>orbiting girls like ciara, sunny and kelly when you could orbit traps instead
>falling for someone who's life is literally on easy mode and believing that they can relate to you more than a cute feminine boy
>giving all your money to roasties who could easily up and leave all of her orbiters for a sugar daddy or a chad boyfriend
why does Jow Forums continue to orbit girls who just use you for your hard earned money? at least traps would appreciate it more
straight people are the most normie people on Jow Forums
Orbiting girls like ciara, sunny and kelly when you could orbit traps instead
I'm currently unironically orbiting pic related and giving her money.
That's a good album OP. Back when otokonoko wasn't mainstream.
Because traps are fucking disgusting.
spotted the original roastie
I'm not a fag kill yourself
Spotted the guy who wishes he was a roastie.
I'm so tired of NUTTING to femboys everyday, my prostate is really getting worn out.
Why are cute boys(legal age) so delicious??????
>you will go to hell for uncontrollably lusting after men dressed like women
>go to hell for lusting after traps
>traps go to hell for being gay
>fuck traps in hell
>tfw I can't remember the last time I fapped to non-trap porn
traps will NEVER look as feminine as a REAL girl like pic related
checkmate degenerates!
That's obviously a dude
androgyny is more sexually aesthetic than femininity
LOL nice meme user
>tfw no nerdy gf
>Those shoulders
Lmao, what a hun
>orbiting girls like ciara, sunny and kelly...
good start here
> ...when you could orbit traps instead
just fuck off
you shut your mouth!
h-her shoulders are fine...
fuck I forgot to crop this one
Hes right you know. Most traps are ugly 20 something ugly fucks.
Lmao xd
>orbit traps instead
So why don't you open with a pic of an orbitable trap instead of some meaningless illustration
>h-her shoulders are fine...
nigga they don't even fit in the frame
fucks sake dude
Do not bully her, I will not allow it
Please don't. Moving back home would be the best thing for her. More movement, sunlight, daily real life interaction, and real food. Her hands went to shit from poor diet and bo exercise.
who said I wanted her to be happy?
hes okay looking ill give his a 6/10
I want to date this man, I don't care what happens to my soul.
Rude, she's a girl. Not her fault she was born with xy genes
I don't know any traps user
How do we solve the gay problem once and for all? How do we get faggots to leave?
>xy genes
that makes it so much hotter
why are cisgirls so bad at passing as girls
Make your own safe space elsewhere. Web hosting is cheap.
Sissies are a bit different from regular gays. They usually end up marrying fat women.
Jesus fucking christ, does Moore's law also apply to traps?
you better keep posting
post more rare sours or else
omg RIP thread
it's always the best ones that die like this
Gaychan when? Trannychan when? Let's kick them out.
Why don't you just filter threads you don't like?
ciara and sunny are ugly as fuck and have terrible personalities.
Check out crystal.cafe for real goddesses you should orbit and give money to
>an imageboard for literal roasties
jesus christ they even have a thread for comparing their boyfriends dick sizes