuck. Just off yourself now so the world can go on with one less worthless whore

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As Prince once said "the beautiful ones; they hurt you every time."

>this poster hurt my feefees by not agreeing to my autistic virgin manchild fantasies
>it must be a woman!

btw pic related is what robots consider a 2/10

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What would a 10/10 look like?

EWWWWWWW, delete that creature now. that isnt my 10/10 reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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how am i supposed to lose weight if i have a weight gain/feedee fetish. goddammit

yeah that's a 2/10 alright

>eyes looking in 2 different directions
>shit facial symmetry
>crooked nose
>eyebrows look like caterpillars
>elbows too pointy
2/10 would not bang

>Fembots complain that they're ugly
>We ask for face pics
>They won't do it

>oh noes he called out how my gender is despicable better pretend that I am a male
>haha, take that virgin
Not fooling me today roast beef

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Oh god user for Gods sake spoiler that fucking thing im trying to eat here

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oh god internet fetishes

Lose some weight, fatty lmao

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That's bait. This whole thread is bait. r9k sucks ass. Nothing but faggots and trolls. That's Jow Forums for you I suppose.

Just give in and let your bf fuck an adequate woman. Not some worthless shitstain like yourself.
She'll take good care of you. ;)

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When girls are that pretty I avoid them completely and block them off from interacting with me at all.
I only go for women that are average and close to above average.
The only time I will go for an exceptional looking woman is if she has my interests and hobbies or I know her.

shes a 6ix at most

>Adriana Lima
>a 9
keking at your life, faganon

Getting real tired of this shit.
/soc/ is that way, whore >>>>

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