ITT: Tell us about your Friendzone stories

ITT: Tell us about your Friendzone stories.

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>be me


>befriend girl at my uni
>hang out for months
>she starts to get all lovey dovey
>reject her
>tell her we can stay friends
>never speak to her again

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>talking to a nice girl on discord
>says she really like she me and wants to give me something
>sends a bunch of nudes
>tell her "thanks but i thought you were different"
>immediately friendzone her

I guess I should start by saying that I am in love with my best friend. I have considered whether it could be that I have strong feelings of liking or a need for companionship etc, but neither of these are the case. I am quite a giving person, and do a lot for my friends, but with this girl I would do anything for her. I feel my heart beat a little faster when I see her and I seem to be blind to her flaws. I know that she isn't perfect, and I haven't put her up on a pedestal or built a false image of her, but I feel that she is perfect for me. The girl in question is aware of how I feel, and that I have never felt this strongly before about anyone, but thinks of me only as a friend.

The problem (as well as the aforementioned lack of reciprocation) is that I can't distance myself from her, and I'm not sure I'd want to have to lose our close relationship in order to stop feeling this way. It is probably important to mention that we take almost all of the same courses at college, live in the same building and do most of our work together, so I would estimate that I spend at least 6 hours a day with her. On many occasions we have even just talked for more than 6 hours straight on the phone! (Which I can't do even with my twin brother, despite having an extremely close relationship with him). At the moment I'm trying to stop feeling this way without sacrificing any of our friendship, but I'm failing miserably. Our friendship is still intact but I don't feel remotely different about her. I just don't know what to do... this hurts so much...

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i never had a female friend, so it's impossible for me to be friendzone'd
get fucked chads

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>went out last week
>had a great time
>talked and laughed and danced for hours without any awkward silences
>follow up date the next day
>"I'm not interested in dating"

Still trying to find where it all went wrong

>guy likes me
>I don't but I still want to be his friend
>he stops talking to me

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I got to a pretty high lvl friend zone with a friend zone met in 8th grade. By our 20s she would let me watch her change, becuase she knew I was so lonely. It both made me happy and made me cry.

I felt sorry for my friend I wasnt interested in him the way he liked me. One time I offered him to have a threesome with my then bf and me (no sex but he could eat me out) but he chickened out and just sat there.

We never spoke again.

Was it hot having him watch you?

>but he chickened out and just sat there

Just like my animu porn!

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no it was really awkward my bf yelled at him to get out after about 10 minutes

>girl and I start hanging out in school
>have sex a few times
>I get seriously attracted to her
>as soon as that happens she loses interest
>we somehow still keep on being friends
>year later I'm still attracted to her
>she starts dating my best friend
>tell myself I don't care
>end up getting drunk and blowing up on both of them
>we're still friends somehow
>constant guilt about being that guy
>dick friends better than no friends I guess
>2 years later I still haven't had sex with anyone but her best friend more than a year ago
>reverted back to my 16 year old incel mentality
>started browsing imageboards again
>that feel when escaped inceldom only to revert back to it

>tfw you've never been friendzoned because you've never even tried to get a gf

>First gf
>2 weeks later
>Says we can be platonic friends instead
>Ghosts me
oh well
still haven't gotten over her

>rejecting a faggot
You did nothing wrong, user.

>Doesn't have sex for a year
>Develops "incel" mentality
The absolute state of normalfags

Reverse Friendzone
>be me
>Discover heroin in early 20s
>have female acquaintance
>she knows there is something "off"
>can handle H, am stronk
>not really
>She drops hints, asks to meet her at her house, cooks for me, everything
>am always high or nearabouts
>oblivious, just in it for food
>fall asleep on her couch
>on the nod
>she tries to cuddle me in sleep
>I piss myself
>she undresses and washes my clothes
>She wraps me in blanket
>I wake up and she is laying her head down over me, knees on floor
>only thought is "How'd I get here?"
>She cooks me breakfast, gives me my clean clothes
>Tries to kiss me goodbye
>Just gets hug
>Keeps trying, at one point asks me over for dinner and badically says "let's fuck"
>zero sex drive from H
>"Naw let's just watch a movie"
>most quiet 2 hours of movie ever
>feel a crave leave
>she tells her friends I am an asshole
>DGAF on dat China White
>Got clean some years later and she married an asshole.
>never spoke to me again

It's been over a decade and I FZ'd a girl over heroin.

Still not sure how I feel. I didn't think about anybody.


>Tfw never been friendzones because I've never had a long lasting relationship with a girl.
Feels pretty good fampai.

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>Jow Forums's cafe

Reminder women would rather fuck drug dealers than robots.
This dude would be another ugly beta male but women love bad boys so the heroin made him hot.

>4 weeks ago
>Met a girl on Tinder, we hit it off
>Talking non stop for about a week
>I ask her out on a date, she agrees
>We go on the date and I'm too much of a beta faggot to kiss her or even hold her hand
>"That was nice user, I really want to see you again"
>She goes quiet for a couple days because of personal issues
>Messages me "Sorry user, I think we'd be better as friends"
>Because I'm a beta faggot, I'm still talking to her, just as friends now though

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I once knew a girl online (so obviously different to your situation but hear me out). She was my best friend, she knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. We'd sometimes Skype for over 12 hours straight. Obviously I got a major crush on her and she got drunk and told me she had a crush on me. She agreed to break up with her boyfriend and we tried to date through Skype. Worst. Decision. Ever. I was going through some deep depression at the time and out of anger, told her that I didn't want to even hear from her again. An hour later I call her, apologise and ask what happens now. She said she just wanted to be friends. I couldn't handle that. We remained friends for about a year but everytime she mentioned another guy, I got extremely jealous. Eventually my feelings wore off and she got a boyfriend who assumed I was in love with her and made her block me everywhere. I know I'm a faggot for having an internet girlfriend but she was still my best friend. If I could go back and avoid trying to date her, I would and I expect we'd still be friends today.

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>be me 13
13 in the 8th grade. Got a Best Friend Laura.
Probably one of the most beautiful girls who wasn't a Popular girl. We became friends in math. Sat together everyday at lunch and before school. My heart would pound every time she came over to sit with me.

She would often do things that would simultaneously lift me up and smash me to the ground.

Often she would hold my hand if a guy who liked her came to talk to her. I was her easy way out. Even kissed me once cuz a guy kept harassing her. I was so confused. Eventually she moved away, got pregnant and got married super young.

Same thing happened in highschool.

Spent years side by side with a hot Chica "Chola" type girl with long black hair. Very nice. Even spent the night at her house and slept in her bed, since her parents probably thought i was gay or something. I even saw her tits once, we grew so close she just started changing in the room while we talked and got ready to go to a party.

Fast forward 6 years, in our twenties. She asked why we never dated and why i never put the moves on her.

Apparently, the whole changing and "accidental tit show" was really an invitation. I wondered why she acted weird at the party that night. Even said i probably shouldn't stay the night that night which was weird for us.