This motherfucker is basically a head with small limbs and he still managed to get a good looking GF
Why don't you have a GF, user
Other urls found in this thread:
another picture with his girlfriend
his instagram is shaneburcaw
No woman have a "poor sad guy fetish".
Wow it's almost like I saw this on some other website today.... I wonder which one?
holy shit life fuel for ugly fucks like me... NOT
>yfw you thought "face means everything" was just a meme
true, i was looking for E3 news since the discord server i'm in was filled with people screaming TeS 6 so i went to reddit to check since i found nothing on Jow Forums and i saw this post
we were doomed from the start, does he even have a dick
>TeS 6 announced
Holy shit YES
does she shove his entire head in her vagina or what?
yea but fallout 76 is focusing more on coop than solo, so the story is gonna be non existent
I don't give a fuck about fallout, they can make it a multiplayer-only microtransaction fest for all I care
There's no way they're making Skyrim 2 any level of multiplayer
Is this the boy who invented r3dditchan?
It'll probably come out in 5 years since they haven't even shown anything but the logo and some sort of remix of skyrim's main menu music
I think it all boils down to me being intimidated by women.
She doesn't really like him she's just doing it for attention
i'd never waste my time for attention, especially since it's free
I am a nolife loser whose days are numbered, past expiry date.
You're probably not even out of your 20s yet
Sorry, but I am close 32 years old.
40 is the expiration date on being a loser, you've still got 9 good years to make up lost time
What the fuck is wrong with the girl
Nah, objectively speaking it is over on so many levels that I don't want to think about it.
Life is for the successful ones, not me.
You're right, but only because you've obviously made up your mind to give up.
I do.
I also have a second girl in another place I visit sometimes that I keep in touch with.
She will be visiting me for a month this summer and between the two of them my balls will be perpetually drained. Life is good.
>he managed to get an virtue signaling attention whore who is fucking Chads on the side
You need to have successes to suffer losses. No success, no endurance for losses on a hormonal level.
That's is the biggest pile of horseshit I've ever seen.
Fuck off back to tumblr and stay there
on her ig page there is a post where she says 'my favorite live-in boyfriend!' Which suggests she has more than one boyfriend. getting banged by chad confirmed
So she's basically a older version of that high school cheerleader who acted nice to the school charity case and made fun of him behind his back, all the while fucking her way through the football team.
>Good face
>Possibly good money
>Good marketing for the female
If she doesn't have a dick on the side, it will be as big as finding intelligent lifeforms on Mars.
>have no prospect for success
>try harder, accumulate even more fails
You might think that one could get accustomed to failure, but I cannot.
Suffering without a clear cause, without a clear picture and good chance for success is absolutely pointless.
>if you "win" enough times you become musclechink
no thank you
>Believing he actually has a girlfriend.
She can just cheat on him, his crippled ass will never find out. The woman can also virtue signal at the same time by showing interest in a handicapped person.
Oh well, at least you're an a literal Chad
Oh lord, stop the trolling.
This is on so many levels wrong, that I'd want you to deletethe post...
They have an open relationship.
>tfw not even in a closed relationship
>Implying she's not doing it for publicity and/or virtue signaling