Had sex with a tinder slut and even though I wore a condom I got this

had sex with a tinder slut and even though I wore a condom I got this.

dont do it anons. it is best to stay virgins forever.


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You grew a new appendage?



You could just burn that shit off if you have some numbing cream and a soldering iron.

isnt it insane to think that simply being female isnt getting enough sex for these women? they have to add half a dozen sex apps on top of it all. what did you expect from one of these dumpsters?

You fell for the normie culture and you lost. RIP

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I dont really use it anyway but im gonna delete the app now, thanks op.

How do you ask a girl youre about to get frisky with if she has any STDs? Without killing the mood. How do you even trust them if they say no. I dont think id be able to

Wow, curious but did you really wear a condom? Was it on the whole time?

I have read that condoms do not protect 100% against pregnancy and stds. Condoms typically only protect 85% of the time against pregnancy....

Please see a doctor. See what they can do. Do not let it get worse. Sorry about that....its a tough lesson to learn...

does it hurt when you pee or something

>Fucking sluts
Oh nononono

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Even if you wear a condom, can't you still get stds if the area around your genitals are still rubbing?

You can never know. She likely would not know. Many stds have no symptoms and some do not always show up in tests.

The less number of sexual partners she has is a good indicator. I just would not risk it though. Especially with what people today are doing...I would wait until things get more serious and then take them to planned parenthood for a peace of mind test. I believe it is one test that tests for a number of stds.

Hugging, kissing, and cuddling are fun....be careful. One moment of pleasure can lead a to a lifetime disease (that can turn to cancer)

Yes I believe so. The microbs will migrate...stds though like HIV and hep c die really fast when hitting the air.

The 85% is just for pregnancy and it's not on a per session basis, then everybody would get pregnant. IIRC the figure comes from a study of couples having sex over the course of an entire year, 85% of them didn't get pregnant.

Also, that number includes all the people that use condoms improperly, with proper usage it jumps to about 95%

This is why you only engage in foot worship with randomers

your dick looks really weird

I've fucked over 20 *LITERAL PROSTITUTES* and haven't caught anything when here's OP catching something from a common girl. lmao. Actual whores are cleaner than anything you can find on a hookup app.

woah, what the fuck is on your dick? Thats gross

Fuck my lifeeee. As if being autistic was the only thing id have to worry about for getting laid

Whores take STD tests weekly and know how to put a condom properly. Your average roastie has fuxked over 50 dudes half of those with no protection without taking a single STD test in her life. Whores are literally cleaner than roasties

That means you're going to grow a new dick from those OP

Hiv and hep c have to enter your blood stream from blood or semen.
Like abrasions in the rectum from a hard pounding is why there is a higher risk of getting hiv than in the vagina from a hard pounding.

>had sex with a tinder slut
Nah, son. You are the tinder slut.

>Got herpes from my mother before I can remember

Feels bad man.

is it HPV 1? don't most people have that?

>Nah, son. You are the tinder slut.
Literally this.

>Nah, son. You are the tinder slut.
holy shit

>Had sex with hot Tinder girl ~20 times over the course of a week
>Stopped using condoms halfway through and started just filling her up
>No STDs
>Best week ever
You win some you lose some