She messages first

>she messages first
>still manage to fuck it up

Just end me lads.

Attached: Screenshot_20180611-210533.jpg (1074x1744, 234K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

>"I see - what do you know then?"

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It's alright user, you're learning. You got complimented by some random tinderella, take it in stride and move on to the next bitch.

Its nice to see these are the people I'm competing with hahaha

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actually gives me hope toobeeheich

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>"I see - what do you know then?"
That's actually pretty good, user.

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At least you are destined for wizardhood OP

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You coulda done a lot worse. Don't worry about it OP. On to the next one

What did you expect her to do after you replied "tyvm"? You fucked up by not leading the conversation anywhere.

I like that reply. If it happened today it's possible she just hasn't responded yet

goddamn youre autistic

i mightve been spergy to give such a response irl but not when having the time to think of something nice and kind to say

What are you supposed to say to lead that anywhere? It's just a compliment.

My cringe-o-meter went off the charts, but now I feel more hopeful.

According to, for the professionals
>the formula is almost always the same: a vague reference to something on the match's profile, followed by an extremely easy question, like "I see you're into yoga.... so answer this question once and for all: which is better, hot or not?"

>"I see - what do you know then?"

Attached: 12d.jpg (567x561, 57K)

Hit her with a "please respond" for your fellow robots' entertainment.

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First response decides

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this is so autistic you have no fucking clue
good job ruining it

>hey, I see you're a marine biologist: ever had sex with a man who's got crabs?

hardest ive laughed in a while OP what the fuck were you thinking
couldnt even reconsider while typing it out and sending it could ya

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Dude, relax and be funny and creative. At worst she tells you to fuck off.

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what EXACTLY is wrong with what OP said... i dont get the joke and now I'm scared

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>didn't crabpost
0/10 poor effort she's going to tie you to a refrigerator and steal your kidneys

>trying to woo a woman by speaking like it's a business meeting


Repost the follow up pic you deleted OP that was pretty funny

>I see - what do you know then?
cmon buddy

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he blew it from the very first reply, acting like a beta bitch talking to a woman he's scared of

Hope this one goes better

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t. never speaks to women
the fuck are you talking about retard he said thank you, how is that a beta response

are you OP?
you seem like a witty guy how did you fuck up that last msg in the first one so badly

What am I doing wrong?

Fooling original

Attached: Screenshot_20180611-082638.png (1440x1440, 478K)

Holy shit, please say this. She'll laugh and it should lead to a conversation
Or she'll unmatch and you didn't want to meet her anyway

Whenever a woman messages you first, just tell her to fuck her ugly ass off, if she gets offended and stop talking to you, you lose nothing, if she gets turned on, then just continue being an asshole and laugh at her existence.

It made me laugh, so you've at least got that going for you.

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Hmmmmmmmm jyyu

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Literally the first time I've ever been messaged first. Tried to play it cool rather than funny.

I bet she can get BLACKED in under 2 minutes.

You arent even trying man

That's some next level faggot bullshit dude. What the fuck were you thinking?

being gay, jeez don't write so much, write something she can respond to and continue the conversation with

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Why the FUCK do roasties keep giving me shit about my height? I'm fucking average height

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Lol much better always go for the joke

These type of pickup line screenshots are great cringe

How the hell is she supposed to reply to that? What can she say?

>I'm 12 foot tall in dog feet

Anything under 6'2" is below average

I bet you get all the ladies with that cunning sense of humor, FAGGOT

When she tells you to meet just try and get a date asap. Small talk is useless

This shit ain't fuckin easy

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the funny suits you way better

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I'm in New Mexico. The average height for men here is 5'7"

*The average height for manlets
The average height for real men is 6'2"

What the fuck did I do wrong?

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I'm a Chad in dog pussy, user.

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Nothing, those lines were fine. you gotta remember lots of girls use tinder as a self-esteem boost and just browse it when they're bored
for what its worth, if a halfway decent girl messages you first then you've got something going for you

Too much of an intelligent joke for her to understand obviously

>messages you first


>actually come up with a good joke
>roastie is too dumb to understand it

Is this what Dennis Miller feels like?

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Shoulda just said
>You are

>which hospital you at
top kek thats fucking gold

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are all women as dumb as this? d

>Which hospital you at

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>"which hospital you at?"
HAHAHAH roasties btfo

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>friends hook me up with this girl they know
>she's pretty cool
>date for a while
>she breaks up with me
>turns out she's a size queen and I'm not big enough for her
>tells me friends I have a small dick and suck at sex
>they fucking bust my balls everyday since


Yeah man I don't know. I went on this set up date the other day, other people were there, but my friends invited me specifically to meet this girl they had coming. It was fucked from the get go, the moment I said anything to her, just incidentally at well, she made it painfully clear she had been duped/forced into coming, and I was just a bother to her. I deliberately ignored her for the rest of the night not even being salty, just as a courtesy really, I wasn't happy about it either desu and just wanted to get drunk and have fun. Everyone just kept calling me a pussy for not talking to her when I swear they must have known just as well as I did that she didn't want it.

she doesn't know what any of the words in your response mean

>bad boys
user, you're shitposting on Jow Forums. She's gonna see right through you

it started ok, but yeah u did fuck it up

9gag cringy

this one was funny

You put too much effort into it, so its not funny even if you sent it ironically


Stupid whore shouldve just type the crying emoji

The first message was ok, you shouldve just wait


>which hospital you at?
how will wimin ever recover?

Bitch fucking blocked me

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I'm pretty sure that's a man from the thumbnail profile pic

cause it was retarded and unfunny ya daft cunt

>through family

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>having friends and sex

Realistically, don't get down on it. She was a slut and your friends set you up with her. Tell your friends to chill the fuck out. At least you had sex.

>sexually harass a woman you just met
>hurr durr y she block me

End yourself

>haha I quoted everyone what now drumpfkins???

You stole that from reddit you cheater

> knowing that it was on reddit

Pure quality holy shit

Say 6'2" or 3. Even if you're not. You know she will block you so take the opportunity to ask her about cup size. Say it's a bit too small, you like women with actual curves.

This drives them nuts. When they can't have someone due to reversed superficial reasons they lose it.

KEK. Saved. ORIG

this. You could say you're 6ft in person and she'd probably believe you as long as you're noticeably taller

>Stealing from Jow Forumstinder

>he doesn't know
user I ....

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You should've just responded yes when she asked if you were over 5 feet

Lost, totally BTFO

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Fuck what anyone says, I'm Chad and this is hilarious

its more like
>oh user, jenny says her daughter and you would get along great. take some money and go on a date.

>implies her ass is big
>has no ass
What did the Jew mean by this?

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Fix your grammar before trying to text to grills

Girls don't care about grammar, virgin

i also feel dumber for not getting the "which hospital you at" AND the second joke part
explain pls?

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She's giving you an invitation to be more explicit, say something lewd than tell her where to meet jfc I am wizardmaterial and I can see that

pls response pIs

wich hospital you at ?

Tell her that she shouldn't get her ass mixed up with her nose.

>browing reddit
the absolute state of Jow Forums. holy fuck please leave


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Ya blew it, should've said, "Come and find out ;)"

read the last bit

noun: vegetable; plural noun: vegetables

a plant or part of a plant used as food, such as a cabbage, potato, turnip, or bean.
"fresh fruit and vegetables"
a person with a dull or inactive life.
"I thought I'd sort of flop back and be a vegetable for a bit"
a person who is incapable of normal mental or physical activity, especially through brain damage.