
the morning dreads, i'm just unusually tired

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Who /visiblyyawnsatwork/ here?

FUCK why is it already monday morning. I already know Im going to be late to work today. fuck boys we got another 4 days after today too...

Feeling extra shitty this morning, robots.

I just realized I hate my "best friend", whom I've shared so many things in the past 10 years. We started in the same point, and we're similar in so many things, but while he's successful and sociable, I'm a shut in failure. It's going to suck to tell him I don't want to see him anymore.

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Don't tell him, just ghost him
t. schizoid

28 bot here, last day of work before i go on a drug fueled californian odyssey
can't wait to get proper fucked again. been a while since i've felt any reason whatsoever to value my life.

I just got off work and about to get mah drink on.

Any tips for starting college when you're ghastly old? (Aside from "Don't bother, you fuck up.")

took last friday and today off, first use of vacation time in my life. I went to the zoo over the weekend. will spend all day today getting stoned and preparing mentally for the work week. feeling okay, I think I'm making it lads.
>t. 28

Enroll and study.

>Job requires me to work events around my state
>Have to put on a normie facade and work the public and run a minigame
>Standing around all Friday and Saturday is some shit town playing up my best carnie impression
>Got some rest yesterday but back at work and heading out to do another 2 day stint somewhere else

At least I'm getting hella overtime pay but this shit is draining. My feet hurt and my voice isn't even back yet l. I miss my dog when I'm gone.

Pic related

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Is it actually possible to make new friends at this age? I didnt keep in touch with anyone from college and no one at my work likes me.

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>tfw you ate too many calories again from the exact same meal for 5 days

Sure it is. I made friends with people living in the apartment building I have flat at. I also rent out rooms in my flat to younglings so oftentimes I get to know new people which then live with me.

t. rentier
>pic unrelated

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>posted my Jow Forums specific email address a few days ago to some "fembot"
>she actually sent me an email
>exchanged 8 emails
>then she just ghosted me
Oh well. Not even surprised.

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But how do you make friends? What do you talk about?

the latest got episode/avengers movie/star wars

Just walk up to them, introduce yourself with a firm handshake, and then break the ice with something like "So, I heard you got a big fat cock."

>tfw so stressed out with work and exams it gives me trouble maintaining a errection
I'm just glad my gf is understanding and tries to help in whatever way she can.
Only had to wait 28 years for one of those.

>my gf

Well we have owner's association meetings once or twice a year so you talk business and from there it just flows into personal and that's pretty much it.

Now mind you I'm still a cyborg so I have to be careful about revealing my full powerlevel. Not being a greasy neckbeard and having a dog to walk so you actually get out of your dwelling helps too obviously.

Would have kms'd if I reached wizardhood.
Not anymore.

Only just turned 25 but I feel like every aspect of my life is out of my control. I have a career that I am almost a year into, looking to move out at the moment but I still feel like I have nothing. I wake up at night right before I fall asleep because I have panic attacks about how it is all going.

Fuck I hate this feeling, I feel like a complete outsider and disappointment to all despite everything pointing to the inverse of that

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Lemme get your opinion on my life, Im not sure what to do.

>finally reached wizard status
>recently got Jow Forums, lost 160 pounds
>still live at home with mom and bro
>have a steady job i like, but only pays 50k/year

I cannot afford a house and renting will be a drain to my savings. I'm thinking about doing a full renovation of my mothers house and putting in an in law suite. This would effectively make me the owner of the home. But then I'm stuck living next to my mom forever.

What do I do?

Hello sir,I ce been living inside your room for 2 years.

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live in a van/rv

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how often do you think he emails the cia niggers? once a month? once a week? once a day?

>makes 50k/year
>still chooses to live with his mom
I will never understand this mentality

Alcoholic Japan user from two weeks ago here.
I finally managed to taper down the drink after one year of heavy drinking. 4 days sober so far, plan to do 35 days and then only social drink at bars once a weekend.

Sadly I still haven't picked up my studies yet. I need to remove distractions now, will probably try to fap/onahole less and cut down on internet distractions such as this site.

I can't stop the regret of 11 months wasted in this country, and the disappointment I feel from my coworkers that I haven't learned the language. I feel like I might be finally able to live my life that I've wasted who knows how many years of.
There might be hope for this 25yo virgin.

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wtf do you do in japan?

You hate your friend because he is more successful then you? That's some new level of being a worthless piece of shit even for Jow Forums standards

>That's some new level of being a worthless piece of shit even for Jow Forums standards
fuck off newfag, he's right

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English teacher

you native english speakers are so lucky

>start new work schedule today
>earlier in the day, so I have to be out in the Phoenix weather for longer
>still only part time
>still barely capable of making it through a day
I don't know what's going to happen when my savings runs low and I can't get by on 20 hours a week anymore
How do people do this for 40 years

You save a lot of money that way, user
It's a pretty good way to kickstart a nest egg, the deposit on a house, build some financial security, etc
I could never go back to living with my parents either, but I get why people do it

how do i into moonrunes?
I got the cards and i remember what hiragana is what 75% of the time. How do i turn these bad boys into words and then words into sentences.

If you mean how you type Kanji on a keyboard then you need either Microsoft IME or Google IME. You type in English letters (uncapitalized) to Kana that turns into Kanji.

If you mean how to study Kanji and Vocab then there's an entire debate about it. Do some research yourself, it's next to impossible to give you an overview over Jow Forums.

Yeah i need to learn the vocab but i have no fuckin idea where to start

Well like I said you need to do a lot of research on how you even want to approach it. There are a lot of words and learning an Asian language is going to be rough. I'd recommend you go to /jp/ and visit the /djt/ thread. It's the Daily Japanese Thread. Get ready for massive shitposting and misdirection though. Lurk a bit there and see what everyone says.

25 in 1 month lads!

I started seriously looking for work after the last new year. at first i could only do a little, like send an app here and there. but now i updated my resume, portfolio, got a real cv format that i can just edit slightly for each office, and have been sending them out in droves. I've been exchanging e-mails with architects and have failed one (1) interview so far, half their fault.
Here's to getting a job by the time I'm 25

>Working in retail
>All my money goes in rent and food

I feel anger most of the time