I have been invited by normies who I'm not really friends with in class to the movies tomorrow.
I have been invited by normies who I'm not really friends with in class to the movies tomorrow
youre going to sit on the edge of the group next to the second biggest loser and say nothing the entire time.
Pick out some alright (not formal) looking clothing and come there, eat some popcorn and stay quiet during the movie.
You could also come a little late so that you don't have to wait for the others (to avoid socially awkward situations).
It'll be fine.
Just say hi and watch the fucking movie.
>user why don't you just talk to your friends
>a guy from high school said I was hard to catch up with
>I've literally had nobody send me a message or talk to me in over 4 years
>Was a NEET most of it so free every day
That I can do, but I can't fucking go there late, they're planning to go straight to the cinemas right after uni. I DON'T USUALLY HAVE ANYTHING INTERESTING TO SAY, OH GOD NO NO NO NO NO
I know that feel bro, I've gone for about 5 years without any meaningful interaction with anyone.
Fuck that autistic dude who said you're hard to catch up with, you don't say that kind of shit to people.
Well, I can't argue with those digits. Hope I don't spill any sketti.
I've been here for four years and that was like my third or fourth post
if you're already known as the quiet one in the group than you should be fine, which is obvious. sage
You do know that if you don't go out of your way to at least strike up a conversation, send a meme, etc etc to at least one person - you'll never get a text from anyone?
Like...how are people supposed to know you're willing to catch up with them if you're completely off their radar 24/7??
You're not hard to catch up with because you're frequently unavailable or whatever; you're hard to catch up with because you've apparently spoken to no one over text message in four plus years so who even knows who has your goddamn phone number lol.
This is the most obviously female post I've seen written on Jow Forums in ages.
as someone who's very first outing with friends, years ago, was a similar 'lets go see a movie' situation; here's some advice user.
Immediately after class, group up with your 'not really friends' (but who apparently see you as a friend, or else they wouldn't invite you to the movies baka.)
There will probably be some 'oh can I ride with you?' and what not, if the theater isn't walkable or if everyone doesn't have transportation. Offer someone a ride if you can; if not, be sure to speak up so you don't wind up getting left at uni and everyone wonders where the hell you are at the theater.
You don't have to talk at all during the movie, of course, but after it ends and you guys are walking out - strike up conversation about the movie. It'll be simple, since it'll all be fresh on your minds - no one will have a wrong/right opinion, unless something is said along the lines of 'that movie was complete trash' but everyone else liked it.
Note: After the movie, someone might suggest getting something to eat, heading to someone's place to chill out, and/or going and grabbing a drink. You should tag along, but of course, the movie experience will probably be enough for you. Refer back to the vehicle situation. If you can leave without imposing on your carpool, say you have HW or something and that you'll see them in class tomorrow. If you can't leave, just suffer through it.
10/10 there you go you've had a successful outing and now you probably have actual friends.
>obviously female
shit my dick has disappeared once more
Continue to be the quiet one. If you enjoy their company, continue to hang out with them. Things will get easier for you.
Go watch the film if someone starts a conversation just make small talk in a way that youll say what they want to hear for example: Normie 1:yeah the political scenary is fucked today
You: Guess your right, we voted on the clown now we got to stand it
This is just an example it doesn't that you have to go with the generalist opion just the opinion they like... Fuck i wish i had less encounters with normies i have to create 20 excuses because i know if i go, ill be mocked for my fisical appearence...
You don't have to have interesting things to say. You're going to see a movie. Just go and try to enjoy the movie. If you're normally a quiet guy it's going to be very hard to fuck up. The only way things like this will get easier for you is if you start doing them. Move forward.
They're planning on humiliating you. Cancel the date, block them all and never talk to them again
They're taking you along to make fun of you lmfao looooser you actually thought they wanted to hang out with you hahahaaha KYS
I hope you've prepared the cool dance you're supposed to do at the end of the movie
If you don't stay in the loop, people start wondering where you went. But from most people's point of view, it's you who dropped out. If you can't easily be found (social media, out at bars, or whatever they do) then they won't know where to look. Don't expect everyone else to make the effort to track you down. You have to do more than just sitting around and wondering why the world isn't showing up at your door.
This only happens in 1980s high school movies.
Thank you yall are pretty alright. Advice taken and noted. Hope that I'll make it.
So just imagine yourself as an MC in a visual novel game?
Dang man, that's fucking mean of them. I know that feel as well.
No one told me about the persian dance that they're going to preform right after the credits. A-AM I FUCKED?
You are the most obviously dumb robot online today. Plain and simple. You're so angry at life that you believe every reasonable response that requires effort from YOU do do anything must be written by a woman. That's insane. You, user, are insane.
Good luck, user! Enjoy the movie.
>persian dance
You mean EGYPTIAN dance. Yeah you're fucked user
just go, you're not supposed to talk during the film so you will be safe and afterwords the film gives you something to talk about.
I was NOT this autistic thank god
Its not depressing actually, i just go full paranoia
Ill make a resumed story of the cause of above
>Start life as an akward kid had to go to language therapy because i didnt speak my best doctor which still follows me (for medication or abnomalities etc...even i should get a new doctor (age) ) said to my mom dont worry this kid will be talk a lot (fuck she guessed my current height and personality)
> Entering at the first grade and continuing to fourth it wasnt so bad, my mom said i suffered, but i only remember 2 instances... There was a time where i everyday wished i never left that life
>When i arrive at the fifth grade( second cicle) everything changed i didnt have any friend's at start
>Im a bit timid but when i dont have any friends i race to make them
> On the first day i meeted a guy which somewhat i kept being friends with him until later... He was a pretty normal guy he liked running, he liked football (soccer not american stealed one)
>I was always running to see who wins (i would always lose... I didnt even come close to win he would even give me 5 seconds ahead and he would still win
>Then i met later a guy this one is important lets call him Jared
>It wasnt me that did the effort in meeting him one day we wer playing cops or some shit like that and i became friends with him
> I forgot to say i disliked my peers not in the way of not liking to do stuff but i didn't like to be around them...
>Most of them didnt talked to me and some even shitalked me but it wasn't nothing to complain about
>Get to sixth grade i became very good friends with jared, he introduced me to tf2(one of my favourite) and gaming in general
> Get to seventh year and i didnt change the school but my class split apart i was now with jared and no one else
>At the beginning i was clampped to him.
>One day of the first days i remenber being thrown a card(at the time i didn't know but it was a mtg card) cont.
Blend into the room
Back in university a chad invited me and a bunch of other classmates for lunch. I had never hung out with people before, didn't know how to order anything and just sat there with my lips pursed. It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life.
Here I'll share some feels as well.
I didn't had any friends until high school. My childhood years were quite lonely and agonizing as well.
Was bullied and picked on even though I didn't do anything to them. Even when I cried when I was bullied, the teachers often took their side. I remember that I've always starved myself and hung out at the libraries.
>tfw you also had some chads inviting you out but you rejected them because you're an autist
Oh god fuck me, what happened after that? Did you still stayed friends with him?
I guess he means it's hard because you don't have a facebook account that they could check from time to time.
It was just one time, he didn't talk to me after that.
>>tfw you also had some chads inviting you out but you rejected them because you're an autist
know that feel all too well. chads really are friendly guys and I feel bad when I ruin their good vibes.
Had to erase the cont.(to long)will come to pc later... But for now
> Entered in scouts, didn't have friends and cryed a lot about it ( but my peanut butter (bojack) attitude hide it from me (i was innocuous and naive)so my justifications would seem like from a pregnant women)
>Vanessa bullied me until the 8 grade
> on the 7 grade Jared left me for the chad group bacause of fachad(fat guy friend with chad group)
>Met a group of nerds
> Like them, but i thinked i wanted what my mom considers a normal relacionship with a group
>On the 9 grade i enter in a new group of scouts which on my first day of camping got HEAVILY mocked (i became the hentai man) but my peanut butter attitude protected me from realising that theyre not laughing at your jokes they're laughing at you
>Chef asks me why do i like to get laughted at... I tried no to cry once i realised what ive done
>Got everything ruined
> My autistic "filthy frank" jokes are stuck with my name
> Highschool, try to act as above recommended
>At first it works
> THEY HAD CONNECTIONS, i became jumping around guy
>Never going to leave this names
> They all want to be around me because they now that ill act autisticly at they're will because of 7 grade...
>I try to flee, but every time someone laughts i check 3 times if its not me and try to make shure i cant be mocked for it...
>Op its better to be hated than wanted(for being laughted at) if you act like a normal guy like i shoulda had youll be fine even if you say shit like i love men... Or trump is clearly good... Dont go GIVE ME DA ZUCC
I cutted a lot of plot if no one understands ill explain a part
Pls continue, that's a lot of autism. I want to see more
Good luck user! Let us know how it goes :D
Sure thing user, if only you pray for me so I will drop no sketti.
Ill explain some autism ive done that maybe even depressed Jow Forums will laught at me.
>Be at national camping scout week
>Seven days without parents and without friends
>Day 1
>1 km with the 40-50 kg walk to our "soil" at night
To explain this, in our country unlike america scouts is more like a military for kids without guns and exercise
And every 4 years the hole country(only the scouts one) goes to a predefined camping spot... To give you an idea
The last time i went(last moment on scouts) the vilagers were complaining when part of the camp showered there wasn't any water on their "city"
>At night i cant see shit and the backpack is "somewhat heavy" when we reach our groups place to stay i notice one thing i lost my mosquitos repellent (it was a bracelet with a pad and i lost the pad) i start to panic(cause every thing i lost in my life later has a lot of meaning even persons) i almost cry
>3 day i think
>After bath i had to change my boxers because ive been using them for 3 days theres 3-4 guys with me
>It quickly becomes a wrestling match...
>Im NAKED...
>The guy which we called quechua throws me down in a way im on fours he jumps at me mounting me as a horse
> Im panicking like a bull i became with the mentality of a horse... Also if you're having a bonner you should be in jail
>Again i couldn't think about just stop making force to stay in fours bacuase i was fearing to get hurt
He weight 45-50 at the time i was 35-45 Kg
> Everyone is laughing at eachother because of me and the wrestling paralel at me...
>I became a lot later know as the trojan horse...
Cont ?? The after that is worse and more depressing for me so you might enjoy also i was 10-11 but most of my group was 12-14
>gets jailed for boners
jesus christ what a fucking shithole. Moar
Im putting emphasis on should...
Going to pc
>Cont ??
Please do, your autistic spergouts are entertaining.
dude it has been almost 10 years since i graduated and i haven't heard from anyone at all and i don't expect to
The fact that you even want to go means youre a fuckin failed normofuck not a real robot. What are you even gonna talk about with them? Some dumb normalfuck shit?
Just say you have to do something else that night and can't go. They'll understand. Also stop making friends in uni. It's pointless. I never made a single friend in uni cause I knew it was investing time and energy into someone who's be gone in a few year anways
You gotta pretend to give a fuck even when you don't give a fuck user. It definitely is helpful when normies treat you nicely instead ostracizing and bullying you. This shit can be prevented if you play one of their little games.
Im on PC now
Ok i think i need clarification
In my group there were 3 teams the 2 of only boys and one of girls ( just in that year) now they're mixed and then there's guides(which are the kid's who lead the team's)(guides are normally last year on group)
>The Guide from The girl's tent was getting anoyed not only because we were shouting (I think if there was a camera there i could have sold the shot to some pedo website for 100 000 euros, AND THERE WAS NO INTERCOURSE)
But also the chief's(they were adult) Were saying to her(a 12-14 girl I DON'T REMEMBER HER AGE OK?) to make us shut up
>So she came and to the closed door tent(It was what we call an igloo tent there was the place where we put bags and the place where we sleep) much like this one www.dancovershop.com/pt/product/tenda-de-campismo-tentzing-r-igloo-4-pessoas-laranjacinza-escuro.aspx?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu_jYBRD8ARIsAC3EGCL98BkcZ7JgIeY6q7E4cJzFfg3r6UIk6Oq6iZUdp6ErnQiFEAogt_0aAg2oEALw_wcB
>She says Shut up
>we continue
>She says she is going to Put a end in our horsin around(get it??)
I will end it here just for suspense I want more begs
Also i want to say I don't remember exactly what she said i just remember how it went down...