Write what’s on your mind

Write what’s on your mind

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I'm pretty sure I told my long distance ex to fuck way the hell off without really meaning to but I don't feel bad about it, which I think means that was the right call.

Two nukes weren't enough.

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Americans should have made Japs gone extint.

My wife started to hoard sex from me. I’m thinking it’s cause I disrespect her by yelling and saying hurtful things. I think also that she’s pissed because I’m in a serious long distance relationship with some university hottie. I love my son but when throws a tantrum I go right out of my mind. I work a lot nowadays, what trouble me are always like, why go on living.

One day, America won't be enough to protect Japan from what it has coming.

I'm glad we were blessed with artists like Oe, Mishima, and Kurosawa, but I don't think having the otaku culture celebrated by sects in the west was worth it.

Yes, but you could say none of us can help ourselves for what is to come.

I can nigga

How was the native mexicans literature like? about ripping and eating your enemies hearts I guess.

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god i wish i wasn't bald at 22 holy fuck my life might have actually been worth trying to salvage

That feel when probably so much of a loser that women wouldn't even cuck me

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Good for you. Remember me, fren

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america should have colonized japan and raped all the women

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They doubtless wrote about how wondrous life had been before the white man fucked things up

56% isn't enough

I would never forget you, user.

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Do you have a nice shaped dome? Shave your head and head over to Jow Forums, it'll all be alright.

OK, I posted this before but there was a Catholic church I used to go until high school and I found this altar girl (Korean) particularly attractive.

Two years younger than me, short height and had nice body. Seemed kinda quiet. I didn't really have a crush on her, mind you, but you get my idea. Kinda close to how I imagine ideal looking girl.

She has 800 Instagram followers. I don't have a chance with this as a pathetic depressed beta autist even if I go back do I? Also I found out that she goes to same uni.

Also I'm seriously reconsidering becoming Catholic again. Thanks for reading.

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>this is your ideal woman

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I remember you, lad. Forget about the girl, at least for now. Come back to the faith and dedicate your whole self to your relationship with God for a few months, don't even think about women for the time being, even if they come to you. Your faith is more important at the moment, someday a Catholic gf will come, or you will find yourself wed to the Church.

I'm this faggot loser. now I have September stuck in my head, and part of me likes it. reminds me if the good times that were had. some people go there whole lives without feeling such a joy so I am privileged to know what it felt like, even if it was based on lies. Maybe, and this is just speculation, he did it because he pitied me, if that is true then: Thanks, you asshole.

if you're thinking about returning to the church because of a girl then you are in for a terrible breakdown a couple of years down the road
i know

You ever keep looking just to see if you can catch some redeamimg piece? Her ass can't be seen through those gym shorts but shes not fat, she's sloppy alright, hair thrown on top of her head like a flinstones character, showing a smooth slender neck above some worn out t-shirt. She flicks her cigarette away before fueling up... if she would just turn around, you could look at her face and tell if shes an easy lay, and or not hideous. She turns, yep, drooping down's jaw, bad complexion, gross... gd

I like and respect most people I know in person yet think civilization is an abject failure in its current state. Culture is genuinely bipolar right now and there is no constancy guiding anything so paying attention to the state of the world is like subjecting yourself to mental illness. Nonsense reigns supreme. I'm sick of it yet not? What is love? Vulnerability died years ago, I feel bad for teens today. Way too many morons are educated to be writers yet shouldn't be. Specifically women. Why are women so into writing? Because otherwise they'd be abject sluts. Lit hoes are the dirtiest, sluttiest, lowest, and consequentially of course the loveliest of all sluts. They write sad little stories to evade the omnipresence of cock in their lives. One can't be too apprehending, though, for anyone possessing judgment will surely fall themselves to the judgment of another, so we all just sink down in the mire of karma, those stupid fucking brown people with their shitty religion and that dumb river that's supposed to be holy but they keep throwing trash in it. Karma is the most bent-over cockslave there's ever been on this earth. Feminism is a theology without a God, a religion without temples or holidays. Women have failed horribly but it's still probably better than where they came from. But but but. Karma karma karma. Cycle cycle cycle. Nothing sounds over the void's consumption

So finally, two years after I realized the book I dreamed of writing in my early-20's was almost a carbon copy of Pynchon's V., I came to terms with my mediocrity and decided to own up to it. Why shouldn't I aim to emulate an eminent debut like his?
Now I realize the web of themes, symbols, analogues, and motifs I had been tinkering with have already been masterfully treated by Margaret Fuller.
Fuck me, I need a drink.

nah it's shit. I've shaved before and I'm a solid 4 at best. but the baldspot is now completely visible and the front is a horrorshow. guess I'll just reroll and hope the archons don't reincarnate me as some Indian-slum baby

Eh I just like those eyebrows

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>alter girl

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I'm not saying you're lying to yourself, but it's probably better than you think. And unironically consider Jow Forums, it really can make a difference, if not just make suffering a hobby instead of a state of being

transsexuals are almost always child abuse victims and anime probably a direct driver behind internet pedophilia. also, i wish we spent more time discussing N’s epistemology, equalization a much stronger concept than synthetic judgement or dialectic

there are pretty women with eyebrows too, ya know

You should start saying that to your wife instead of anons.

Just steal it and improve upon it.

I hate the thread photo, but I'll write anyways.

Met my girlfriend a little more than a year ago, and never have I had such good times, but never have I had such bad times as well. I love her, I truly do. And my love is killing me. I love when I'm feeling good, but most of the time, I feel stressed, depressed, anxious, paranoid, and down. And I didn't use to be like this.

The pressure of love, the pressure of having someone out there who you love endlessly has had some ill effects upon me. It's been oppressive upon my consciousness and mind. It's as if my mind can't handle it. I get anxiety, paranoia, and anxious thoughts about her and our relationship all the time, and overall, this has been one of the most stressful, miserable years of my life. It's hard to even explain, but it's killing me. And although I've spent some of the happiest times in my life with her, I have suffered much.m

I can't get a grip on things. Things are ostensibly good between her and I, but my inner turmoil has eaten me alive, ripped me apart, and leaves me wanting to cry.

This past weekend was the gay pride festival. Everyone anticipated it, decorating their homes or business with rainbow colored flags. Streets were even closed off for the parade on Saturday, which my roommate suggested we check out. Despite my religious beliefs, curiosity prevailed, and I agreed. On the way to the park, where the parade was set to kick off, I saw many homosexuals prancing about like school girls. I was appalled. Little did I know that was just the preamble to a more jarring surprise. We arrived early and found a good spot along the fenced street. Crowds formed around us as we waited. Naturally, I couldn't help observing those around me. Many of the attendees reminded me of those activist liberal kids I often saw back in college. I mean, they must've been. Now that I recall, there was a band in the park supporting Antifa. I figured there had to be communists orchestrating the event, since Reds are notorious for their activist stunts, after all. But I'm starting to get side tracked...And at last, the parade started. The LGBTQ of the city's police force were the first to walk by us. It shocked, no, concerned me to see the transvestite police officers. Can mentally ill people be entrusted with enforcing the law? My worries were soon superseded by the next group of performers. No, friends, it wasn't the toddlers dancing like gay strippers, nor was it the gay men pushing a stroller with their adopted infant, nor was it the drag queens. The straw that broke the camel's back was the open bus of gay men dressed in leather thongs and similar clothing who behaved so ostentatiously. There were families around, for fuck's sake. It was the most depraved thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I felt sick to my stomach and left.

>tfw can't erase the wickedness from my memory

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I fucking want to die
but i'm afraid of the after life
god i hope life is like an an on and off switch

>The heart wants what it wants or else it doesn't care.
--Emily Dickinson

I feel like I'm permanently crippled in having creative pursuits. I'm forever dissatisfied with everything I make and my perfectionism is taking away from my serious career pursuits as well. I can notice how much I've improved, but I still feel this extreme embarrassment and distaste in everything I make and every time I think "okay that was my last practice, this next piece will be one worth showing", repeat ad nauseum. I sit there and whittle away at the tiniest details to the point that it only ruins what was already there and I either reluctantly move on or scrap it entirely.

I should be focusing on school but I feel this pang of intense fear of lost time if I do. Like I'll look back and wonder why I wasted my time and had nothing to show for it. Kierkegaard's point about regretting every possible decision is right. Either I regret wasting all my time on creativity when I'm so bad at being satisfied by it, or I regret wasting my youth on career pursuits.

In its best condition life is still only a spiral of immutable regret

the way I see it, there's either nothing after death, or punishment for when I kms. so yyeah I'm in the same boat

Aye, there's the rub

Should I pursue love or the spiritual path? The correct answer is the latter, and I know this. It kills me, because I am in love.

tell me about her, friend, i'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to

Are they mutually exclusive? Unless you're turning to the cloth, there are other loves, but to abandon your spirituality...why, that's a fate worse than death.

Well, she's my girlfriend, and I love her endlessly, and she loves me with all that she is. I'm quite sure she'd do literally anything for me. I can feel it in each word that she speaks, each action she takes.

It seems to me to be. The difference in my state of consciousness is visceral. I can feel it. I can see it. She is massive attachment. I intended to spend many years wandering this earth, walking the spiritual path. That was my plan for a long, long time, and I have caught myself casting that plan aside, for her, on many occasions

why not both

love and spiritual fulfillment are both very fleeting, stick with the pleasure you know, however ephemeral it ends up being

I don't know what your spiritual path looks like, but if she is blocking it, there is no compromise. I know this well myself. I am a devout Catholic and I once fell in love with a Rabbi's daughter, and we dated for close to two years, and would have wed if we held the same beliefs. She seemed willing to do most anything for me, almost even convert, just to make me happy. As time went on she began to protest even having Catholic children, and at that time I knew I had to end it, because my spiritual life was more important to me, and is more important, than the love we shared. It's not an easy decision, user, and I still think about it sometimes, but I know I made the right choice.

Screw your plan.
>I intended to spend many years wandering this earth, walking the spiritual path.
Unless you are talking about being a Christian missionary this is lame, especially if it's just being "spiritual" but not religious. Wife up, lay down roots, start and stay with your family and you ought to find spiritual fulfillment.

>and I have caught myself casting that plan aside, for her, on many occasions
what are some examples of that?

I like starting fires.

Boy, have I got a book for you.

I constantly marvel at my girlfriend. She's drop-dead gorgeous, she shares a bunch of my interests, and she legitimately derives joy from my company. She's everything I could have asked for in a girlfriend.

Feels good man

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>Girl invites me over last night at 1 am asking if I want to watch a movie
>Go over, we watch in room in her bed
>She says she has to wake up at 6am to take someone to the airport
>We just lay there watching for a little until she says she needs to try and sleep
>She falls asleep and I lay there for the whole night wondering the hell has happened
>No cuddling happens, at most a few parts of our body would be touching at certain points due to tossing and turning
>Wake up in the morning and she says bye and initiates a hug (which she usually never does)
Left me quite confused. I'm housesitting for a friend and am literally right up the street from her, should I try and invite her over rn?

It wouldn't be Fahrenheit 451, would it, by any chance?

My first thought was actually Temple of the Golden Pavilion, and then As I Lay Dying. I forget Fahrenheit 451 exists most of the time

haha get a load of this faggot with fulfilling relationships and shit

I went down on a girl last night for 30 minutes or so and now my jaw feels kinda weird. I also really don't understand female sexuality. It seems once a girl really gets going, she's insatiable. I wonder if I'll ever be able to write about lust in any meaningful way if I can't even begin to understand half of it.

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Do it.

Everything I try fails. It's all been such a disappointment.

I am sorry that you had me as a son.

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Get your fingers up in there, spiderman style. Feel for the lump on the roof and give it a "come hither" motion while you kiss her thighs and her more delicate lady bits. It'll speed things up so you don't hurt yourself.

I was promised that college would be fun in high school but I just delved deep into despair and nihilism.

I don't know how to describe it, but as soon as I even try to type a single word, all my willpower drains out and I can't even think about it. I can't even walk and sleep and eat properly. I can't even read a single chapter of a book. So of course I cannot finish an entire essay.

Actually I went to a psych ward and took a break for uni for this same reason last year already. Yet it's still the same. God I'm such a failure. In Dante's Inferno the wrathful and the sullen are stuck in swampy stinking water in the fifth circle of hell. That's how I feel.

My examiners wouldn't believe this, my parents wouldn't believe this if I say this, but it's true. Please forgive me if I don't make it mum.

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just think about how much worse work is



I want to write my post-apocalyptic novel, but I don't know where to start. And it's making me depressed.

start with the outline. if the outline's already done just start fucking putting words on paper even if its not chronological. All writing is in the rewrite.

A quote I read a long time ago that goes something like "If two men meet a third should benefit" Or something like that. I cannot find the full quote or who was quoted saying it but it was very uplifting and has been on my mind lately.

Be charitable in your community user.

>start with the outline.
Got three outlines for three different Stories.


Are you asking why you should help your immediate neighbors?


Because that is how communities are built.

we already have a community, otherwise I wouldn't have immediate neighbors

Well, it’s E3 season. Time to look at all the amazing games I can’t play due to the shear workload I have in medschool. My child-like excitement being completely obliterated by the reality of my life and the path I chose of “work hard now, play hard later”

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read the second sentence then you goddamn idiot

videogames aren't good anymore anyways man you aren't missing shit

Video games have been meaningless for a while now to me. I haven't enjoyed playing a single game (besides the being with friends aspect) since New Vegas and I don't even remember how long ago that was.

How do I stop obsessing over girls with dark, thick eyebrows (and pale skin)?

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I'm going to detach myself from everything and manipulate myself to success.

May as well, at this point. What's a good way to shelve empathy for this pursuit?

why am i such a slow reader reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

New Vegas was like eight years ago, man. Feels bad

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I love almonds; I love their crunch when I split them horizontally with my teeth.

all of my friends are advancing in their careers, have long term girlfriends and a couple even have kids. they dont have time to hang out like we used to
everyone else is moving on while i remain the same, i feel life leaving me behind

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I've been thinking that the only real "controls" to life/existence is attention

Where you direct your attention determines absolutely everything

The heart beats of its own accord, you will move your legs so that they run or walk merely by directing attention into the INTENTION to do so as a thought, or maybe even before linguistic though in most cases, ..

The thoughts and the language complex arise outside of your deliberate intentions, outside of some kind of invention of your own

There is but one joystick to life: attention

Where you place it, that is "free will", the only will

It would be like...if you were god, the final final conscious thing, what you would be presented with would be the prima materia: the ever-morphing liquid darkness with the potential to become whatever image you project upon it as god

..so, the birth of the universe becomes a matter of god directing its attention to this or that aspect of the infinite potentiality , that sparkling globular indefiniteness waiting to be impregnated with the Logos image to structure its rampant informality

Trying to get started on /fitlit/ but feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.

Is MGTOW really going to be a phenomena? Probably in the US. Maybe living as a single mom for mulatto kids is a fit punishment. Maybe living my life as a wealthy gamer will be the most worthwhile thing I can do, and future goes to Jews and their mulatto underclass.
Maybe God doesn't side with the good, but with the Jews.

You can do it


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Pull the Kierkegaard stunt. I'll look forward to reading your masterpieces inspired by unquenchable pain.

E3 is shaping up to be pretty good this year. Also, book r gay

>Where you place it, that is "free will", the only will
I agree with pretty much everything else. Though I disagree only because I paid attention to my shadow. Frightening being that.

Looking for reccs / charts on books to do with trading. Not the stock forex crypto bullshit. I'm talking maritime trade, international trade, exporting, historical works ect.
bonus: interaction between the VoC and English empire in south east china sea

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Talmud tells you how to sell your soul.

That's literally from the Pokemon anime, it's Cynthia's catchphrase

I'm afraid of posting my writing on /lit/ for peer review. Not because of criticism, but because I am paranoid and constantly think about someone "stealing" my ideas. The few normie friends I have don't want to read my book because it's too long. Is peer review absolutely essential or is it overrated? Help.

less recommendations about international trade, but still
>In the list below, as much as possible, I stick to works of economic history with a stress on country and regional knowledge, not topical or thematic specialisation, (So no books focused on income inequality or international trade, etc.) It’s intended as a list of references which give you an overview and guide for further reading, especially if you want to know more about particular countries and regions. I don’t list any “big history” books along the lines of Jared Diamond.

My girlfriend broke up with me and I'm so underdeveloped as a person that I don't know how to react. I'm a very angry person, but I only get mad when I think about her boyfriend confronting me in whichever way. I also don't know whether to be a good or bad person because being bad is just so much fun.