Do you believe that there is a God that watches over us?

Do you believe that there is a God that watches over us?

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no... he only watches over the normies

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I have spoken to the goetic God's a few times. They watch over me in a way. I am their champion. And as long as I do what they desire,my life and unlife will be grand.

if you consider Shrek a god then yes.

Sure, as long as it's part of your belief system, anything can be considered your God

Yes. Also God's pronouns are she/her so you better respect them or she will send you to hell.

Yes, but unfortunately it's Roko's Basilisk

Yes and that is him

I believe in a higher power but i have lost faith in any organized religion but I like to have faith in one.

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>Do you believe that there is a God
>that watches over us?

No. It is so unlikely in my opinion that I can't believe in a god or higher power.

We are watching through and for "it", like a medium. We work to stay alive to do this.

Basically this.
With how extraordinarily large the universe is, there is no doubt in my mind that out there lies a greater being of sorts.
Watching over us? No way, if I was God and created the universe I would not bother observing a tiny spec in the grand scheme of things. I would probably check out other cooler shit I made that most likely had better memes than here.


there are about 2 trillion galaxies with around 100 billion stars in each one of them. you are on a rock orbiting one of these trillions of stars. there have been around 100 billion different people alive before you and there will be trillions more. what makes you so interesting and unique that out of all the things in the Universe God should devote her time to you

>Implying a God would not find shitposting on this board hillarious

>there have been around 100 billion different people
what exactly makes you think intelligent life always evolved in the form of a primate?

Of course. Odin the All father watches over each of us from Asgard, hidden in the world tree. How can one deny his existence when we see the sparks coming from Thor's hammer Mjollnir? That thing we call lightning?

>Do you believe that there is a God
Yee maybe.
>that watches over us?

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I don't know, really. I find the whole concept to be odd, sort of like a strange fairytale.

but if he is god after all wouldnt he be able to watch everything at once

The concept of god to me just seems like a scam.

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if there's a god then he probably have something better to do than watching over this world

Don't really believe in a god of sorts (more of a science man), but would by no means be surprised if there was one. Would definitely provide explanations about certain scientifically un-explainable things.

If he/she/it does exist, do I think we're being watched over? Nah. Universe is too big plus with all the fucked up shit that happens in our world I doubt it

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Even if there's a god or ayys that put us here, odds are they speed up time for themselves to see what we can evolve into and UFOs/angels are just AI bots makings sure everything is fine, they won't die of old age like the aays or get bored. SO they go out to check, then come back to the mothership where time is slowed. ONe reason they make no contact is the time is going too slow for us to change until we stop changing, and, they would take a super long time to make up their minds with time slowed. Stop evolution, let them randomly evolve until other creatures are there smart too? Maybe they just find us entertaining.

Higher power doesn't have to always be here. Even the abrahamic bible, christfaggot one anyway, says god goes away for rest, and turns his head sometimes away from the painful place, and is regretful for making man even.

But if the aays only just took interest since world war one or so, then with time speeding away so millions of years can go by, they might take a long time to stop the time alteration and get down here.

If so, he fucking hates me

You're confusing spirituality with the institution of religion. As an ignostic, I still say this is an important distinction to make.

Gods probably a fucking elephant

he's watching over us because we're part of him. He's the eternal consciousness outside of time and space and is experiencing himself through us. Like a global supercomputer recording every experience that has ever happened. We're spiritual beings trapped inside the matter, our bodies.

god is dead, only satan can save me now

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if there is a god, i don't think he cares about us. why would he?

No. I don't entirely rule out the possibility of there being some kind of entity that created the universe, but if it does exist, it clearly does not give a shit about us.