Have you ever met or seen an antisocial chad? What are they like?

Have you ever met or seen an antisocial chad? What are they like?

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Yes, he's like the brooding bad boy with deep emotions and pent up feelings.

Probably someone like this


Attached: Drive01PR190911.jpg (900x600, 99K)

There was this one dude from my old high school that was pretty quite but this one time someone took his seat at lunch and refused to move. He just threw the kid out of the seat and onto the floor, and got sent to the principal's, but no one ever really took his seat after that.

Ryan is far from a chad

just doesn't fit

>thinking attractive == chad
retard detected

tell the rest of r9k that


Lmao please. Despite having a reputation as a dork, he's still respected, well liked and people find him attractive. His Drive character is the epitome of this.

There's the criminal types though like the Nighstalker. Killed and raped a bunch of women, got a cool nickname and lots of love letters and fans around the world.

show the rest of r9k that

That's just autistic.

Literally autistic.

t. manlet who had his lunch seat stolen and didn't do anything about it

My brother is one and I hate him

why do organically you hate him?

not him but wouldnt it be better/smarter to just go find somewhere else to sit? unless you want to make a point to all the assholes i guess

My big bro.
Girls love him, he is not interested.
>Be big bro
>school field trip
>multiple girls want to have sex with him
>he refuses that shit
>tells me he waits for the real one, when I ask him what made him refuse
>only hangs out with 2 people 4 times a year, and the only people he is usually with is either me or sometimes my only friend from HS
>other times is alone doing his usual bussiness
>can cook
>can med school
>looks 10/10
>sometimes an asshole but I get him
>best big bro

Ex chad here. Turned into an alcoholic and recently got diagnosed as a schizoid. Ive gotten laid based on looks alone, but have no interest in sex.

Its the most common type of Chad. About 90% of them. Have you ever met a tall Chad? I wonder what that's like.

i thought chad was usually tall, like 6'3 avrg?

depends, if you sit with friends normally and dont talk to anyone else in your lunch it'd be worth it. if it was just some random table or group you sat with then no, just find another seat

Probably me in all honesty unfortunately/