any of you guys smoke/abstain weed?
what is your stance on legalization?
Any of you guys smoke/abstain weed?
I smoke and I think it should stay illegal
Weed being industrialized doesn't sound like a good idea
I smoke and the only thing I'm looking forward to is that it'll definitely be easier to get a job
>I want to get arrested and my life ruined because of a plant I smoke
"Industrialized" is a meme word. A regulated cannabis industry would help us all. No one forces you to stop buying from your dealer but any reasonable person would rather not risk jail time if possible.
I smoke it. I live in California and it's Legal. I fucking love it.
On 4/20 they were giving out joints for a penny. I can just call a service and get a half ounce of good weed for 50$. Something that that was unheard of before legalization.
There's all sorts of cool weed candy and drinks I can buy now for special occasions. Weed soda is great and gets you blasted.
Best thing? Nobody cares if you smoke it. Every bar I go to has people blazing in the smoking area. Truly wonderful times.
Banning weed is barbaric.
I live in the Netherlands and I think it's ridiculous that you Americans still make a big deal about weed.
Apparently wolfing down 20 deep-fried quadruple bacon cheeseburgers is perfectly fine in Americe, but smoke one joint and suddenly you're worse than Mecha Satanhitlerosama 9000. Great priorities, guys.
Weed is more psychologically addictive than heroin
Industrialization is bad here because weed shouldn't be consumed by people en-masse
Smoking makes you a lazy fuckhead, imagine what happens when EVERYONE is a lazy fuckhead
Sure, me, one of the dumbfuck useless losers who can't work anything higher than menial labor smoking everyday won't change much
You have an example ITT, look at spouting on about shithole California
>>I want to get arrested and my life ruined because of a plant I smoke
you're clueless
Yeah I smoke. But I'd rather have decriminalization rather than legalization. Big pharma and monsanto having the ability to genetically modify my seeds and plants is what's gonna make weed kill us one day
I don't smoke weed but I think it should at the very least be decriminalized. The war on drugs is retarded
No, we need legalization and then we can grow our own plants. No need to buy Big Pharma weed, and anyway, dispensaries will always sell locally grown weed.
Have you actually ever look at any numbers regard legalization and consumption?
Weed, like any other drug, can be consumed responsible. Even anecdotally I can think of several people with steady, high paying jobs who enjoy it. I see where you are coming from but projecting your irresponsibility on others is simply retarded. Especially if the consequences lead innocent people to court, wasting the valuable time of the law enforcement and the law system.
>you're clueless
In what way? Do you think all cannabis related arrests and criminal records are fabrications? Do you think there is no stigma against the users? What is your point?
You're retarded, or trolling.
2/10, see me after class.
noone ever died to direct thc overdose so i guess its really not as bad as for example alcohol, which is legal (why tho, it kills ppls) and also makes most average ppl get really angry. when i smoke, i usually just get really stupid and laugh about shit. so i guess i am pro legalization, but there need to be rules with driving etc i think
I smoke it nearly every day. It makes me feel nice, and I seldom have a bad time on it (greening out last December aside). If I had a life and things to do, maybe I wouldn't be so eager, but I have no disincentive or distraction, so yeah, nearly every night.
This is purely anecdotal, but too many people I knew growing up are now just layabout stoners. They sit at home, depressed, and a few of them have advanced psychological disorders. Correlation does not equal causation, but it's enough to make me hate the shit. Shouldn't be legalised.
There is, even though a lot of normies don't realize. DUI doesn't just apply to alcohol
I smoke weed erryday and I work four days a week.
Nothing like that first spliff after work. Mmm-hmm!
There are tons of alcoholics out there, do you think alcohol should be banned as well? Many people smoke too much weed and burn themselves out because they wrongfully believe weed is completely harmless and they can do as much as they want whenever they want with no side effects. Unfortunately, scientists haven't studied a whole lot about weed, mostly due to criminalization making it hard to fund weed studies. Prohibition might make sense to you, but it does not work. Decriminalization or legalization would provide better information on safe and responsible use of marijuana and also allow the drug to be studied better.
Imagine marijuana ads on TV and your phone
Imagine marijuana and bongs/pipes in your local cvs, wallgreens, hell even local grocery
Imagine a generation accustomed to a booming industry of normalized marijuana
>what is your point
you say that as if there is virtually any risk at all from buying weed
You sound like a transplant man. We never needed legalization. Everybody who wanted/needed to smoke weed already had a rec so legalizing it only benefitted the fucking tourists who come here that didn't know you can buy a rec for 30 bucks, kids who couldn't find a good hook, and giant cannabis companies that can afford retail and growing licenses. Actual patients and small cannabis business owners got fucked by legalization with all the new taxes and processing fees and wait times. Imagine not getting your seizure medicine for months just because some 420blazeitdudebro wanted to legalizepotman so he can sit on his ass eating chips and playing vidya. Sad that the people who truly need weed, understand it, and use it for a livelihood got it ruined by the people who voted it in without understanding all the consequences behind it.
I don't get it. If you liked getting it illegally before, and now it's legal but a hassle, why not still get it illegally?
I've been legally allowed to grow 6 plants since 2004 (california). Been raided by cops and let go with proper documentation. I've never met anyone is this whole state who didn't have access to good weed. Legalization didn't automatically make California the weed state. It's been that way thanks to being medically legal. My money goes straight to my dealer then his grower. No bullshit middle man. Legalization only gave us taxes and a split between the black market and legal market where both sides are hurting for wrong reasons. Don't vote legalization until you fully understand everything that's going to happen with it.
>Imagine marijuana ads on TV and your phone
>Imagine marijuana and bongs/pipes in your local cvs, wallgreens, hell even local grocery
>Imagine a generation accustomed to a booming industry of normalized marijuana
I imagined it now what? Same thing applies to alcohol and not everyone is an alcoholic. As I said before get to the point already. If you have an opinion worth defending then say directly instead of relying on implications and assumptions.
>you say that as if there is virtually any risk at all from buying weed
If you don't see any risk in buying illegal goods from criminal dealers, while having to watch out to not get caught with the "goods" by LE then I don't think we will ever understand each other. Maybe the police in your place doesn't care or let's you go off with a warning. That's not the norm. Neither should we have to trust the police to not fuck us over because they had a bad day.
All drugs should be legal and regulated.
I hope it never gets legalized because a local weedhead busted my jaw in a fit of paranoid frenzy thinking I had reported him to the police, when I did not even know I had a neighbor, and then a gf I had cheated on me multiple times fully expecting being stoned means she holds 0 responsibility about the whole thing and it could have not been helped lol.
I mean I hate people already as they are, and when they're stoned, drunk or on drugs they become even more intolerable in general.
You think a race of violent monkeys chimping out at each other in daily life needs to be even more unhinged?
Weedheads think that blazed people can never do anything wrong and on drugs = the most calm and collected intellectual ever present who can never do anything negative
That's that thing. I haven't been getting it illegally. I got it from legal dispensaries. So the added regulation just created more hassle than I had before. Everything was fine. When a state is medically legal that basically means weed but government can't touch transactions. Recreationally legal means weed but now government can touch transactions, check them over, add tax, arrest you for sale without license, etc. See the difference?
>I hope it never gets legalized because a local weedhead busted my jaw in a fit of paranoid frenzy thinking I had reported him to the police,
The funny thing is, that wouldn't have happened if weed was legal.
No reason to hate the drug. The people sound like the problem. Addictive and escapist personalities getting hooked to a high that you can't overdose on are the issue. That's like blaming the gun for the shooter pulling the trigger. Someone with drive and ambition isn't going to smoke then suddenly become a lazy shit. And if you don't have the self-control to abstain from weed so you can be productive in life, well that's a whole nother issue. I mean alcohol is cool but in the hands of shitty people is can be dangerous
Actually it would because when legalization happens you have a pay to be a registered dealer. If you don't you're considered black market. When it became recreational in California, alot of people were arrested for running once-legal dispensaries. I like weed and all too but know the facts please
Medical has always been a major meme