When will mods add advertising discord servers into the list of stuff not to post in here? Who else wants this to happen?
When will mods add advertising discord servers into the list of stuff not to post in here...
yes please. but r9k is shit anyway so in the larger picture it doesnt matter. dont even know why I am posting desu
while i dont think its a bad thing, i want retarded discord fags to realize that no one is gonna want to join ur 50 person discord and if they do join, they're gonna be completely ignored when they try to talk.
I decided to join one of these servers for the fuck of it.
I pushed some of them to tell me where else they had advertised the chat at and was told /b/ and /s4s/. Right before leaving i saw one of them say "I only ever browse b lol."
FUckin disguSTING i tell ya wat lad
Discord is for normies and should stay in
my discord is only 26 members and i purge inactivity weekly, it is comfy
Die fucking retard.
have fun at your circlejerk user
now go back to /soc/
Discord is nice.
Teens should not be on the Jow Forums and discord is for retarded teens.
discord should be banned site-wide
Discord is for namefags like yourself
shitscordfaggots are the cancer that killed r9k
take for example the reiko incident
Jow Forums has always had tripfaggots.
the world has always had assholes but that doesn't mean we like them, gtfo.
Just sage & report every discord thread you see/reply to user. They usually get pruned after a little bit.
anyone want to talk?
I primarily hate them because all these trap fags are always advertising to join their gay faggy server
Yea I don't even know what they really are and it seems like u guys mostly hate them. Been here for 2+ years and it just started happening about a year ago. Do people talk with mics? It seems cool but it's gotta be insufferable if it's truly a bunch of animes trying to talk over one another whoring out and whining about their twitch channel
how big is ther server
>Jow Forums is supposed to be a nice place
way too originally big
Jow Forums is anonymous so people can talk and share with the burdens of bias and the general shit that goes along with standard societal norms. I'm all for fucking the rules but this site is a haven for the unconventional and having a name let alone a trip every time u post is one of the gayest things you can do. It must suck to be that lame without being able to at least see how gay and lame you are or were and unable to learn from it because your own effeminate attention seeking weak mind keeps holding you back
>Jow Forums is supposed to be a nice place to tripfags
git commit suicide
You can be meaner to me if I stay here anonyfaggot.
The problem with discord is that it allows non gaming servers. It should just purge all servers which aren't gaming related and it would improve 200% and all the shilling would stop.
The problem is it's pointless. Other ways of communication exist, it's hard to join, you can get banned easy, it's PRIVATE OWNED KIKERY, it's shilled as twitter, fakebook, tumblr, etc were pointlessly shilled when other shit existed that made them pointless.
Fads for normalfaggots, all that aside.
What's death grips got to do with traps? I don't understand the connection
It's 2018, who even uses discord anymore. Everyone is on roblox chatrooms now.
>tfw have 600 person orbit server
>not even a girl
>not even a trap