Look up newest video of Laci Green out of curiosity

>look up newest video of Laci Green out of curiosity
>she's "old" looking
>stare at her for a while as she talks
>literally can't put my finger on how she's "old," she just is
>kind of want to say it's the new lines in her face, but that's only part of it
>try to capture the FEELING of looking at a girl who used to be young but has suddenly become "old"
>notice that, even with such a subtle change in her face, my brain is automatically making all these associations with "older woman"
>it's like a subtle stink of rot in what used to be a pert pink feminine aura of youth
>it's partly a feeling of "disappointment" that i want to find this girl attractive but just can't, like drinking soda you thought was cold but it's actually warm and flat
>get curious
>go look at at tons of female friends on facebook
>trace their ages over the years and try to find the moment they became "old" in this manner
>seems to be around 25-26
>compare them around this age to their 20-21 year old selves
>even when they're still "attractive" it's complete shit by comparison to when they were REALLY cute

This is the first time in my life I've ever felt bad for women. Good god. They get five years, max, of looking their best as an adult? Then they literally RADIATE disappointment, they make my brain instinctively "disappointed" that they aren't younger, just by looking at them. No wonder they're such cunts in those years, they have to make the most of it.

Attached: olsen-twins-600-1.jpg (600x600, 86K)

They still live life on easy mode and 35 to 70 old wealthy men still throw themselves at their feet

Don't feel bad for women for a fucking second. If a woman is respectable she wi have found a husband by then meaning her looks won't matter that much. If she's spent her early twenties chasing Chad's cock and her looks start to fade before she finds a husband then it's her fault 100% and you shouldn't feel bad

Don't feel too bad for them. The amount of attention and affection they're showered with in those short 5 years more than makes up for the lack of it as they grow older. Plus, if they were wise, they would've locked down a good man during that period.

Attached: MakeApp-518958.jpg (1200x600, 422K)

makeapp was the most pathetic thing that has happened on the internet in 20 years, literal grown men needing to "take women down a peg" by removing their makeup lmao

>t. Woman who needs makeup to look decent
Plenty of qts pass the makeapp test

Attached: 1510711611305.jpg (618x349, 28K)

It's called "The Wall" user.
You new here or what?

Wasn't pathetic at all. It removed the facade that women hide behind and put them on a level playing field for the first time in their life. Roasted didn't like being exposed as being nothing more than average and thrown a massive tantrum. If anything it was justice for men, because if were ugly there's no hiding.

Bahaha. The roastie cunt is upset.

Women already have wrinkles and shitty skin by the time they are 28. Most get skinnyfat as well unless they actively work out. Not to mention of the emotional baggage from miles of cock and the single life.
Women might as well be dead after 26, I am not being facetious.

>t.28 year old male that will keep on fucking teenagers and early 20s for as long as I can pull it off.

Who told you this? It's only true in a very small minority of cases.

Teach me user


My 27 yo fiancee with whom I have two kids (so by r9k standards she's considered to be busted) left me and found a older wealthy man in 1 month.

The Wall is a lie

Holy fuck this roastie is still toasty

You seem a little flustered, roastie. Something on your mind?

Yeah and men get erectile dysfunction. I don't feel sorry for you either btw.

Actually pretty funny the only guys who complain about this are old guys with floppy dicks. Young guys think 25 year olds are hot and want to fuck the shit out of them. Lmao

Those young guys recognize it too subconsciously, they just haven't taken the time to think about it.

>not having a kid by 26
c'mon now

Im worried for my sister. She is a 8/10 stacy and sort of a conservative person but she's now hitting 26 and has very high standards.

I don't want her to end as a neurotic lonely career roastie tee bee aich.

Dude. I seriously just went through a similar moment. Agepill is brutal. Beautiful early 20s women just have this freshness, it's hard to describe it, like this glow. Then around 25 it goes down drastically and by 30 it's gone. They somehow still look amazing, gorgeous, beautiful, but it's not the same. The make up is thicker and the glow is gone. Again, agepill is brutal.

Most men age like shit too.
>inb4 Men only peak after 30, men age like wine, etc etc
Also I saw that Laci Green video too and she looks fine to me? Not old at all.

I'm 23 and I notice it(and have for as long as I can remember), still want to fuck older chicks but I find younger ones hotter and less old.

Notice how both of these roastposts end in "lmao"

They also can't really hide their bitterness.

this. they'll still land on their feet because guys are thirsty as fuck. stop praying for justice and accept the chaos.