Tfw no cute short boyfriend

Tfw no cute short boyfriend

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>incoming 60 replies from thirsty manlets asking for your larp discord

tfw no gentle dominant 6 foot gf

literally why do faggots care about the size of your body, it's not like you can magically fucking change it, your appearance? sure you can change it, but fucking size can't, so why do manlets and bitches whine about not being 6'

they don't sincerely whine

they just want to hide the fact they want a tall gf

Because you won't get a gf unless your 6"2+

Tfw short but no longer cute

Blaming your problems on something makes you feel a little better in the short term.

Women only want superior seed with quality genes into their womb. Cry harder manlet fag.

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Only if he's younger than 20

>tfw female
>tfw unironically want short younger bf to spank until he starts crying and then console him by breastfeeding
what do

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>tfw no cute and assertive taller gf

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stop larping user, we all know girls like this don't exist

Make a fetlife account

>tfw no cute tall gf

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I did but once I reaveal that im a girl (male) I get called a faggot and blocked

Was that an oregano pun?

Tfw 185 cm at 14
I'll never be a manlet bf to one.

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Bruh what so many people would die to be you

That's becausw nobody likes liars. Stop lying about being a girl.

That's because you're a faggot, user

men under 190 are midgets

tfw 190 cm tall
tfw i will NEVER have a 200cm tall submissive gf


got a gf though, sorry!

>tfw 175cm
>tfw huge sub
>tfw used to be fat as fuck
>tfw still fat but have gone from 285lbs to 186 almost entirely because I want to be small to fit being a sub
At least my height is okay for it

STOP this shit. NO WOMEN WANT A MANLET if they can help it! Much less man-children who are shorter than themselves.
The ONLY reason why a women would a pick a shortie is because he's the only available fish in the barrel.

Gtfo lanklet virgin

not true champ!

Do I detect a bitter lanklet virgin?

That tasty denial

Women date shorter men all the time where I live its very common.
Stay mad lanklet

I'm 5'6" and have fucked and dated taller girls. It's not hard.

The snare gladly accepts your offering of blatant denial

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It's not denial though if what you said is a lie. Why are you continuing to lie? Are lanklets this insecure, or are you a woman or something?

The feed...

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You're boring now.
Stay mad lanklet virgin

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>tfw I want open carry to be legal

Kinda disturbing that female pedophilesbasically get applauded by virtue of being female

kinda disturbing that she never said anything about pedophilia but you immediately think of it.
Got something to tell us, user?

>It's not hard.
It is for me, being 5'3
Please teach me your ways, user-wan

>mfw I'm at the red line
Fucking manlet gooks.

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Why are there so many gays who identify as anime women?

repressed transsexuals desu

>underage in pic
>"younger, shorter" aka underage
Oh wait, i forgot. Someone can be drawn as a baby but it's chinese cartoons so he's actually 1000 years old

No, you're mixing up gfd with pedophilia, which is what people always do when they don't understand anything outside of generic gender roles.

>no mention of gfd at all
>"want short younger bf to spank until he starts crying"
And i repeat
>underage in pic
>specifically talking about younger in addition to shorter
>not pedophilia
Okay man

At 5'3" you're already in the territory where it becomes a disadvantage. Still, do what guys successful with women do. Be positive, charming, friendly.

>tfw female
you aren't

Yes, if i'm 19 and shes 25 and im shorter than her, where's the pedophilia?
You're injecting it into a situation where it doesn't exist.

>friend somebody in chat site
>we talk about mechs and stuff, weeb stuff
>somehow one day she just calls me short
>embarrassed as fuck
>she finds it cute
>am actually 5'10, she's like 5'5
>don't have the heart to tell her because I don't want her to stop teasing me

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>friend somebody i

>Tfw no cute amazoness gf
fuck off stacy

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>we can get rid of nhiggers if twice as many innocent white people die eith them

It's tragic, but necessary

Why did I watch this entire series? What a waste of my time. I could've watched Memezerk or Memeva.

>not short enough to illicit sympathy from others
>not nearly tall enough to be chad or considered attractive

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fuck i meant elicit, shit

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Want to be short & cute,

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>all hentai manga is about teenagers in high-school
>almost nothing to do with lonely neets

GOD I wish that were me
The 1973 Munich WCT, also known as the German Professional Championships, was a men's tennis tournament played on indoor carpet courts in Munich, West Germany.

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Hello, my name is 5 foot 5 inches

I'm mostly just angry at the hypocrisy
>bullying someone because of their height (100% genetic) is allowed
>bullying someone because of their race (again, 100% genetics) isn't allowed

t: short blackbot

To be fair, diet during a person's formative years also plays a large part in height. My aunt was born in the Philippines and is very short (I think like 4'9"). Her sister, who was born in Canada, is taller (5'5").

>10 hours later
>Rougly 60 replies

It's too late.
I know you tried your best, user, but it wasn't enough.

>tfw 5'10.5" (178 cm)

Short enough to be a turbo-manlet but not short enough to blame my failures in life on height...truly a painful, mediocre existence.

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>"Dude, just request more nutrition from your parents :DD"

That's not an issue in the developed world. Height is purely genetics, because everyone gets enough food.

>tfw 5'6" manlet
>packing literal 8"x6"
>bad at being intimate because of growing up in broken home and being bullied a lot about my body
>tfw no tall thicc gf who also has reservations about her body, to build each other's esteem through a faithful loving relationship, and for her to use my body whenever she wants.

Some day desu.
A nerd can dream.

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>he thinks everyone gets proper nutrition
Plenty of people are too poor to afford proper nutrition. Child abuse and neglect is also still a thing, and disproportionally so amongst people on this site. There are also a lot of people who may eat enough in calories but nutritionally aren't getting the right stuff. Eating 3000 calories worth of carbs and fat from junk food is just as shit of a diet as eating too little. Also, being overweight during your growing years can also cause you to end up shorter.

Granted, it's not nearly as much of an issue as it used to be.

I'm 5'6" with a 7". I had a tall thicc titcow gf and I used her body however I wanted and she loved it.

What happened?

All those things you mentioned are a tiny minority.

>tfw short and masculine and tall girls into this only want stick subs

lose weight and become skinny

Things happen. Not all relationships last. In this case it was distance.

Uhm. I'm short and masculine. And tall girls love me. You're doing it wrong. Unless you mean you're submissive, in which case gtfo you faggot.

being dom to a tall girl is fucking pointless the whole point of small boy big girl is to make femdom realistic.

Well hey my dude, you at least got to walk through that pass atop the mountain that so many of us have only seen from a distance. I hope you came on those tits daily.

She had enormous tits so I titfucked her when she was on her period.

That's gay. Men are meant to be dominant, females submissive. Nothing better than being a short man, dominating a taller girl in bed.

>inch and a half taller than her.
I'd make it in Japan.

>Men are meant to be dominant, females submissive
That's fucking gay

Not fat tho.

I mean really tall girls, like 6'+. Never see them IRL since they're an anomaly I guess. Only see some mention about it online.

>That's gay. Men are meant to be dominant, females submissive

Spot the homo

Don't they have an instagram account?

I may be a manlet but I still have some pride yet.

Or this fat acceptance bullshit

That pisses me off even more
>making fun of fat women isn't okay even though being fat is your own fucking fault
>making fun of short guys is okay even though heigh is genetics

It's a minority but not a tiny minority

fucking MUTT

>tfw 1.75 female

I feel so fucking bad. People said that I would be cute if I wasnt that tall. Fucking genetics.

Bruh, what's wrong with you?

That's not really true in my experience. They like short, muscular, and cute

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You're in the wrong thread to complain about that.
You big cutie

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>mfw I'm 198cm

why are japs so tiny lol

>tfw like tall dudes and short dudes
probably some side-effect of being a weeb since childhood
when I was like 12 and younger I only liked shotas because I thought the age gap would be gross.
then, puberty happened and I realized tall dudes are cute too.
but then I realized neither matters as long as they're cute to bully
probably also helps that I'm dead average height where I live too.

You can't bully if you're a femlet

Short guys have a lot of self-esteem issues. When they get a tall gf they want to be treated like a child. They expect you to lead and care for them.

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My big waifu. The only person I'll play in Mario kart other than based Larry. She's so big

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