Be honest now, do you wish hitler had won?
Be honest now, do you wish hitler had won?
No, I wouldn't like to be replaced
No, because I'm an American and things worked out pretty damn well long-term for us. It's caused other problems, sure, but they pale to what losing to Germany would have been.
Plus, none of us would have been born, most likely.
Eugenics is real, by now we'd be making genetically altered babies, we'd have animal parts in us possibly too, and religion would be dead ya?
Yet, we'd not exist so you would be wishing for death, logically the butterfly effect makes you never born, unless there's a limited number of le spirit meme or something that's really real.
After Hitler's death, if he were not to become immortal, things might have been nicer.
No, we have artistic freedom AND meth. Either way the first world was going to be run by an impotent farting psychopath, regardless of their alliance with zionists, we'd probably be like Iran or something if he won. He did not plan for the long term which is why the Russians bumrushed him and his soldiers why they were ON meth.
I wish Thalmann had won.
I wish there were more native Americans
Yes. The biggest burden on our society are the jews controlling shit and the ape-like coons taking all our women. I do believe there are some good black people that should live, but fuck it hitler's world is close enough. Fuck those goddamn animals and fuck women for being whores for other races.
who is she? her life must suck now that this is on the internet
>one of us would have been born
And this is bad because...?
the men when they're hot are the male equivalent of semen demons, so I get ya
I don't care about it.
Whatever even it takes, make it so that my I was never born to begin with and everything is okay.
Let's kill every non-blonde person. Tbh it would solve all the problems on this earth
Ah... Hitler. The great meme-man. Nowadays he rather a comic book character than historical figure. One snap of his Aryan fingers and all the kiks, niggers etc, will be dead and life will become haven for those edgelords who imagine themselves kings of the world. Uh, oh, if only.
Let me tell you something. There is no secret society that makes people's lives worse. The truth is a system organized around the weakest qualities of individuals will produce these same qualities in its leaders. The mark of the educated man is the suppression of these qualities in favor of better ones. The same is true of civilization. We fail in it. We fail for centuries, not just past 100-200 years. Drittes Reich is the one of examples, not remedy. People like it because it is a meme: hugo boss clothes, new Roman Empire, army of darkness. All that bullshit which normalfags think is funny. Guess what. Wars are never funny. You just bored with your miserable life.
Your race is losing not because of conspiracy. It losing because it is already in a shitty state to begin with.
t. shitskin subhuman
Yeah, yeah. And I'm white so inb4 I am kikshill. But is there something beyond ad hominem?
Wow, I haven't said this in years now, but it's so appropriate here
>tips fedora
Do you want us to stop laughing and be serious instead faglord?
What are you even trying to say, attention whore? Whatever it is, try to do it without name and trip code.
Yup, but if you think racemixers make meangry you'd be wrong.
why the fuck should I care
I'm an american mutt
Intelligent post.
I love how much of an argument it had.
It has no argument at all. It has requirement of clear message. And apprehension that tripfag will fail to make the one. Well, qed.
Yes because I wouldn't have been born