Why don't you bots just have a cheat day?
Why don't you bots just have a cheat day?
cheat on what??
who did you have in mind when you made this thread? tell me who you were picturing when you made this thread. i need to know this.
I'm not on a diet of any kind. I just eat sensible homecooked meals and have high calorie snacks/candy/fast food every 2-3 months.
>Being so fat you've convinced yourself losing weight is something you can "cheat" on
You either do or dont. You either get it done with efficiently and intelligently or you let yourself be a lazy cunt who is convinced "you deserve this 8000 calorie meal, you've worked soooo hard!"
You haven't done shit except eat like a normal person should
I get diarrhea if I eat too much of that OP.
He knows that most of Jow Forums are also robot virgin losers so he figured they were on this board too
I'm bulking right now, a cheat day for me is eating less than 3500 calories. I hate eating so fucking much, in both senses of the phrase. I don't know how lardasses manage to keep eating to the point of getting as big as they are. I throw up at least once a month because of how much I'm trying to eat. Fuck this shit.
im 192 from 285
shove your cheating up your ass
>that guy having a cheat day
It's gonna be skinnyfats, strongfats, and chubbies, the anomalous and freakish cases like your pic have to be a certain pedigree of "white trash" and can't ever be physically active.
I don't diet because being fat has never been a worry of mine, I can't gain weight if I tried too and god have I tried. I don't understand how fat people can eat so much.
Because when you start exercising regularly that just looks like a pile of garbage. Took me a few years, but you're not fucking me up with this shit.
>when you start exercising regularly that just looks like a pile of garbage
Realistically speaking eating 8000 calories 3-4 times a year isn't going to affect your weight all that much.
>inb4 ad hominem and/or namecalling
Because eating bad food makes you lose weight slower.
I'm starving my body until I hit my goal.
I just got a large peopporni pizza for 5 dollars ($5.45 after tax here). We call this a "Hot Carl" here in CaliWali (California). The best thing too is that you dont even need to order your food, just walk in and its already hot and ready to go.
I've never been fat (peaked at 185 lbs 5'11) but I wasn't happy with how my body looked and my overall energy levels so I decided to start eating healthy and working out
Few months in, I ate half a jumbo dominos and about a liter of Pepsi, something I used to do on the regular before fixing my diet.
I felt like absolute bloated shit the entire day and I got diarrhea
Never again
looks tasty desu, did you make this
my fucking dad does this and he looks the exact same 6 months later what a fucking loser i don't even regulate what i eat just confine my meal time (OMAD) so that i fast in my sleep and i lose at least a pound a day
>bring it
top cringe
hoooooooooly shit
that's most days for me desu
I have a cheat meal once a week (usually Friday night). It is horrendous, like a pint of Ben & Jerry's + Chipotle, but I dropped 50 pounds over the past year so I don't intend to change my method. Losing weight is pretty simple, just count your calories and make sure your diet is realistic and maintainable. You could lose weight eating nothing but donuts and cheeseburgers if you counted the calories right
My cheat day is once a week on monday TODAY MOTHERFUCKERSSS AAAAAA
But my cheat day consists of 1000cals of garbage (2 burgers at macdonalds) and the rest I eat clean because eating trash all day would make me feel too physically awful to enjoy a cheatday.
>tfw you have a cheat meal once a week
but I don't go crazy, it's just something like having some chicken nuggets from Sonic or a frozen pizza
>once a week
If you exercise then its nothing to worry about really. Not optimal for weight loss, but if you eat clean the other 6 days and exercise on a daily basis then it doesn't really matter
>daily basis
I only do it every other day though
~15 minutes of bodyweight stuff every day, but actually going to the gym and doing compound lifts is 3.5 times a week
Since this seems like a pseudo-Jow Forums thread, does anybody have experience with Gold's Gym? I want to learn how to do the four major lifts, but the small gym I currently go to doesn't really have the infrastructure for it or any kind of personal trainer/classes
There's one that just opened up a few miles from my house, is it worth the time?
Because I have more willpower than that.
Also that looks fucking disgusting.
I fucking hate cheat days because my body loves to balloon with water weight. I logically know that I didn't gain 10lbs from one bad day but it feels like shit to take so long to get back to square one. Pic related, not my journey but those little humps hit me similarly/worse so I just try and spread everything out over the week instead of having a big indulgence day
I think this might be a legitimate Jow Forums thread. For some reason the janitors like to move offtopic threads on Jow Forums to here
>pizza is unhealthy
nice meme guys
yeah i just get veggies throw noodles in and put the sauce from recipes without the frying parts and sometimes add some meat and thats all I eat.
I literally do no work and lose weight.
It tastes mostly the same as if I fried it or whatever, but way healthier.
actually no, usually when threads are moved their numbers count normally (eg. 56, 57 and so on)
Most sweets or snacks don't really taste good enough to be worth spending my money on or dealing with the guilt of harming my body like that. It takes a lot of willpower to avoid chips and cheezits though
That's some really shitty looking pizza and doughnuts
Donuts are dunkin which is pretty good and the pizza looks like cheese, pepperoni, and one with chicken i think. Nothing wrong with any of that bro.
Depending on how much you eat you might be offsetting (almost) all your gainz, kek. Lets say your TDEE is 2000 and you're at 500 caloric deficit a day. 6x500=3000 caloric deficit a week. If you eat 4000 calories on your cheat day (definitely possible if you're a lardass) you'd have undone 2/3 of your progress. If you ate 5000, which is really hard but still possible you'd have nullified all your gainz. So be careful with cheat days if you do it that often.
if you can eat all of that and not fucking die you are one big nigga
>depending on how much you eat
but I only eat some nuggets or a pizza, user
I'm not trying to lose weight, just be less of a weakling
I think that's the point. Some lardass posted this somewhere and a Jow Forumsfag posted it on Jow Forums as bait.
cheat days turn into cheat months for me
>not cheating
Aren't noodles just pasta (I might be wrong)? That looks greasy as fuck though
Yeah, how about that cringe.
>tfw every day is cheat day
>all that gluten/carbs
>he cares
Carbs make up the majority of every human diet since the birth of humanity to present day. As long as it's not all you eat it's ok.
I have arthritis and have been told to stay away from gluten, but aside from that it just looks like a gross "cheat" to me. I'd like a little more variety than merely carbs and sugar.
>I'm not trying to lose weight, just be less of a weakling
your tendies wont kill you user
There's no fucking way one person could eat even half of this in one sitting without their stomach bursting.
>Carbs make up the majority of every human diet since the birth of humanity
That's not true. Lots of people just ate meat and maybe whatever berries or fruit there were.
Dairy products are poison, you aren't going to trick me
>Dairy products are poison
>Meat is poison
>Carbs are poison
>Fruit are poison
What the fuck, am I just supposed to eat nuts and avocados?
i don't enjoy eating anymore except fast food every now and then.
fucking depression
unironically this, but fish, eggs, poultry are ok. eat in a -1000kcal deficit with one meal a day on only nuts/avocado, fish, chicken, eggs, green leaf vegetables like spinach and turnip/collard greens, sparingly some cruciferous veggies like asparagus and broccoli. after 4 months of this eat at maintenance or mild surplus and workout a fuck ton over a long period of time, you'll be a ripped alpha chad in no time brah.
>>Dairy products are poison
>>Meat is poison
False, certain varieties are much healthier than others, but still false.
>>Carbs are poison
>>Fruit are poison
If you are implying sugar is poison, I get what you mean, but it's not going to kill you instantly and there is a generally accepted limit (very smol) to how much you should intake to maintain a healthy balance.
>What the fuck, am I just supposed to eat nuts and avocados?
You can eat those along with tons of other plants and animals. There's really just a couple simple things to avoid, you are making this way too complicated.
Fast food exacerbates your depression and gets you addicted.
Yeah but by every now and then i mean once every two/three weeks i honestly don't think it's exacerbating my depression
>dairy products are poison
I thought milk was good for you
I get throwing cheese everywhere isn't a good thing though
>sugar is poison
I know it is but I'm having a really hard time cutting it out
enjoying another 1500 cal pizza for breakfast
#cheatday xD
On those massive gainz of yours bro
>I thought milk was good for you
It's a hell of a rabbit hole to dive in to that. I'll just say I really recommend switching to healthy milk alternatives. (disregard this if you feel great and are getting massiv gains already)
>>sugar is poison
>I know it is but I'm having a really hard time cutting it out
Me too user. me too ;_;
"Just pizza" may be few thousand calories, you know.
the worst i eat are the california pizza spinich/ricotta ones that are 900 calories for the whole thing
Can't have a cheat day if every day is a cheat day
That's more like a cheat week.
Grocery store frozen pizzas have the calorie amounts clearly written on the back of the boxes. They're around 600-700 calories atleast in my country.
No! I've had a cheat day every day for 12 years. I'm unfucking my diet so that I don't catch the beetus like both sides of my family have. I want to be healthy for once in my life.
I had a cheat day yesterday and I didnt gain, just stayed about the same. I've lost almost 20lbs in 2 months and ever since seeing results I've been keeping to it even more strictly. I need to up my cardio game so I can lose faster
>le epic cheat meal
I hate women
Cucking hubby burns a lot of calories.
lol its super Mario
>cheating day
thats for the weak willed kameraden
My idea of a cheat day is eating 20 blackened chicken tenders from popeyes.
I exercise regularly and that looks fucking delicious to me
exercise is the dumbest way to lose weight, because it doesn't teach you anything about dieting and controlling your nutrients and food cravings correctly, and in fact it encourages you to waste resources and food, that's why 90% of former athletes or people who worked out regurarely but suddenly can't (because of injuries for example) start ballooning like crazy gaining 10+ pounds a month, because in their core their bodies are giant pits of useless calories and energy programmed to waste it all on nothing
It works well in conjunction with dieting
I don't diet or eat like a pig , I limit when I intake calories and when I ate healthy also if you eat a doughnut for breakfast and work a labor intensive job you will burn it off by lunch, if you eat that my calories in 1 go will set back all the work
You did in your whole week .
My parents actually taught me some valuable skills.
When I was a kid my family had a garden and we used to grow our own vegetables and shit. Both my parents were great cooks.
I learned how to eat and cook properly when I was young. Now I love fresh vegetables and cooking is in my blood.
Don't get me wrong, I love some junk food from time to time but the thought of stuffing my face
with mountains of disgusting food makes me sick.