Should I or is this a trap?
Should I or is this a trap?
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don't think it's a trap desu
>literally states that she's underage
if its even real youre fucked legally eitherway because theres no way you can turn this around to say i swear she was 18
Chances are he lives in a state where the age of consent is 16 or 17. Very few states and countries actually have 18 as the age of consent.
>Implying that'd hold in a court anyways
You didn't accidentally see her description, she stated to be 18, baiting you, you just swiped and she didn't say anything about her real age during the meeting
wouldnt hold up in court
laws intended for 16 year olds to fuck other 16 year olds not grown men to fuck 17 year olds
Guess you live in the third world then
Try proving anything I said wrong
She should the suable one
i feel like youve literally never watched how courts handle an underage girl versus a grown man in any capacity
girl wins everytime, even adult women win most of the time
Go in sneakybeaky like
You're absurdly ignorant of the actual legalities involved. Instead, you're throwing out extremely rare instances that very likely aren't applicable to this situation and are only relevant in a small minority of states. Please stop spewing ignorance. "Close-in-age" exceptions are generally irrelevant, so long as both parties are over the established age of consent. An adult of any age, so long as they're not in a position of authority, is perfectly allowed within the law to screw 17-year-olds in the overwhelming majority of states (something like 38 of 50).
If OP told us where he was from, we could let him know for sure, but chances are it's perfectly legal where he's from.
op cant blame me when a Jow Forums White Male gets made an example of in court when underage stacy cries rape after honeypotting herself out to blackmail me, i tried
Once again, "underage" very likely isn't an issue in this instance. You're once again establishing your ignorance on the matter.
The other part of what you said, in terms of a rape accusation, might be, but that has absolutely nothing to do with age of consent.
I agree with you that he probably shouldn't go through with it (from a moral perspective, it's reprehensible for an adult to be screwing teenage whores on top of her doubtless mental issues), but there's no need to conflate multiple issue or mislead people.
Kek, in my state the close in age exceptions apply to 13-15 year olds. 16 and over can fuck anyone.
I think that's probably a natural female.
They'd have to have been on hormones for a long time and have got on them very early to get that kind of body as a trap.
You can just talk to her and wait until she is 18, I mean she is 17 max you'll have to wait is 12 months
Guess American law is a joke then
>Please stop spewing ignorance. "Close-in-age" exceptions are generally irrelevant, so long as both parties are over the established age of consent
I'm not even talking about those exceptions, you must be severly retarded or blind
I'm not even that user btw, this is getting pathetic
Man, the USA is such a joke.
Good thing in my country we can go 14. Lower, since nobody really gives a fuck.
>"laws intended for 16 year olds to fuck other 16 year olds not grown men to fuck 17 year olds"
Oh, fuck off. You have no idea what you're talking about. You've embarrassed yourself multiple times and have been proven wrong, and are unable to actually state your positions. When called out on your ignorance, you instead lash out and accuse the rest of the world of being stupid. Just close this thread and go elsewhere, or provide evidence of your claims.
Which shithole country are you from, anyway? The vast majority of developed nations have it set at 16.
Most American things are a joke, just a former second world colony
>I can still suck your dick better than your girlfriend teehee
What the absolute fuck man. People really type this shit out for strangers to see? Have they no shame or modesty anymore? Feminism was a goddamn mistake.
I'm not that user you complete mongoloid obese clusterfuck of autism
>second world
Don't use terms when you have no idea what they mean. Retard.
>First world
Yes, it is. You fucking moron.
>I'M NOT THAT user
Can you see the problem here, retard?
Typical underdeveloped autists chimping out
"First World" literally came into existence as a term for nations allied with the United States during the Cold War. "Second World" referred to countries allied with the USSR during the Cold War. "Third World" referred to countries allied with neither the US nor USSR during the Cold War.
Claiming that the United States isn't a "First World" nation, much less that they're a "Second World" nation, is absurd and makes you look like an ignorant retard.
That's honestly really disturbing, what kind of backwards place allows that?
Is it me or are Europeans getting more and more retarded? Or is it just the meme that Americans are supposed to be the stupid ones, so nobody notices the retarded Euros.
Whiter than you, retarded ahmed
It's fucking 12 or less in much of Mexico, apparently.
>Implying I'm European
Spotted the flying turbonignog
Oh, good. I was beginning to think you were a person from a country that matters.
USA number one you fucking mutt
I've certainly seen enough dumb shit to know that Euro education (especially in Bongland) is just as much a meme as burger education.
I love this board, jews should start sending me salary
>is from the USA
>calls someone else a mutt