Frog and feels tavern now open

Frog and feels tavern now open

Have a drink

enjoy yourself, talk about your shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

hey hey look what i can do

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That orb gut is impressive.

Howdy barkeep. Seems like a slow night tonight. I'll take a whiskey on the rocks as I need to forget that I am stuck at work overnight tonight. The raccoons no longer fear me when I go out for a smoke and try to scare them away from the hotel's trash.

Cheeky fuckers.

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get fucked
yours truly driver nephi

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here you go man some talisker for you

Whereabouts are you working tonight?

I can't keep doing it. I don't wanna make nothing with my life.
why was I even born? just to suffer for things I don't even want?
fuck everything.

I'd like a 30 oz. bottle of sunflower seed oil please

Holy shit am I fucked. Everything is gradually melting away and it's at the point where I can only vaguely make out the life I used to have. I can't even really picture the life I used to idealize and plan out. The neighbors won't stop fucking yelling and hollering. My dog keeps sleeping on my feet when I'm in bed, that's why I'm typing at a computer right now. Cucked out of my own bed by a dog, hahaha. Kissless, hugless, loveless virgin. I hate porn but I'm fapping to it every god damn day. I have fantasies about killing this one woman at work but I'm not acting on them. I think I need to avoid work so I might quit my job once I've saved up enough canned beans and bags of rice to live in some condemned building for a good 7 months or so. The opium isn't helping but I'm controlling it for now.

I want to fight something, I have this urge to fight yet I'm an out of shape fatso going on 200 pounds. Must be funny to hear that. I also gotta trim my nails, I haven't done that in a few days, also gotta clean up my room and actually put a liner in the trash this time.

I'm a night manager for a pretty nice hotel that's located by a patch of wooded area so its a constant battle with these trash pandas. Mainly I have to rescue them out of the empty dumpsters when their trashlust gets them trapped in a metal prison of trash and shame. I keep a designated piece of wood nearby to make a ramp then coax them out with promises of a better tomorrow.

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>too old to get gf
>too old to start going to gym
>too old with such a pathetic resume
>old enough to keep reminding yourself with past failures
>too old to experience the true waifu age
>too old to experience time travel and fix everything
>too old to find enjoyment in the things that used to give pleasure
>too old to get to explore real life galaxy exploration
>too old to save enough money for plastic surgery and penis enlargement operations

Give me something psychoactive which lets me rewrite memories.

yikes user, sorry to hear that. i remember you.
having problems with a close friend.

> I don't wanna make nothing with my life.
Then make something of your life
> why was I even born?
It's up to you to find the reason you were born. It's not a answer someone else could give you
> just to suffer for things I don't even want?
Then find things that you want

here btw

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>guy from work stood me up this weekend
>no gf
>life falling apart
>work tomorrow
>always tired
>social anxiety is pretty bad these days
>every thing is so tedious
>never really happy
>want life to be better but I'm too weak to improve my conditions
>up at 1:21 when I should be asleep

>I don't wanna make nothing with my life
sorry, meant to say
>I don't wanna do anything with my life

>find things you like
why, even?

Rum and coke please.
I got smacked in the head by someone today and it caused a nose bleed I have been having headaches and not feeling to well before that so it fucking hurt.
I just fell like shit and want to drink.
put this on the juke box then eh?

I'm off the drink, but I'll buy a round for the rest of you. Club soda lime please.
I've been watching the NCAA track and field shit. I was able to run a sub-six minute mile in high school, and I've been wondering, again, if I could have manifested some success or sense of pride in my life, or fucked around with some of those fit little bitches, had I committed to sports instead of doing drugs and sitting in my room.
Regret's a weak feel though.
Sorry to hear that user. Who smacked you, and what's their problem?

aww that sucks hotel manger sounds alright man
i love animals racoons are cool asf

your never too old
people will try to understand that your just starting to get your life togeather
here is a absinthe because 12th century poets claimed that it caused hallucinations

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I need more alcohol

you mind if i crash here tonight. really? great thanks, if thats the case give me something hard to forget about this week so i can repeat it all over again

Start with little things man
waking up
cleaning your room
then break your goals into small sizeable peaces want to learn a language do a 15 minute excersize each day
what happened also skull this and go to the doctors

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A large beer barkeep

Today i learnt all my friends think im gay, found out after a bro screen shot a group chat i cant see of them talking how i must be gay and if i am a top or bottom. The Grils think i would make a cute bottom.

Never took anyone home as im scared shitless of someone fucking my life over. One of my friends got a fake rape charge from a crazy club bitch after he wouldn't take her out for breakfast serving 5 years i think and the others gf "accidentally" got knocked up. 24 and his locked down. (Same Bro who screenshot for me)

None of them know i see escorts every now and again because the price is much cheaper in the long run.

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Not good with describing feelings with words.
It just feel heavy and insufferable.

A coffee and Cognac bartender, I'm really tired and need a little caffeine after spending last night reading about random shit on the internet. It's not smart, but keeps the creeping existential dread away.

Its never to late to do it
do it for fun at first dont challenge yourself much otherwise you wont continue to want to do it
yeah sure man

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die you fuggin barneyfag xD

here you go mate

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Feel like left over shit from the alcohol and percocet last night wew.

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you my friend need to know of the hot crazy scale
there are subtle hints when its the kind of girl who will do that shit
the hot crazy scale is a great way to measure up and make sure you dont get the crazy w/o the hot

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thats fair here


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I'm tired of fucking up at work
I'm tired of fucking up my relationships
I'm tired of being a loner
I'm tired of having to deal with people
I'm tired of having no QT to hold at night
I'm tired of a monotonous life
I'm tired of Jow Forums
I'm even tired of League of Legends these days

It seems you're a fan of JP as well. I personally always recommend watching his course on personality, it's my fav.

BTW I'll take a salty dog

I din't trust JP

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Extremely bored at work but have a tight deadline. Say sth nice to me pls

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>im even tired of lol
mind explaining how you're still playing it?

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>tight deadline
you sound burned out, not bored. Deadlines give me an adrenalin boost.

No will to do anything else really.

Playing League is my old comfort and the only really stimulating part of my day.

Damn that's a well presented drink.Into the aesthetic folder it goes. Why don't you trust JP though? I don't like him too much these days because a couple of things he's done (backstabbing Faith) but the course is still great.

everytime i look at anything lol related, i just remember broken friendships and fights. when i think about that it makes me want to throw up desu

O yeah I've been through that as well. I had a friend I really liked on LoL but he eventually just stopped replying to me/shut me out. Feels bad man. No reason to hate the game though.

Jesus Christ bros I've got at least 50 more years minimum unless I die in some accident. How do you robots deal with this?

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i also put in a stupid amount of money and time into the game that i hated after a year of playing it. it wasnt until all of my friends stopped talking to each other that i stopped playing all together.

I dont drink but I had an O'douls the other day and it made me wanna throw up. Any chance I can get an orange sipp on the rocks?
I hate my work but I have 1-2 semesters left before I can quit my job and transfer to a 4 year uni. Just anxious to not feel dead in the water. anyone else know this feel?
IDK my dude, its a burden we carry in silence.

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I think I'm making it, brothers. I've begun to come out of my shell.

Last night I went to the nightclub with two of my female friends, one of whom I'd slept with, the other of whom I had a mad attraction for but had the decided that I'm better off not chasing her.

I ended up meeting my really attractive coworker at that nightclub. She was with some other dude who had spent the majority of the night feeling her up. Regardless, she still paid me lots of attention while she was getting felt up. After she was done with that guy she set out to find me. I wasn't having any of that treatment where I'm just some secondary back up plan, so I just entertained her for a bit and found an exit. Towards the end, she'd wished me goodnight. Looking back, that was an incredibly rude move on my part but I didn't want to feel anxious about making moves on her the entire time. As my intuitions told me, she ended up finding another guy to take care of her anyway.

The two female friends and I ended up going to an afterparty where I ended up catching the attention of a lot of different people. I seemed to have gotten along with everyone. This one girl tried to get my attention, but I was kind of hesitant to do anything more with her other than dance because her entourage consisted of a couple of dudes who seemed to have a protective vibe about them. Regardless we danced and flirted with each other for a bit. Next time around I'm going to continue to do so until I explicitly get told to fuck off.

After a while of MDMA-fuelled meandering and socializing I ended up talking with this incredibly beautiful girl with a name that you could never forget. We talked for a while, broke down physical barriers, and got her phone number. I asked her out for a date this weekend, so here's hoping she doesn't back out for whatever reason.

You can make it if you try, brothers. You have to find the desire to change.

>I've began to come out of my shell
>already going to nightclubs with female friends

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Gimme a glass of water, please.

Wow you're fucking boring. Live a little bruh.


>female friends
>dates with qts
Why do you insist on being here. For the love of god GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD YOU NORMAL SCUM.

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Wew lad, anyone that is on here is definitely going to know about living. Excuse me for not wanting to be an alcoholic cunt

I'm just being a fuck m8, have a seat and tell your tale.

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Could you please put "Bartender" in the namespace and maybe use a tripcode just to increase the immersion?

I'll have a black decaf coffee. I'm listening to some music, just relaxing on my couch. Work sucks.

A cute cashier girl smiled at me as I was leaving the thrift store yesterday. I'm still thinking about it.

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I started taking a DHT blocker for hair loss when I was 19. I'm 20 now, and I can't get erections. I hope I didn't fuck up my hormones forever. I can't tell if the ED is from porn or from the pills, since I can still get hard when fapping. I'm really not sure what to do.

Get them drunk, dress them up as girls and fugg them in the boipucci. That'll teach them about who's a faggot and who's not!

>tfw you'll never rub that belly and listen to all that beer slosh and churn

a beer for everyone please
just won the lottery

I haven't had sex in 8 months and I want to kill myself friends

As a child I moved abroad to europe for a few years with my parents, I was unpopular and as a result the move wasn't all positive, but I cherish those years because I went to a great school and it changed my life for the better.
Fast forward 15 years from now, and I decided to take a weekend trip to this country, and I just didn't wanna come back. I landed back home today, and man am I depressed. I loved everything about that country, the weather, the people, the architecture.
I know that I want to move there now, but actually following through with that will not be easy. I hate this country, but I love my family and the life I've made for myself here. I just wish I were born there, I wish I could have the life i've had there, the comforts, the weather, the people.
Oh well.

Die you fucking Barneyfag

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I'll take a shot of whatever
Well so I found out the girl I've been into for months actually got a boyfriend. It fucking sucks, but honestly this was much easier to deal with than the anxiety of wondering if she likes me or not.
Life is easier without a girl to wonder about, trying to enjoy it while it lasts.

seriously, how do you deal with this? I ask because I apparently am in the same situation as you and it's destroying me.

meant to ask this user oriiggiigig

Ok, I'll have a glass of water with a slice of lemon.

"Gin and tonic with lemon please."
>Why do race-mixing sluts always have disgusting attitudes, it bad enough they're making La Creatura de Las Americas

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Can i get a milk please barman, I'm far too hungover to drink again.

Gimme a whisky will you? Thank chief.

Anyway, this chick i like decided that we shouldnt be friends anymore. Now i have no real friends to confide with, except you chief.
Fuck man, i told her a tad too much about myself and spooked her away.

Another whisky please.

>subliminal hatred for their own race
>getting fucked by niggers

please neck yourself unironically

Just burbon thanks...
I feel incredibly isolated tonight and incredibly drained.
Wishing more women payed me any mind at all, not because of sex or anything... I don't care about that, I just want a connection... Whatever

Just give me any kind of drink you want but please make sure you put enough cyanide into it. Thanks senpai.

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Feeling pretty good, asked a girl out
Get me something strong and cold in a big glass

I'm actually feeling pretty damn good today. A couple of friends talked me into going out last night which I rarely like, but I felt like giving it a go.

Went to a local bar/club and it was boring as fuck, since my friends are similarly socially autistic and won't talk to anyone but ourselves. My friends decided to leave pretty early, but for some reason I felt like staying out by myself. Maybe I wanted to see what would happen, go out of my comfort zone.

I went for a smoke outside, as I sometimes do and got absorbed into a group's conversation. Ended up spending the rest of the night with this group talking about all kinds of stuff, I even ended up getting invited to a poker game at a different bar, and amazingly got a girl's number.

It came at a time when my self-esteem was pretty low, but it showed me life definitely has its positives.

Probably both. If there is a remote chance of having sex anytime soon you are gonna need some viagra. Believe me ED your first time is not fun.

this is a great smoking ad

Give me some shots, Im celeberating. Finished my first year of college without an heroing and got good grades. Cheifin on some good wax right now in the warm Cali sun listening to Rammstein.

Feels good.

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Cwars was pretty damn good though. I dont get why modern mmos cant compete with fuckin runescape.

>tfw in spite of your efforts everything turned out the worst way imaginable again

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One cup of green tea, please.
I made a thread about enlightenment on Jow Forums and it's gotten 100+ replies, mostly negative. There is a lot of negative energy on Jow Forums, and positive energy tends to appear taunting to the miserable. Let me just take 20 minutes by myself in the corner to recuperate.

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Chances are I've called this place home much longer than you have. I've seen the evolution of this board from the start. Who here can recall the actual tipping point when Jow Forums became a board that disliked women for various reasons? Who here remembers Jow Forums when it was just robot9000? Me, that's who.

This board's like Hotel California: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

Congratulations, brother. Enjoy your day. You deserve it.