/Nightfeel/ - Hotel Edition

It's that time of night again, it's /Nightfeel/, the general thread for anons who find the comfiest time to be when it's dark outside.

If you find yourself awake late-night, relaxed and comfy, enjoying the solitude, the smell of the air, and the feeling that the day's troubles can't touch you here, this thread is for you.

General Thread, the only prerequisite for posting is that it must be dark outside in your timezone.

Some Links:
> 24/7 Lofi HipHop Radio

> 24/7 Lofi HipHop Radio

Attached: NightGardenLobby.jpg (960x720, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>generic "lofi", "chill", of vapormeme music
fucking ugh

Feel free to post something better. Just because it's generic doesn't mean it's not good.

i feel great nodded out listening to, open your third eye meditation. it put me to sleep so when i woke up with a warm feeling like touching warm bath water. i get the pills at the gas station for 30 for 15 pills. it has kava in it and riapeine leaf. its 230 here. small town of 8000. feels comfy knowing that most people are in bed with little to know people are driving. cops are at ther sitting posistions for the night. i wish it was fucking raining that would throw me over the edge. how bout you guys explain your comfy

>tfw going to 24hr diners late at night

Best time.

> explain your comfy
Got off a long shift at work, came home to an empty house. Took my pants off, opened up my laptop, found this thread. I been eating donuts and laying on my couch with the recliner up.

By the way, OP, I found a similar station (I don't know if you want it, the image depicts daytime):


> tfw there are no 24h diners where I live

Where do I find such a thing? Only 24-hour thing I have is a McDonald's that is frequented by teenagers and drug addicts.

Heh i guess im not the only loner.

any anons have anything that block their windows to let the sunlight from coming in? i need something that could block the sunlight entirely so it remains dark in my room 24/7

I guess you can use some blankets to cover your windows since it's fuging hot

Dude I literally took some floor panelling and boarded up my window a few years ago, it was the worst decision I ever made. I was waking up consistently in the late afternoon, I saw maybe five hours of light a day, it really fucked with me. You don't want to block your window.

The night is comfy because the world's at rest. You can't preserve that by maintaining darkness. The darkness is but one aspect of the nightfeel.

i can't seem to keep it up a good way.
i mean i do like the night its just that the light bugs me alot. though i will take in your consideration of what you said so maybe a little light shining through isn't so bad.

Just get some heavier drapes. Lets through a bit of light, and can be pulled back/closed at a moment's notice.

i'd probably feel like just leaving them closed if it was like that, i'll just stay with random posters i have covering the window itself since it still lets light in, faintly.

Probably the way to go.

look up blackout curtains. My brother has them, they;re perfect for that but it makes it depressing during the day

> been stressed out for the past month and a half because of work
> body physically can't handle more stress, started leaking pleasure chemicals
> I'm laughing again

Feels good man. It's knowing these threads will be there for me that keep me going in the daytime.

Hey OP, I'm the socal wagie from the other night. How is everyone's night going? I had a good day at work today. Some nice old lady told me my eyes were stunning and I tried to flirt with some qt grills in the drive thru. Overall a good day. I start summer classes tomorrow and I'm enjoying the last bit of /comfy/ before it sets in.
Also, Is anyone else following the USA-NK summit? Seems like history in the making, gonna be interesting to see. It's too bad Jow Forums stopped making skyking threads, they were prime comfy. I might have to bring it back one of these days.
Tell me about your work fren

Attached: Comfy.jpg (896x415, 435K)

I'm the sports bar guy. I dunno if I mentioned it, I was put in the supervisor trial, it ended, and the boss and I agreed I wasn't ready.

> what she doesn't know is I felt so relieved I didn't have to keep doing the job I was almost in tears on my way out

My job's fine, it just gets fast-paced and I've been so exhausted lately I have trouble keeping up. I think my energy levels are creeping back up now that the supervisor nonsense is over though. The autist I was complaining about is still 'tisming it up.

> he was closing
> literally says "I'm the boss tonight" multiple times
> tells a kid to go help dish for no real reason
> dish is now cleared, he comes back and finishes my sweep for me because I had to make food
> autist literally asks him "who told you to sweep"

Even autist's less of a bother nowadays, now that I feel no real need to assert any sort of authority.

I sorta know that feel. As silly as it may sound, my burgerfag job is at a very well known California chain which is always slammed dawn to dusk, extremely stressful like that especially with managers who sometimes suck. Couldn't imagine what it's like being in a supervisory position though tbf.

> managers who sometimes suck

My managers are pretty cool, it's just this one autismo who makes things difficult for everyone else. There was an order with a special instruction on it, the server who punched it in came to me and told me what it was because I was the person who'd be making it, and this autist walked over, told him to talk to him first (making things needlessly less efficient) and literally told me "I'm the boss tonight".

He only got to me during the supervisor trial because I felt like I needed to look more in-charge and that entailed tangling with him a lot.

Part two:
> couldn't imagine what it's like being in a supervisory position

It's not terrible, but it made me obsess over every little mistake I made, and it was kind of stressful feeling the need to maintain my optics as "the man in charge". In general though, people were cooperative, it was solely a matter of knowing who to put where and when to put them there.

Of course when you have an autist who hates you on a personal level and refuses to cooperate things get hard, and when you're obsessing over optics while he does things you can't technically get mad at him for but that still make you look bad it's hard. I'm extremely grateful I got demoted.

Just started pouring rain where I am. Do I want to

A. open a window, turn on the ceiling fan, and enjoy the smell/sound


B. Put on a big, comfy raincoat and go for a nightwalk?

I'm leaning toward A because my legs are sore from work.

true /nightfeel/ music incoming

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Link doesn't seem to lead anywhere...


I have the feeling it wasn't meant to lol.

Its 5 am where I am and the birds are chirping already while its raining. I wanted to drink tonight and it's fucking morning before I even got started ... I just want some privacy, but once I have it I feel alone.

What I really need is a friend like pic related.

Attached: evil troy and abed.png (1438x665, 533K)

Oops my bad

Ok i realised why, the link contains S O Y.
I'll never be able to share comfy soviet rock music.

> wanted to drink tonight

I don't really find drinking all that comfy, I bought some non-alcoholic beer last week and drank it, I felt totally relaxed because of the taste and sensation, but all I could think about was how if I was actually getting drunk I'd be crying and baring my soul on /b/ and when I woke up I'd be hungover, anxious, and guilty.

hooktube.com/watch?v=SO YkG5VMhp8

Spokonaya Noch?

> USA-NK summit

I don't know what to think anymore, I think it's going to end in reunification because Kim has no other option.

That's the one. One of my fav songs at the moment.

It's pretty cozy dude. I love finding new music.

Well I am just becoming less of an alcoholic than before and it's been about a decade. I probably killed myself. But it stopped being comfy so now I just stay awake and slowly begin to enjoy things until I run out of energy.

I don't know if this considered "new" but this got me through hard times.

Don't die /nightfeel/. I want you to be here when it reaches night time in my country.

A special bump, just for you user. It's 10:30pm here, starting to get real comfy

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12:45am reporting in. studying for a finance exam. it's semi-comfy